Course Detail

20/FA DFD-450-A

Instructor: Noonan
Department: CRAFTS
Credits: 3   Instruction Method: STU
Status: OPEN

This senior studio covers fiber and textile related projects presented through slide lectures, discussion, and assigned exercises. Developing a body of work supported by research, documentation, and portfolio development are the primary focus of this semester. Emphasis is placed on students developing an individualized point of view through creative practice. Class topics change from semester to semester and are informed by craft based art and design themes. Field trips, visiting artists, critique, and discussion of craft based art and design are complementary to studio work.

Start Date: 2020-08-31 End Date: 2020-12-12
Meeting in: B B
Room: 308 308
Days: TH TH
Start Time: 8:30 AM 12:45 PM
End Time: 11:15 AM 3:30 PM