The below credit opportunities require department approval for registration. Students must meet eligibility requirements outlined in the affiliated policies and submit appropriate forms to be considered for registration. Steps provided below!
Independent Study
Note: The Independent Study form is now processed through DocuSign. PDF forms will not be accepted. Follow all steps below to begin and complete the process.
Start here! Students should read the full policy on the Independent Study before proceeding to ensure all requirements and expectations for approval are understood.
Next, review Independent Study questions and confirm available credits with an Academic Advisor. Make note of your degree planning and credit options for future discussions with the approving department.
Steps to seek approval:
- Students must contact the Program Manager for the department of the Independent Study for approval form set-up.
- Use the Academic Directory for all Department/Program Manager contact information.
- After set-up, Form will route to student’s email for “upload” of
- Independent Study Proposal
- Copy of Academic Progress/Evaluation (for students: this information is found on your “My Progress” page in Student Planning, see steps below)*
- Student Signature
- Form will route to approved Faculty for upload of syllabus and signature
- Form will route to approving Department Chair for signature
- Form will route to Academic Affairs for final review of all documents and approval signature by the designated Dean.
- Approved forms will route to the Academic Advising & Registration Office for registration and placement of approved credits.
- Students will receive email notification when registration is complete.
Important Tip! This is a lengthy process and should be started early-on in the registration period to avoid interruptions or missed registration deadlines. All forms must be received in the Academic Advising & Registration Office by registration deadlines outlined on the Academic Calendar.
Internships for Credit
Start here! Read the full Internship Policy to understand expectations and student eligibility requirements.
Your next step!
- The process for registering an Internship starts with the Office of Partnerships, Career Development team.
- Career Coaches are available for questions and guidance related to your career path! Schedule your appointment and check out more information on internships.
Students should check-in with their Academic Advisor if they have questions about available credits or potential adjustments to their degree plan, if taking an Internship.
Important Tip! This is a lengthy process and should be started in early Junior or Senior year to avoid interruptions or missed registration deadlines. All forms must be received in the Academic Advising & Registration Office by registration deadlines outlined on the Academic Calendar.
Career or Internship questions? Contact
Study Abroad | International Exchange | AICAD Exchange | Faculty Led Programs
Start here! Read the policy overviews and eligibility requirements below for each opportunity and determine your interests. Contact the International Student Services Office for all abroad related opportunities:
Who to Contact?
- For Study Abroad, International Exchange and Faculty Led Program opportunities contact the International Student Services Office at
- For AICAD Exchange (within the U.S.), contact Tom Turoczi, AICAD Coordinator:
*How to print your “My Progress” page for uploads
Log-in to Self-Service and select Student Planning from the menu
Select the “Go to My Progress” link

Select the “Print” option on the My Progress page. Print to pdf, save and upload your document to the required form.

General Questions? Email or