Social Security

Employees of CCS are covered by Social Security.  As provided by law, CCS pays one half of your total Social Security taxes, and the other half is paid by you through withholding from your paycheck.  In addition to providing you with retirement, Social Security may provide disability pay, burial benefits, and monthly survivor benefits for your spouse and minor children if you qualify.

Tax Sheltered Annuity Plan (403b)

Because CCS is a non-profit organization, the IRS allows CCS employees to place a portion of their pay in a Tax Sheltered Annuity Plan without paying current federal, state and city income taxes on the amount contributed.  Full-time employees, and qualified part-time employees, are eligible to participate on the first of the month following thirty (30) days of employment.  CCS contributes 3% of an employee’s gross earnings per pay.  Employees may choose to contribute a percentage of their pay on a pretax basis, up to IRS limitations.  CCS offers numerous investment funds for employees to choose from.  The CCS Tax Sheltered Annuity Plan is administered by TIAA/CREF.

Vice President for Institutional Advancement

The Vice President for Institutional Advancement works collaboratively with stakeholders throughout the College and is responsible for augmenting the College’s financial resources through philanthropy as well as engaging the alumni community. The Vice President works closely with the Board of Trustees, President, Office of Partnerships, Department Chairs, Faculty and other colleagues in support of fundraising. Functions reporting to the Vice President include annual giving, major and planned giving, foundation relations, and alumni relations. The Vice President also supervises the Kresge Arts in Detroit program.

Vice President for Enrollment and Student Services

The Vice President for Enrollment and Student Services is responsible for the College’s efforts to provide excellent student services, and to recruit, enroll, and retain undergraduate, graduate, and Pre-College and Continuing Studies students. The Vice President supervises the offices of Academic Advising and Registration, Undergraduate Admissions, Graduate Admissions, Recruitment Services, Financial Aid, Student Affairs, International Student Services and Pre-College and Continuing Studies.

In addition, the Vice President prepares enrollment and retention reports, completes all required Federal and State reports, as well as various accreditation and third-party surveys.

Vice President for Administration and Finance

The Vice President for Administration and Finance is responsible for the day-to-day financial and administrative operations of the College and oversees the offices of Business Services, Human Resources, Campus Safety and Security, Facilities and Administrative Services, and Information Technology Services. The Vice President oversees the preparation of the annual budget, working closely with the other officers of the college.  The Vice President is also responsible for ensuring that all departments follow, and are in compliance with, the budget approved by the Board of Trustees.  This responsibility includes approving purchase requisitions before purchases may be made by any budget director (academic or administrative), obtaining appropriate approvals from the President and/or Board for deviations from budget, and generally providing answers to financial questions.  All building, equipment and maintenance issues also fall within the responsibilities of the Vice President.  These include operational concerns as well as major facility projects.

The Provost, Chief Academic Officer, and the Academic Deans

The Provost, along with the Academic Deans, consisting of the Dean of Academic Affairs, Dean of Graduate Studies, and Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Studies, are responsible for the conduct, supervision and development of all academic programs and initiatives, and for ensuring academic quality and compliance with accreditation guidelines and standards. The Provost and the three Academic Deans work together to promote and encourage faculty professional development, interdisciplinary learning, integration of new technologies, and partnerships with varied outside organizations. The Deans enhance the College’s reputation by serving as representatives for the institution locally, nationally, and internationally and advocating for the value of art and design to society.  The Provost serves as the College’s Chief Academic Officer (CAO). The CAO is the senior academic administrator at the institution and acts as the academic liaison between AICAD, MICU, NC-SARA, and CCS.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the legal governing body of the College for Creative Studies and its final institutional authority.  The Board’s responsibilities include policy-making, stewardship of the institution’s financial and physical resources, appointment and supervision of the institution’s chief executive officer, long-range planning, and representation of the institution to external communities.  It delegates day-to-day management of the institution to the President.

The full Board ordinarily meets four times a year. Much of the Board’s work is conducted through its committees, which include the Executive; Education; Facilities; Finance and Audit; Investment; Advancement; and Nominating Committees.  The Executive Committee meets about five times a year, and the other committees meet two to four times each year.

Grade Change Forms

An instructor may change a student’s grade. The reason for this change may be due to completion of work from the previous semester (grade of “I” being changed to a letter grade) or a review of the student’s work which resulted in a better grade. A student who receives an “I” grade has one semester (Fall or Winter) to complete the work and receive the appropriate grade. After the one semester deadline, the “I” grade will be changed to an “F”. Instructors and Program Managers can obtain the Grade Change form from the Academic Advising and Registration Office (AARO). The instructor and Department Chair must sign the form, and it is then sent to the Office of Academic Affairs who return the approved form to the AARO. Instructors must provide complete and accurate information to ensure quick processing.

Students may appeal a grade up to 60 days after the last day of the semester in which the student was enrolled in the course. Appealing students should submit a written request to the Office of Academic Affairs identifying the course, instructor, and an explanation of the circumstances and reason for the request. The request will be reviewed and decided upon by the Academic Performance Committee.

Campus Emergency Alert Program

The College for Creative Studies uses an electronic emergency notification system called Alert Emergency Notification System. This system has the capability of sending electronic emergency notices regarding severe weather, school closings and emergency situations to all students, staff and faculty via their CCS email account, and cell phone (if registered with the Alert system). In the event of an emergency situation on campus, the message will include the location of the emergency and instructions on what action to take. Register your information with the Campus Emergency Alert Program by going to your Blackboard account and completing the alert notification system section.