Searching for Transferable Electives

Here are some tips to help you search for electives using the Transfer Evaluation System (TES)

First determine the type of elective (or credit requirement) you need*:

  • General Education Electives (formerly Liberal Art Electives)
  • DNS Natural Science
  • DAH/DVC 300-400 (Art History or Visual Culture 300-400 level)
  • General Elective (open elective for any 3.0 credit course)

*see an Academic Advisor to help identify potential transferable credits that are possible for your degree program.

General Education Electives

(formerly Liberal Art Electives)

The below codes may appear in the TES Transfer Evaluation System under the “College for Creative Studies” column. Equivalents for these codes will apply to GENERAL EDUCATION ELECTIVES: 

An example of General Education Electives displayed in the TES - Equivalency List.
  • DAH ELECT, DAH 300, or DAH 400
  • DEN ELECT, DEN 300, or DEN 400
  • DHS ELECT or DHS 300
  • DHU ELECT or DHU 300
  • DLE ELECT or DLE 300
  • DNS ELECT, DNS 300 Natural Science, or DNS 300 Natural Science or Math Elective
  • DPL ELECT, DPL 300
  • DSS ELECT, DSS 300
  • DVC ELECT, DVC 300, or DVC 400

This section is for Undergraduate students who plan to attempt transfer credit for their CCS degree requirement of: General Education Electives. Students electing to take transfer credits should check “My Progress” in Student Planning AND meet with their Academic Advisor to confirm credits needed.

DNS Natural Science

The below codes may appear in the TES Transfer Evaluation System under the “College for Creative Studies” column. Equivalents for these codes will apply to DNS Natural Science:

An example of DNS Natuaral Science courses listed on a sample TES Equivalency List.
  • DNS ELECT Natural Science
  • DNS ELECT Natural Science or Math Elective
  • DNS 300 Natural Science

This section is for Undergraduate students who plan to attempt transfer credit for their CCS degree requirement of: DNS Natural Science. Students electing to take transfer credits should check “My Progress” in Student Planning AND meet with their Academic Advisor to confirm credits needed.

DAH/DVC 300/400

DAH Art History 300/400 level or DVC Visual Culture 300/400 level

The below codes may appear in the TES Transfer Evaluation System under the “College for Creative Studies” column. Equivalents for these codes will apply to DAH/DVC 300-400:

DAH Art History course entries on a samle TES - Equivalency List.
  • DAH 300
  • DAH 400
  • DVC 300
  • DVC 400

This section is for Undergraduate students who plan to attempt transfer credit for their CCS degree requirement of: DAH/DVC 300-400. Students electing to take transfer credits should check “My Progress” in Student Planning AND meet with their Academic Advisor to confirm credits needed.

General Elective

open elective with no specific subjects required to satisfy the credits

The below codes may appear in the TES Transfer Evaluation System under the “College for Creative Studies” column. Equivalents for these codes will apply to General Electives (or “Elective”):

General Electives listed on a sample TES - Equivalncy list.
  • D-100 Open General Elective
  • ELECT-100 General Elective
  • DAH ELECT, DAH 300, or DAH 400
  • DEN ELECT, DEN 300, or DEN 400
  • DHS ELECT or DHS 300
  • DLE ELECT or DLE 300
  • DNS ELECT, DNS 300 Natural Science, or

  DNS 300 Natural Science or Math Elective

  • DPL ELECT, DPL 300
  • DSS ELECT, DSS 300
  • DVC ELECT, DVC 300, or DVC 400
  • Other Courses considered for General Electives – any 3.0 credit course 100 level or higher.

This section is for Undergraduate students who plan to attempt transfer credit for their CCS degree requirement of: General Electives/Elective. Students electing to take transfer credits should check “My Progress” in Student Planning AND meet with their Academic Advisor to confirm credits needed.