Mentor Program

All full-time faculty are required to serve as mentors to students. The responsibility of mentors is to provide curriculum and career guidance, discuss the student’s experience at CCS and their progress in the department, and discuss trends in the industry or field for which the student is preparing. Each student in the department is assigned a faculty mentor for their freshman year and the first-semester of their sophomore year. The assigned faculty mentor is expected to meet with their mentees twice in the first semester of the freshman year and then at least once in the second semester of the freshman year and first semester of the sophomore year. Mentoring sessions can be one-on-one or in groups. Beginning with the second semester sophomore year, students may select a mentor for whom they feel an affinity, as mutually agreed upon by the student and the faculty member. This mentor need not be a faculty member in the student’s major department.

Mentoring activities vary from one department to another. Specific information concerning departmental activities can be obtained from the department chairperson or program manager. Students are welcome to visit the Academic Advising and Registration Office to find answers to general questions regarding the mentor program.

Junior Status

A student achieves Junior Status upon earning a minimum of 60 credits, as required for Junior class level. The completion of Studio Foundations and core Liberal Arts courses is necessary to ensure progression toward degree requirements and eligibility for Junior level (or higher) courses. Students must:

Complete all 15-18 credits of Foundation courses (based on their major requirements).

Complete 15 credits of 100/200 level core Liberal Arts credits before enrolling in Junior-level departmental studio courses, including:

  • DEN 101, Composition I
  • DEN 102, Composition II
  • DVC 100, Material Visual Culture [applies to students on the 2024 catalog or later.]
  • DAH —, History of Major or other designated art history requirement (e.g. History of Advertising, Photography etc.) [applies to students on the 2022 catalog year or later.]
  • Art History Option, Choose one of the following:
    DAH 200, Western Art History/Visual Culture
    DAH 201, Visual Narration: Africa/America
    DAH 202, Visual Narration Asia

Students who do not meet Junior Status requirements by the end of their sophomore year (or later) are evaluated and may receive a “Junior Status hold” to address outstanding credits; registration approval may then be required. Each department determines which departmental courses students must complete before progressing to junior-level courses within their department.


Academic Advisors or Department Chairs may grant exceptions for students with transfer credits or those in specific majors, considering degree timelines and completed credits. 

Students placed in ELS 107 are exempt from the same Junior Status Policy requirements, for Liberal Arts.

Incoming transfer students who 1) are at or near Junior Status by credits and 2) have verified completion of appropriate credits through transcript review for freshman and sophomore-level major studios will be exempt from the Junior Status Policy upon entry, in order to accommodate first-semester scheduling needs, Prerequisite or other restrictions may still apply. Holds may be applied if issues are identified during annual degree progress reviews.

Academic Integrity


College for Creative Studies adheres to the highest standards of academic integrity throughout a student’s educational experience, in both academic writing and research and in studio work. Students who violate the standards of academic integrity face serious disciplinary consequences, including letters documenting the incident in their permanent record, failure of the assignment, immediate course failure, and/or dismissal from the College.

Faculty members have a responsibility to foster a culture of creative honesty, freedom, and intellectual expression for all students. Promoting and cultivating an environment of integrity reinforces that mandate and upholds the reputation of the College and its students.

Students should make sure they that have a clear understanding of these important issues and how they apply to both Liberal Arts and studio classes. The instructor or Department Chair should be consulted for clarification on how this relates to their discipline or project.

Scope and Purpose

This statement on academic integrity applies to all undergraduate and graduate students at College for Creative Studies. Students are responsible for seeking clarification on assignments to ensure full understanding of what practices might be deemed an incidence of academic misconduct, including unethical use of language, ideas, or creative expression.

The purpose of this statement is to:

  1. Clarify the College’s expectations of academic integrity, and
  2. Outline the process to be followed if this policy is violated.


The College condones no form of dishonesty in any academic activities, whether in academic writing and research or studio work. Academic dishonesty is defined as the use of a third party’s words, ideas, visual material, or physical artifacts as one’s own original work without proper permission, citation, or other appropriate recognition of source. Any act that assists academic dishonesty is itself a violation of the academic integrity policy. 

Artists, designers, and writers draw on the work of others for reference, inspiration, and understanding. However, there is a difference between creative exploration, seeking inspiration, and considering the work of other creatives, and presenting language or ideas that are not your own without proper acknowledgement.  Students are ultimately responsible for the creative integrity of their own work. Referencing or appropriating ideas may be part of an assignment, especially for written works, but it is always up to the student to include proper citation of the original material. That said, the College understands that new technologies might provoke further questions of boundaries. Students should consult faculty members for clarification as to what practices do and do not constitute creative dishonesty.

Types of Violations

While this list is meant to address broad categories of violations, it is not meant to be exhaustive and there may be other examples deemed as violations in respect to the written policy herein.

  • Buying papers or using a third party* to  write a paper, or produce a studio project Submitting the same work in two courses without explicit permission. This could take the form of presenting all or part of work done from one course or independent study to another course requires permission of the instructor in the current course.
  • Unauthorized collaboration with other people or third party* tools. Many course activities permit and encourage collaboration. Course syllabi and in-class instructions will usually identify situations where collaboration on assignments is allowed. The student is responsible for determining whether collaboration is approved by seeking clarification from the instructor.
  • Cheating. This is a very broad category encompassing a variety of unfair or dishonest methods to gain an advantage. Examples include: copying another student’s work, unauthorized usage of third party* tools, using “crib notes” on tests, and accepting from or giving aid to another student unless authorized by the instructor.
  • Misrepresenting experience or ability. This includes providing false information concerning academic and creative achievement or background. For example: misrepresentation of technical abilities through the use of third party* tools, falsely reporting the substance of an internship, omitting transcripts, or otherwise providing false information, including submitting a falsified portfolio as part of the admission process.
  • Falsifying data or records.
  • Deleting/Destroying Student Work. All students must refrain from altering work that does not belong to them, regardless of the date the piece was created or its location. Destruction or deliberate inhibition of the progress of another student’s work is also strictly prohibited. This includes the deletion or destruction of digital files, sabotaging another student’s artwork, or destroying College property, including library materials, lab materials, and computer software, hardware, or studio space.
*Third party tools are defined as a person or artificial intelligence tool/system

Statute of Limitations

There is no statute of limitations on academic integrity violations. Academic integrity violations may be discovered and acted upon at any time during the course of a semester, after a semester has ended, and even after a student has graduated. Academic dishonesty that occurred prior to a student being admitted to CCS, and which has a bearing upon their status as a student in good standing, may also be discovered and acted upon, including but not limited to falsification of transcripts, portfolio work, or relevant experience.

Reporting Misconduct

Faculty, students, exam proctors, and administrative staff all share responsibility ensuring the honesty and fairness of the intellectual environment at CCS. It is the responsibility of every individual to report incidents of academic dishonesty to the appropriate faculty, Department Chair, exam proctor, and/or College officer.

Processes, Procedures, and Potential Outcomes

  • Faculty or staff who suspect a violation of academic integrity should immediately inform the student of the nature of the violation and advise him/her that they will not be able to withdraw from the course until the case is reviewed and resolved.
  • Faculty or staff should complete an online Academic Integrity Violation Report documenting the alleged violation. The report is sent automatically to the Office of Academic Affairs and the Academic Advising and Registration Office for recording.
  • The faculty member or staff member should identify and collect supporting evidence of the alleged violation, such as comparisons of writing samples or creative processes, witness statements, and/or forensic investigations.
  • Within seven business days of receiving the report, the chairperson of the department in which the alleged violation occurred, will notify the Office of Academic Affairs. The Office of Academic Affairs will appoint a Hearing Officer and will schedule an academic hearing to be attended by the instructor, the student, the Department Chair, and the Hearing Officer. The Student Advocate may attend the hearing, at the student’s request. No other persons will be allowed in the hearing. The Hearing Officer will chair the hearing.
  • All relevant factors, including the nature of the offense, the severity of any damage, injury or harm resulting from the offense, and the student’s statement will be taken into consideration in the hearing.
  • Outcomes of the hearing will be determined by the instructor, the Department Chair, and the Hearing Officer, who will communicate the findings to the student.

Potential Outcomes

Charged Dropped- Insufficient Evidence

  • In the case of denial by the student and the impossibility of determining adequate support of the violation, the charge will be dismissed. (Determination of adequate support may include but is not limited to comparisons of writing samples or creative processes, witness statements, and/or forensic investigations.)

First Offense

  • If the work is determined or affirmed by the student to be in violation, an academic sanction will be imposed and a letter placed in the student’s file. First offense sanctions may be but are not limited to:
  • Repeating the assignment
  • Failure of the assignment
  • Failure of the course
  • Academic probation
  • Suspension
  • Dismissal from the College

Second Offense

  • Second offense sanctions may be but are not limited to:
  • Academic probation
  • Suspension
  • Dismissal from the College

Process of Record Keeping

If the work is determined or acknowledged by the student to be in violation, a letter will be placed in the student’s file in the Registrar’s Office.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

A student accused of an academic integrity violation is entitled to:

  • Review the evidence prior to the academic hearing.
  • Offer an explanation as to what occurred and present any supporting material.
  • Determine the validity of the charge without reference to any past record of misconduct.
  • Have the Student Advocate present in the hearing to ensure a fair process is granted (optional).


Students have the right to appeal the results of an academic hearing. Appeals must be initiated in writing either via email or in hardcopy to the Office of Academic Affairs within seven business days following the findings of the academic hearing and imposition of a sanction.

The appeal will be submitted to the Committee on Academic Performance who will review it and render a final decision or conduct an appeal hearing before reaching a final decision. If the Committee is unable to meet in a timely manner, the appropriate Dean or the Provost may serve as the Hearing Officer. The appeal decision will be communicated to the student in written form and documentation will be placed in their file. The ruling of Committee on Academic Performance (or the Provost or appropriate Dean, as applicable) is final.

Field Trips

From time to time, a faculty member will want to take a group of students on a field trip. All students must sign a waiver of liability form covering the trip. These forms may be obtained from the Office of Student Life or from the Program Manager. Once completed, two copies of the liability waiver should be made; the original is kept in the department and the copy taken on the trip with the chaperone. Faculty are responsible for providing a digital version of all field trip release forms to their Program Manager at least 24 hours before the scheduled field trip. Whether traveling locally or long distance, transportation should be organized through a reputable carrier. If traveling by motor vehicle, it is preferable to hire a bus or van, with a properly licensed driver. In this case, the company providing transportation must furnish proof of current insurance. It is not permissible for faculty to use personal vehicles to transport students nor may faculty solicit students to transport other students.

Out-of-town accommodations must be made at reputable establishments. Reservations should be confirmed in writing, and if the hotel insists on a contract being signed, it must be reviewed and signed for CCS by the Vice President of Finance/CFO.

Funding for field trips comes from the involved students and the department; if additional funding is required, the faculty may submit student or faculty development requests to the Office of Academic Affairs after receiving approval from the Department Chair. All monies due from students for a given trip must be paid to CCS before leaving on the trip, with no exceptions. The Business Office will handle paying the bills and issuing travel advances to the faculty members. Subsequent to the trip, proper accounting, including all appropriate receipts, must be made of all funds expended. The forms to be used in this accounting may be obtained from the Business Office.

Related Policy

Chaperone Policy

Adding/Dropping Classes

Courses for which a student is enrolled at the conclusion of the Add/Drop period will be used to determine attempted courses for the Course Completion Rate. Therefore, if it is necessary to adjust one’s class schedule, it is best to do so during the Add/Drop period of the semester. Courses that are dropped after conclusion of the Add/Drop period will show a recorded grade of W, WN, or WF. This will be counted as an unsuccessfully completed course, thus lowering the student’s completion rate.

Students may use Self-Service to add or drop classes up until the last day to add a class in accordance with the academic calendar. After the last day to add a course, if a student wishes to drop a course, students must complete the online drop form that is available on the AARO Campus Office page. 

Students who drop classes during the first seven business days of classes (see Academic Calendar for specific dates) are not charged for the drop. After the seventh day, dropped classes are charged on a sliding scale and those courses will receive a grade of “W”, “WN”, or “WF”.

The academic calendar offers specific tuition reimbursement information. The last day to withdraw from a course is on the Friday of the thirteenth week of classes. No exceptions to this deadline will be made.

The College reserves the right to cancel or change classes, instructors, and schedules; to revise tuition and fee structure; and to amend College policies for the efficient operation of the College. Students are notified by the Academic Advising and Registration Office of any course changes.

Book and Art Supply Stores

The main College bookstore is located on the ground floor of the Taubman Center. It is open Monday through Saturday during the academic year. Throughout the summer months, it is open on a limited schedule. A smaller College bookstore is located on the Ford campus in the Yamasaki Building on the ground floor. It is open Monday through Friday during the academic year and limited hours during the summer. Textbooks and other supplies are stocked each semester based upon the faculty’s needs. The bookstore sends out a request to all academic departments in May (for the following fall semester) and in October (for the following winter semester) for information regarding required texts. Based upon these requests, the bookstore will carry the necessary textbooks and supplies.

Building Policies

Art Centre Building (ACB) and Taubman Center (TC)

ACB/TC Residents

Every ACB/TC Resident is required to show their ID when entering the ACB/TC.

Guests of ACB/TC Residents

Guests must have a valid ID (driver’s license) and sign in at the front desk. Residents must either be accompanying the guest or come down to the lobby to escort them into the building.

CCS Employees and Students Visiting Offices

Every CCS community member should present their CCS ID to the front desk receptionist every time they enter the ACB/TC.

Guests/Customers Visiting Offices

Guests/Customers visiting offices in the ACB must be escorted into the ACB by an employee with a valid CCS ID.

Wendell Ford Auditorium

  • No food or beverages are allowed
  • Reservations through the Executive Office are required

ADM Boardroom / Ford Campus

  • Reservations through the Executive Office are required
  • Can be used only for College business
  • Cover tables when serving food (i.e. table cloth, placemats)
  • Use hot mats under heated dishes (available in kitchen)
  • Use coasters on tables under beverages (available in room)
  • Clean up and place tables/chairs in meeting room set-up (see diagram on Blackboard)

Flyers and Other Postings

  • Must be approved for posting
  • Only posted in approved locations
  • Approval is obtained from the Office of Student Affairs
  • An office representative will check the posting, then stamp & date
  • Approved areas: bulletin boards, showcases, fabric walls in buildings
  • All items hung in an inappropriate location (windows, doors, vending machines, clocks, elevators, painted surfaces) or that are not approved for posting will be removed and discarded.

Computer Labs

  • CCS ID must be visible at all times.
  • Treat lab proctors and lab equipment with respect; any failure to do so will result in a loss of lab privileges.
  • Absolutely no food or drinks in the labs. This applies to instructors as well as students.
  • Maintain overall cleanliness.
  • Detrimental use of lab computer equipment, AV lab equipment, or production studio equipment will not be tolerated:
    • Illegal/pirated/pornographic files/software, or programs that allow such material.
    • Pilfering lab hardware/software.
    • Willfully damaging equipment, jamming or ripping out connections.
  • No excessive printing.
  • Questions about using various software applications should be directed to an instructor.
  • Students are solely responsible for backing up their own files.

Photography Labs

Open to photo majors, CE students, and students who have passed the Materials & Processes-Photography course.

Labs are not available for general use during scheduled class times. Check the posted schedule, outside the chairs office, for open lab hours.

A current CCS ID is required to check out equipment. CE students may use a valid drivers license or other official identification to borrow equipment. All borrowed equipment must be returned the same day.

Senior Studios

  • No sofas, lounge chairs, mattresses or oversized chairs are allowed in
  • No sleeping in studios.
  • After 11:00 PM, for safety reasons, you must notify Campus Safety.
  • Must wear CCS ID on outermost garment for identification purposes.
  • No hazardous materials can be stored in studios.

All Shops

(Wood, Metal, Foundry, Model Shop, 3-D Shop, Sculpture, Jewelry, Glass, Ceramics, Weaving, CNC/Milling, Sandblasting)
Two persons in shop at all times.

No working on College holidays.

Mandatory safety glasses to be worn at all times while working in any shops (This is to improve personal safety and maintain within guidelines of MIOSHA). For better hygiene, we suggest purchasing your own pair. Glasses may be purchased at the CCS Bookstore.

Respirators must be used and worn in any of the spray-booths or other marked areas on campus. You must supply your own respirator.

Hours for student access will be posted near the doors before the start of each semester and will reflect hourly changes associated with holidays and breaks.

Shop staff can work the following hours:
Mon. – Fri. 6:00 AM – 2:00 AM
Sat. 6:00 AM – 2:00 AM
Sun. 6:00 AM – 2:00 AM

Work Study students are only allowed to work the following times:
Mon. – Fri. 8:00 AM – 12:00 Midnight
Sat. 9:00 AM – 12:00 Midnight
Sun. 9:00 AM – 12:00 Midnight

Employees must pass test on equipment usage before after-hour access will be granted and their name added to approved list.

Only those employees on approved list are allowed in offices after building hours and for safety reasons they must check in and out with Campus Security.

Violation of policies or department rules will result in losing the privilege of using College equipment and facilities.

Intellectual Property Rights

Policy Goals

The College for Creative Studies (“the College” or “CCS”) is committed to nurturing students’ creative and intellectual abilities. This is best done in an environment that encourages exploration and experimentation and in which artistic and academic freedom are respected and protected. As artists, designers, writers, and scholars, the College’s faculty and students continually produce creative works in the course of their academic activities. These works constitute Intellectual Property (“IP”). It is important that the rights to ownership and use of this Intellectual Property are understood by all members of the CCS community and by those members of the public who support their work. This policy explains those rights. It proceeds from the basic principles that the College’s primary responsibility is the education of its students and not the commercialization of their work, and that creators should in general retain intellectual property rights in their works subject to reasonable use rights held by various members of the CCS community. The policy is intended to promote innovation and excellence in educational and artistic pursuits, to encourage the best educational experiences for students, to allow faculty and students to reap the benefits of their own creativity, and to enable the College to celebrate the work of its faculty and students in order to promote the College to its varied constituencies.

Policy Overview

This policy covers work created at or in connection with CCS and sets forth the intellectual property rights of faculty, students, staff, and CCS in that work. It describes the categories of works subject to the policy and specifies the ownership and usage rights for each of those categories. This policy also describes when and how the ownership and usage rights applying to a particular work may be changed, typically by mutual agreement of the relevant parties.

Categories of Works

Several categories of Works that may be subject to Intellectual Property Rights are covered by this policy. “Works” refers to all designs, works of authorship, works of art, literary works, writings, student theses, inventions, software, discoveries, and other work products that may be subject to Intellectual Property Rights. The categories include the following:

  • “Scholarly and Artistic Works”—Works created by faculty or students in the scope of their respective employment or student status at the College, including instructional materials produced by faculty for use in the course of classroom and studio activities, Works of art or scholarship produced by faculty or students in the course of classroom and studio activities, and other Works created using more than a minimal amount of CCS facilities or equipment. Should a faculty member choose to leave the College, CCS retains the right to use course materials for two subsequent semesters after their departure. 
  • “Sponsored Works”—Works created by faculty or students with the sponsorship or special support of a Sponsor pursuant to a written sponsorship agreement.
  • “Commissioned Works”—Works created by faculty or students at the specific request of CCS and not in the course of their individual scholarly, academic, and artistic pursuits, including materials created for use in or as CCS publications and promotional materials, logos, graphic or other designs, commemorative items, and the like. Course description and architecture of syllabi (for example: weekly schedule, assignments, outcomes) are owned by CCS. If CCS commissions for curriculum development, the College owns the course and content within.
  • “Administrative Works”—Works created by employees in the course and scope of their employment other than Scholarly and Artistic Works, Sponsored Works, and Commissioned Works, including evaluations of student work, correspondence and memos, materials prepared in connection with work on CCS committees, materials created for use in CCS bulletins, brochures, and catalogs, and the like; and Works created by staff (including student employees) in the course and scope of their employment. Teaching material content (for example: classroom content, pedagogical content generated by the instructor – i.e. lectures, PowerPoints, videos)  is the property of the instructor.
  • “Non-Covered Works”—Works created by faculty, staff, or students outside the scope of their employment or student status at the College using minimal or no CCS facilities or equipment, without the sponsorship or support of a Sponsor, and not created at the request of CCS.

General Rules on Intellectual Property Ownership and Usage

The following explains who owns the intellectual property rights in the Works described above:

  • Faculty own the IP Rights in their own Scholarly and Artistic Works.
  • Students own the IP Rights in their own Scholarly and Artistic Works. However, in a case where the College provides resources in the development of a Work that go beyond what the College typically provides to students in their daily academic activities, the College may share in the ownership of the IP Rights in that Work.
  • Ownership of IP Rights in Sponsored Works is determined by a written agreement between the College and the Sponsor. Sponsored Projects are accepted in CCS classes only when they provide educational value and are approved by the course instructor and department chair. In cases where the College agrees to transfer to or share with a Sponsor the ownership of the IP Rights in a Sponsored Work or Works produced by students, the College will inform students of this agreement prior to the commencement of the Sponsored Project and will obtain their informed consent to the terms of the agreement. If a student is unwilling to relinquish his/her IP Rights, the College will find an equivalent class in which the student can enroll. Students should never be coerced into taking a class with a Sponsored Project or relinquishing their IP Rights. Regardless of who owns the IP Rights in Sponsored Works, students must be permitted to include the Work products in their portfolios for purposes of self-promotion, subject to certain limitations in Sponsorship agreements, such as removing company logos.
  • CCS owns all Intellectual Property Rights in all Commissioned Works and all Administrative Works.
  • CCS does not claim any ownership or use rights in Non-Covered Works.

Use Rights

Although the IP Rights in a Work may be owned by an individual, a Sponsor, or the College under this policy, others may have the right to make use of that Work or the IP rights to it. These rights are called “Use Rights” and are as follows:

  • Faculty and Students have the right to make, distribute, display, perform, and otherwise use reproductions of, and make derivative works based on, their own Works for noncommercial educational and scholarly purposes, as examples of their own work, and for purposes of exhibition.
  • Faculty also have the right to make photographic or similar representational reproductions of their students’ Works; and to distribute, display, perform, and otherwise use those reproductions for noncommercial educational and scholarly purposes and as examples of their students’ work.
  • CCS has the right to make, distribute, display, perform, and otherwise use photographic or similar representational reproductions of faculty and student Works for noncommercial purposes of education, scholarship, exhibition, accreditation, development, alumni relations, promotion, and the like; as examples of faculty and student work; and for inclusion in CCS’s permanent collection and archives.
  • A Sponsor has the right to make, distribute, display, perform, and otherwise use reproductions of, and make derivative works based on, Works for commercial and non-commercial purposes pursuant to the terms of a written sponsorship agreement.

Modification of the General Rules With Respect to Particular Works

It is anticipated that members of the CCS community may on occasion wish to modify the General Rules of this Policy with respect to specific Works, particularly in cases involving Sponsored Works. Such modification is allowed if all of the parties having an ownership interest in the Work under the applicable General Rules agree in writing to the desired modification. The burden of seeking and obtaining such written agreement is on the party seeking the modification. If all of the parties having rights in the Work under the applicable General Rules are unable to reach a written agreement, then the allocation of ownership and usage rights in the Work provided by the relevant General Rule will remain in effect.

Patent Policy

In a case where the College shares in the ownership of the IP Rights in a student’s Work, the College may, from time to time, at its own initiative or upon request, elect to pursue the registration of a patent on the Work in one or more jurisdictions, and shall do so entirely at CCS’s cost; no creators of a Work shall be charged or assessed any fees or cost in connection with that registration. In furtherance of this policy, the creator(s) of the Work may be required to execute formal paperwork relating to the registration process, and CCS shall be responsible for the costs associated with execution. CCS will share with the creator(s) of the Work any monetary proceeds that are derived from the patented Work, according to an agreement that the College will reach with the creators, prior to filing the patent application. Any third parties interested in licensing a Work for commercialization should consult the Senior Director for Corporate Relations in the Office of Institutional Advancement.


This policy will be administered by the Academic Affairs Office. The Academic Deans will establish procedures to be adopted by CCS to ensure compliance with this policy, including a procedure for considering in a timely manner any questions, objections, complaints, or other challenges arising from or relating to this policy. We welcome any questions or concerns that you may have concerning this policy or its application.

This policy is complete and effective as of the date set out above, and may be amended from time to time in consultation with the faculty and with the approval of the President and Board of Trustees. This policy and all amendments thereto will be published on and made available through the CCS Policy Database. Amendments will be effective as of their date of publication.


Regular class attendance is essential for learning and academic success. Students are expected to attend all class meetings, on time and for the full duration, and be prepared to work on that day’s assignment. Faculty are responsible for establishing an attendance policy for each of their classes and for outlining that policy on the course syllabus. Students are responsible for knowing the attendance policy for their class and adhering to those requirements. Exceptions to an instructor’s attendance policy should be discussed with that instructor.

CCS Students using veterans’ benefits will have attendance monitored throughout the semester for reporting purposes to the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA).

Related Forms


Americans With Disabilities Act

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is meant to provide fair and equitable treatment of the disabled through non-discriminatory practices and reasonable accommodations.

The ADA protects people who are disabled – defined as anyone with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.  The law protects both job applicants and employees.

CCS supports and follows the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Michigan law, as stated in the law. It is CCS’s policy not to discriminate against any qualified employee or applicant with regard to any terms or conditions of employment because of such individual’s disability or perceived disability so long as the employee can perform the essential functions of the job.  In addition, CCS provides reasonable accommodation for qualified individuals with a disability in accordance with the ADA and other applicable laws, except where such an accommodation is unreasonable or would create an undue hardship on CCS.  Reasonable accommodation may also be provided to pregnant employees, even where they do not qualify as disabled under the ADA or state law.

Employees with a disability who believe they need a reasonable accommodation to perform the essential functions of their job should contact Human Resources.  Requests for accommodation should be made as soon as possible after the need is known.  Under Michigan law, the request for reasonable accommodation must be made in writing within 182 days of knowing of the need for such accommodation.

Employees who believe they or another employee have been treated in violation of this policy should follow the reporting procedure set forth above in the College’s Policy on Equal Opportunity, Discrimination and Harassment.