Tuition Remission

After one year of service, full-time and part-time employees (including adjunct faculty), their spouses/domestic partners, and dependents may be eligible for tuition remission up to the equivalent of one full-time enrollment in the College’s undergraduate and graduate programs per year. In addition, full-time employees and their spouses/domestic partners and dependents may be eligible for tuition remission toward Pre College and Continuing Studies (PCS) classes. Eligibility and amount are determined by employment status, as defined in the tables below. Dependents are defined as spouses or children up to age 25, who can legally be claimed on the employee’s annual tax filings with the IRS. Domestic partners must have an Affidavit of Domestic Partnership on file with the Human Resources office. Audited courses do not qualify for tuition remission. Full-time and part-time employees may not be enrolled in courses during their normal work schedule with the exception of courses that begin at 4pm provided the courses do not interfere with their primary responsibilities and scheduled work times. These exceptions must have supervisor approval on file with the Human Resources Office prior to enrolling.

Eligibility for Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment

StatusEmployeeSpouse / Domestic PartnerDependentAmount
Full Time Status and FacultyYesYesYes1 full time enrollment, per academic year
Part Time Regular Staff (working a minimum of 20 hours/week)YesNoNo6 credits per semester, per academic year
Adjunct FacultyYesnono# of credits taught within current semester
CAP Faculty, PCS Faculty, Temporary, Workstudy, Models

Eligibility for Pre-College and Continuing Studies Enrollment

StatusEmployeeSpouse / Domestic PartnerDependentAmount
Full Time Staff and FacultyYesYesYes1 full time enrollment, per academic year
Part time Staff, Adjunct Faculty, CAP Faculty, PCS Faculty, Temporary, Workstudy, Models

Undergraduate And Graduate Courses

Full-time and part-time degree seeking employees, spouses/domestic partners, and dependents will have the class tuition waived but will be responsible to pay for registration and appropriate course fees prior to beginning classes. Failure to make this payment or to sign up for a payment plan, will result in being withdrawn from all classes for the semester. To sign up for a payment plan, please click here.

Full-time and part-time non-degree seeking employees, spouses/domestic partners, and dependents must follow the registration policy for Guest/Non-Matriculated Students located in the College’s Policy Database.

Staff members who are pursuing a CCS degree are ineligible for Student development funds. Staff members who attend classes at CCS already receive tuition benefits. CCS reserves the student development funds for tuition paying undergraduate or graduate students.

Precollege And Continuing Studies Courses

For PCS classes, full-time employees, their spouses/domestic partners, and dependents are eligible for tuition remission on a space available basis for the fall and winter semesters, as well as adult classes during the summer. Summer semester youth and teen classes will be available to eligible dependents of CCS full-time employees at a discounted tuition rate. Additional materials and various fees must be paid in full, along with the discounted tuition, when registering for the classes. Please contact the PCS office or Human Resources for the current discounted tuition rate.

Withdrawals, Dropped Courses, or Failing Grade

Employees, their spouse/domestic partner, or dependents will be responsible for the tuition charges/surrender fees for a withdrawn, dropped, or failed course(s).

Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) And CCS Scholarships And Grants

Degree Seeking Students

Degree seeking employees, spouses/domestic partners, and dependents receiving tuition remission must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by February 1st to determine eligibility for financial aid from the federal and state governments and the student must accept all federal and state scholarships and grants awarded. The FAFSA may be completed at The CCS Tuition Remission Voucher will cover the remaining eligible tuition after grants from the State of Michigan have been applied to the student’s tuition and mandatory fee charges. Funding from Federal Pell Grants and Federal Direct Stafford Loans may be refunded to the student after all applicable charges have been paid in full.

CCS scholarships and grants are not available if tuition costs are covered in full by tuition remission. If the student is eligible for a partial tuition remission, this amount is compared to the amount they may be eligible for in CCS scholarship and grant funds. The student will receive the higher of the two amounts.

Non-Degree Seeking and PCS Students

Non-degree seeking/non-matriculating and PCS students are not required to complete the FAFSA since their enrollment status is ineligible for Title IV aid.

Withdrawals, Dropped Courses, Or Failing Grade

Non-degree seeking/non-matriculating and PCS students are not required to complete the FAFSA since their enrollment status is ineligible for Title IV aid.

Employees should contact the Office of Human Resources to determine tuition remission eligibility and to obtain the Tuition Remission Voucher and instructions.

Paid Time Off


Full-time and part-time staff employees who work at least ten hours per week are eligible to accrue Paid Time Off (PTO) according to the schedule below. PTO must be scheduled and approved in advance by the employee’s supervisor, except for last minute illnesses, injury or emergencies. In these instances, employees should notify their supervisor as soon as possible. Part-time staff that work less than 10 hours per week and temporary employees or contractors are not eligible for PTO.


PTO is accrued at the following rates for full-time employees:

Employee TypeCalendar years
beginning prior to
completion of 5
years of full-time
Calendar years
beginning after
completion of 5 years of
full-time status
Executive31 days per year31 days per year
Full Time 12 Month Employee24 days per year31 days per year
Full Time 10 Month Employee20 days per year26 days per year
Full Time 10 Month, Half time 2 (10 and 2)22 days per year26 days per year
Full Time 9 Month Employee18 days per year24 days per year
*Employees start accruing at the 5 year rate on January 1st following their 5 year anniversary of their hire date.

Part Time Staff Employees

Effective January 1, 2024, Part-Time, hourly staff employees will accrue PTO  at a rate of .0923 hours for each hour worked.

Employees are permitted to take more PTO than they have earned, if approved by their supervisor.  An employee who does so will be considered to have a “negative PTO balance.”  Employees cannot borrow PTO from future years.

Full Time Staff Employees

On January 1st of each year, Full time staff employees will have their PTO entitlement for the entire calendar year deposited into their PTO bank and available for immediate use. Although it will be available for immediate use, it will be earned on a pro-rated basis each month.

For example, a 12-month Full Time employee who has worked for CCS less than five years will have 24 days of PTO deposited into their PTO bank on January 1. The employee can begin using this immediately. Employees are permitted to take more PTO than they have earned, if approved by their supervisor. An employee who does so will be considered to have a “negative PTO balance.” Employees cannot borrow PTO from future years.

PTO will be prorated accordingly when an employee is hired or terminates mid-month. When hired on or before or terminated on or after the 15th of the month, a full month’s accrual will be credited. If hired after the 15th of the month or terminated before the 15th of the month, no PTO will be accrued for the month. An employee may carry over a maximum of 1 year of PTO into the new calendar year. Excess PTO that is not taken and cannot be carried over will be forfeited.

Using PTO

Employees should follow their department procedures when requesting time off. Non-exempt employees may take PTO in increments as small as 1 hour. Exempt employees may take PTO in increments as small as one-half day. All PTO is to be used before time is taken without pay in the case of emergent situations only.

Please note that even if an employee has PTO available, excessive use of unscheduled time off is disruptive and may lead to disciplinary action.  See Attendance and Timeliness policy. CCS’s PTO policy is intended to and will be interpreted to comply with the provisions of Michigan’s Paid Medical Leave Act.

PTO In Conjunction With STD And Workers’ Compensation

  1. A seven calendar day waiting period is required before short term disability begins to pay any benefits. Employees are required to use their PTO during the seven day waiting period. Employees will not accrue PTO while on Short Term Disability, but they will accrue PTO during the seven day waiting period when PTO is used. If the seven day waiting period when PTO is used ends on or after the 15th of the month, PTO will be accrued for that month. If the seven day waiting period ends before the 15th of the month, PTO will not be accrued for the month.  An employee cannot use PTO to bring their pay up to 100% if they are receiving less than 100% of their pay through the Short-Term Disability program.
  2. An employee receiving benefits under workers’ compensation will not be paid from both PTO and workers’ compensation for the same hours. They may use PTO if there is a waiting period before income replacement benefits begin.

Payout Of PTO

Payment of earned, unused PTO time will be made at the employee’s regular rate of pay when employment terminates. If a negative PTO balance exists at the time of termination, the employee’s last paycheck will be reduced by this amount (subject to compliance with applicable state law). The employee’s Timeclock Plus record will need to be up to date before any PTO payout is issued. PTO payouts are generally paid on the pay date after the employee’s last paycheck.