Instructors who cannot meet a class for valid reasons must contact the Department Chair and the Program Manager, as well as make all determined efforts to provide each student with as much advance notice as is realistically feasible. In the event of prior knowledge of valid inability to meet a class, faculty have several options:
- They may arrange for a substitute instructor with a current full-time or adjunct faculty, or a member of the department’s adjunct “pool,”
- Upon approval of the Department Chair, move the class to a synchronous or asynchronous online format where all content for that class will be covered, or
- Schedule an equivalent make-up class period.
If the faculty member misses class due to illness or another valid reason approved by the appropriate Chair, and an adjunct instructor serves as substitute instructor, the College will provide appropriate remuneration for the substitute. The Program Manager should initiate a payment request for the substitute. The request should be signed by the Department Chair and forwarded to the Academic Affairs office. Full-time faculty do not lose pay when they miss a class, nor are they paid when they offer their services as substitute instructors. As this is the case, when full-time faculty require a substitute for their own classes, they should first call upon other full-time faculty for coverage when possible.