Emergency Response

All Academic Facilities shop managers, staff and work-study technicians are certified in First Aid, CPR and AED. Campus Safety has implemented a step-by-step response plan for accidents, injuries and fire that may occur in the shops. The plan is posted in each area. Faculty should familiarize themselves with these procedures.

When anyone is injured, the supervisor at the shop must fill out an Accident/Injury Report Form at the CCS Security Office.

Director of Academic Facilities

The Director of Academic Facilities is responsible for strengthening the infrastructure for teaching and learning in an interdisciplinary environment through the safe operation of the facilities. The Director of Academic Facilities provides direction for operations, equipment purchasing, training, growth and technology, and works with the Health and Safety Committee of Faculty Assembly to assure the safety of the facilities.


The Library Director oversees all library operations, collections, and technology. The director works with the faculty, students and staff to develop library collections and services. The Director is an ex-officio member of the Library Committee of Faculty Assembly that works to establish library policies and to communicate those policies to the CCS community. The director provides for research assistance and instruction to students, faculty and staff.

Assessment Program

The College engages in assessment of student learning to evaluate outcomes that demonstrate the effectiveness of the curriculum in meeting the educational goals and objectives of the undergraduate and graduate programs and to foster continuous improvement of the curriculum. Assessment initiatives are coordinated and administered via the office of Academic Affairs under the direction of the Associate Provost.

The Assessment Committee of the Faculty Assembly consists of faculty members across all majors who serve a three-year term and support the College’s engagement in assessment initiatives. The Associate Provost of the College is an ex officio member of the Assessment Committee, and also works closely with the Deans and Department Chairs, who are responsible for the implementation of assessment initiatives, evaluation of departmental student learning outcomes, and continuous improvement of the curriculum within their respective majors.

Design Core Detroit

Design Core Detroit is an economic development organization within the College with the mission of developing Detroit into a global resource for creative talent. Design Core serves design-driven industries that specialize in design or utilize design as a central discipline of their business strategy. The steward of Detroit’s UNESCO City of Design designation, Design Core is located on the first floor of the A. Alfred Taubman Center for Design Education. Design Core Detroit champions design-driven businesses and their role in strengthening Detroit’s economy through its three main programs: Detroit Design Network, Detroit Month of Design, and Detroit City of Design. It offers services to strengthen, grow and attract design businesses, increases market demand for design services, and tells Detroit’s design story locally and globally. More information can be found at designcore.org.


The CCS Library, housed in the Manoogian Visual Resource Center on the Ford campus, serves both undergraduate and graduate programs. The Library contains over 70,000 print volumes, 238 print periodicals, 4,690 video/DVDs, and an extensive material sample collection. Approximately 90 percent of the Library’s holdings are related to art and design. 

The online Library catalog, accessible through the Library website, allows students to review their check-outs, renew materials, and place holds on materials.  The Library provides access to wi-fi and computer workstations for students, faculty, and staff. The Library provides access to over 100 databases with curated database lists available for each academic department. Remote access to all electronic resources is available through e-z proxy via the College’s portal. Interlibrary loan services are available for resource needs that extend beyond local holdings. In addition, currently registered students have borrowing privileges at Detroit Public Library, Wayne State University libraries, and a number of other academic Detroit area institutions.

Reference services are available to provide support to students on an individual basis. Library instruction sessions are offered to classes to provide tailored information literacy and research assignment support. Classes are offered in the Library lab on the Ford campus or via in-class instruction. The Library website includes links to worksheets and resource guides on numerous topics including writing, research, citation, and academic integrity.

Community Arts Partnerships

Community Arts Partnerships program develops and maintains collaborations between the College and community organizations to bring educational experiences in art, design, and new technologies to underserved populations. The Director acts as a resource for faculty and programs within the College that seek to develop community partnerships.