Contractual Commitments

Any contract that legally binds CCS or any of its employees to perform a service, pay a fee, or fulfill any other responsibility must be signed by either the Vice President for Administration and Finance or the President.  Administrative staff may not sign contracts on behalf of CCS.  In all matters that require an official signature on a contractual commitment the following steps shall apply in order for CCS to be legally responsible:

  1. Administrative staff members may recommend contractual commitments to their department chairs or directors.
  2. Department Directors may initiate and recommend contractual commitments within their area of responsibility to the Vice President for Administration and Finance.
  3. The Provost and/or the Vice-President for Administration and Finance must review and approve all contractual commitments for official authorization.
  4. The Vice-President for Administration and Finance will determine the necessity for the President’s signature.  In all cases, any contractual arrangements between CCS and another party will only be considered officially approved if signed by the Vice President for Administration and Finance and/or the President, or their designee.