CCS provides long-term disability (“LTD”) insurance through a private insurer for full-time employees after they have worked at CCS for one year. Through this insurance policy, full-time employees who are unable to work for more than twenty-six weeks as the result of a non-work-related illness/injury are eligible to receive up to 60% of their regular salary, up to a maximum of $10,000 per month when integrated with other benefits, as specified in the policy. Employees will remain eligible for benefits for as long as they meet the definition of disability and satisfy certification requirements and all other requirements imposed by the policy, up to the maximum age as specified in the policy. This insurance policy has a twenty-six-week qualification period, during which the employee may be eligible to receive short-term disability benefits as described above. This statement is a brief description of the current long-term disability benefits insurance offered. In any instances in which this document and the policy conflict, the policy language, and not this description, will control.
CCS expressly reserves the right to amend or terminate the provision of long-term disability insurance at any time in its sole discretion.