Tuition Remission

After one year of service, full-time and part-time employees (including adjunct faculty), their spouses/domestic partners, and dependents may be eligible for tuition remission up to the equivalent of one full-time enrollment in the College’s undergraduate and graduate programs per year. In addition, full-time employees and their spouses/domestic partners and dependents may be eligible for tuition remission toward Pre College and Continuing Studies (PCS) classes. Eligibility and amount are determined by employment status, as defined in the tables below. Dependents are defined as spouses or children up to age 25, who can legally be claimed on the employee’s annual tax filings with the IRS. Domestic partners must have an Affidavit of Domestic Partnership on file with the Human Resources office. Audited courses do not qualify for tuition remission. Full-time and part-time employees may not be enrolled in courses during their normal work schedule with the exception of courses that begin at 4pm provided the courses do not interfere with their primary responsibilities and scheduled work times. These exceptions must have supervisor approval on file with the Human Resources Office prior to enrolling.

Eligibility for Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment

StatusEmployeeSpouse / Domestic PartnerDependentAmount
Full Time Status and FacultyYesYesYes1 full time enrollment, per academic year
Part Time Regular Staff (working a minimum of 20 hours/week)YesNoNo6 credits per semester, per academic year
Adjunct FacultyYesnono# of credits taught within current semester
CAP Faculty, PCS Faculty, Temporary, Workstudy, Models

Eligibility for Pre-College and Continuing Studies Enrollment

StatusEmployeeSpouse / Domestic PartnerDependentAmount
Full Time Staff and FacultyYesYesYes1 full time enrollment, per academic year
Part time Staff, Adjunct Faculty, CAP Faculty, PCS Faculty, Temporary, Workstudy, Models

Undergraduate And Graduate Courses

Full-time and part-time degree seeking employees, spouses/domestic partners, and dependents will have the class tuition waived but will be responsible to pay for registration and appropriate course fees prior to beginning classes. Failure to make this payment or to sign up for a payment plan, will result in being withdrawn from all classes for the semester. To sign up for a payment plan, please click here.

Full-time and part-time non-degree seeking employees, spouses/domestic partners, and dependents must follow the registration policy for Guest/Non-Matriculated Students located in the College’s Policy Database.

Staff members who are pursuing a CCS degree are ineligible for Student development funds. Staff members who attend classes at CCS already receive tuition benefits. CCS reserves the student development funds for tuition paying undergraduate or graduate students.

Precollege And Continuing Studies Courses

For PCS classes, full-time employees, their spouses/domestic partners, and dependents are eligible for tuition remission on a space available basis for the fall and winter semesters, as well as adult classes during the summer. Summer semester youth and teen classes will be available to eligible dependents of CCS full-time employees at a discounted tuition rate. Additional materials and various fees must be paid in full, along with the discounted tuition, when registering for the classes. Please contact the PCS office or Human Resources for the current discounted tuition rate.

Withdrawals, Dropped Courses, or Failing Grade

Employees, their spouse/domestic partner, or dependents will be responsible for the tuition charges/surrender fees for a withdrawn, dropped, or failed course(s).

Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) And CCS Scholarships And Grants

Degree Seeking Students

Degree seeking employees, spouses/domestic partners, and dependents receiving tuition remission must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by February 1st to determine eligibility for financial aid from the federal and state governments and the student must accept all federal and state scholarships and grants awarded. The FAFSA may be completed at The CCS Tuition Remission Voucher will cover the remaining eligible tuition after grants from the State of Michigan have been applied to the student’s tuition and mandatory fee charges. Funding from Federal Pell Grants and Federal Direct Stafford Loans may be refunded to the student after all applicable charges have been paid in full.

CCS scholarships and grants are not available if tuition costs are covered in full by tuition remission. If the student is eligible for a partial tuition remission, this amount is compared to the amount they may be eligible for in CCS scholarship and grant funds. The student will receive the higher of the two amounts.

Non-Degree Seeking and PCS Students

Non-degree seeking/non-matriculating and PCS students are not required to complete the FAFSA since their enrollment status is ineligible for Title IV aid.

Withdrawals, Dropped Courses, Or Failing Grade

Non-degree seeking/non-matriculating and PCS students are not required to complete the FAFSA since their enrollment status is ineligible for Title IV aid.

Employees should contact the Office of Human Resources to determine tuition remission eligibility and to obtain the Tuition Remission Voucher and instructions.

Campus Parking and Traffic

The College provides at no charge secured, covered parking structures for all students, faculty and administrative staff. Access to the parking structure is through the employee ID. Parking is available on a first- come, first-serve basis. Please keep in mind that driving and parking on campus is a privilege not a right. Failure to follow the below policies/guidelines will result in ticketing and excessive violations will result in the loss of on campus parking privileges.

Driving on Campus

In order to provide a safe environment on campus when driving, please adhere to the following:

  • Drive no faster than 10 mph
  • Drive in a responsible and prudent manner
  • Yield to pedestrians

Unloading on Campus

When it is necessary to park in a restricted area for the purpose of unloading:

  • Put on your hazard lights
  • Notify Campus Safety of your task and vehicle location
  • Move your vehicle to a designated parking space within 10-15 minutes

Parking on Campus

In order to park on campus:

  • All student vehicles must have a current school year parking sticker adhered to the inside, lower left corner of the windshield or a temporary parking hangtag on the inside rear view mirror to park on campus.
  • All employee vehicles must display their authorized employee parking hangtag on the inside rear view mirror.
  • All visitor vehicles will be signed in by the Campus Safety Officer upon entering the parking structure.

When parking on campus everyone is expected to:

  • Park in designated areas and between the lines
  • Open vehicle doors carefully
  • Stop at stop signs
  • Report all accidents to the Campus Safety office
  • Maintain current vehicle license plates
  • Remove their vehicle from campus at 11:00pm, unless properly signed in after hours
  • All resident guests with a vehicle staying the night will be properly signed in with Campus Safety and receive a temporary hang tag. The tage should be displayed on the inside rear view mirror.

Do not park in illegal, unmarked or restricted areas on campus. This includes, but is not limited to, parking in fire lanes, the CCS alley, or places that result in another vehicle being blocked.

The storing or repairing of motor vehicles on campus property is prohibited.

Parking Structure

Students, employees, and visitors are welcome to park in the structure. Students and employees must use their ccs ID card to enter the parking structure. If you lose your ID, go to the Campus Safety Office for replacement at a cost of $20. Any I.D. badge that does not function properly will be taken by the parking officer and sent to the Campus Safety office.    Visitors must identify whom they are coming to visit when entering the parking structure and be signed in by the Campus Safety Officer.  

Only vehicles belonging to residents of the Art Centre Building (ACB) or Taubman Center (TC) that have a current school year resident parking sticker can use the parking structure as their primary parking space.

Please note that vehicles parked in the parking structure after 11:00 pm that do not have a current school year resident parking sticker will be ticketed for unauthorized parking and subject to a $50 fine.

Administration / Admissions Lot

The parking lot east of the ADM Building is for assigned employees and visitors to the building.

Visitors are to park in designated parking spaces. Students are not permitted to park in this parking lot.

Walter B. Ford II Lot

The parking lot on the south side of the Walter B. Ford II Building is for employee, student and visitor parking. Vehicles using these lots must bear a current CCS parking sticker or hangtag. Overnight parking is prohibited.

Parking / Traffic Violation Sanctions

CCS tickets, which carry a $50 fine, will be issued to any vehicle violating the traffic/parking guidelines on campus. Fines will be posted to student accounts, and if unpaid, will result in both registration and grade holds. The Human Resources office will track tickets issued to employees and failure to pay will result in disciplinary action.

The Office of Student Life & the Office of Campus Safety and Security will track CCS tickets. Upon receiving a third ticket, the student/employee will lose all parking privileges on campus. This will include deactivating their access to the parking structure, as well as having their vehicle placed on the Tow List. Vehicles on the Tow List that subsequently park on campus will be towed at the owner’s expense.

Ticket and Loss of Parking Privileges

Anyone receiving a CCS traffic/parking ticket who wishes to appeal the ticket can do so by submitting their appeal in writing to the Director of Student Life (students) or the Director of Human Resources (employees) within 14 days of the date the ticket was issued.

Anyone wishing to appeal the sanction of losing their parking privileges on campus must submit a letter of appeal to the Director of Student Life (students) or the Director of Human Resources (employees) within 14 days of the date of the written notification of this sanction. If the appeal is approved the payment of a $25 reactivation fee will be required prior to the reactivation.

City of Detroit Tickets

CCS has no control over tickets issued by the City of Detroit.