Artificial Intelligence Systems at CCS

Use of CCS data in artificial intelligence systems is governed by the Data Use in Conjunction with Artificial Intelligence Policy and the Data Classification and Protection Requirements Policy.

This page does not cover or preclude academic or personal use of AI, except when it involves internal, confidential, or restricted College data The following AI applications and systems are authorized for these levels of data use:

SystemAcceptable Levels of Data UseUnacceptable Levels of Data Use
Google Gemini (via CCS credentials only)Public, Internal, ConfidentialRestricted
Google Gemini (via a personal account)PublicInternal, Confidential, Restricted
Zoom Online Smart Recording with AI CompanionPublic, InternalConfidential, Restricted

All AI systems and applications not listed above are restricted to public data only. Higher levels of data access will be considered for solution providers that CCS has a contractual relationship with.