Display of Work Policies – by Department


  • Work from freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior-level is selected for consideration for SEO during Review Week.
  • All work selected is then discussed and juried by faculty.
  • Work is selected that tells the best “story” of the department and represents top quality in strategic thinking, concept, use of media, and execution.
  • As advertising is considered the “voice of the brand,” the work produced during the academic year must respect diversity, cultures and have high ethical standards.
  • Graduating seniors design their walls during the final semester for industry day. Faculty work with students in the selection process, display design and content.
  • The advertising faculty conduct a final walk-through of work to ensure quality before graduation and SEO.

Art Education

  • The Art Education department faculty juries all work submitted by the students in the department. The Chair consults with faculty but ultimately makes the final call based on space and hanging limitations.

Communication Design + Strategy

All student work is selected by review teams of one full-time faculty and one adjunct faculty during the week of student reviews at the end of each Academic year.

  • End-of-the-Year Student Review forms are the rubric used to assess and identify work that meets standards set by the department. The review forms have been developed with content sensitive to ILO’s, Department PLO’s and CLO’s.
  • Working with a 5-point scale, 3 being normative, any body of work that scores 4 or better in these categories (draw from review forms), is typically requested for submission for possible inclusion to the show. Departmental “Core Skills” become the primary focus of assessment when identifying work for SEO. Core skills reflect our department PLOs and are based on expectations/benchmarks set for each academic year of study.
  • During the week of the SEO installation, student work is further vetted, laid out, and compiled by full-time faculty. Consensus is the goal of this curation phase. If something is identified as not meeting our standards we will edit the piece. Pieces may be added that were not selected during reviews. These additions need to be approved for inclusion by the Department Chair and at least two full-time faculty.

Studio Art and Craft

Preliminary selection for the SEO occurs as part of the year-end Student Review process. At the completion of each individual’s critique the faculty discuss, jury and select work that is representative of the:

  • Student’s best efforts
  • Sections best work
  • Craft and Material Studies Department’s best creative activities for the year
  • Students from majors other than Craft and Material Studies (and who are registered within Craft and Material Studies courses) may submit work completed within the Craft and Material Studies curriculum for jury by their Craft and Material Studies instructors. It is understood that all such work accepted for inclusion into the Craft and Material Studies SEO exhibition is “preliminarily” admitted pending final jury.
  • On the day of installation all preliminarily accepted work is laid out at the Taubman Conference Center and reviewed one final time by Craft Department full-time faculty. Final composition for the exhibition is based on faculty approval, space availability, and the overall look and balance as determined at installation.

Entertainment Arts

  • Entertainment Arts full-time and adjunct faculty select student work during year-end reviews. Those select pieces go through a second round of jurying by full-time faculty, as a group. Final pieces are selected and placed into the Student Exhibition Opening.

Fashion Accessories Design

Work is juried by the Chair and two other faculty members using the following criteria:

  • Clarity – The work has to be focused and have a right balance of quality materials with clear, personal handwriting.
  • Creativity – Utilizes innovation either in the design or execution of the product.
  • Craft – Executed to the highest possible level of craftsmanship.
  • Overall Impression – Culturally appropriate and expresses course design principles and learning outcomes.

Work that is not accepted is:

  • Unfocused, unclear
  • Middle of the road, commercial
  • Badly or sloppily made
  • Inappropriate, illegal

Art Practice

  • During the end of semester reviews, faculty choose work for the exhibition. Students are asked to leave the room, and faculty discuss and make selections. All full time faculty are involved in the selection of work by each student. At the time of installation, final decisions are made by the faculty.


The Foundation Department uses this process in selecting works for the SEO:

  • Faculty select student work in each class for submission to the SEO jury.
  • The day following the end of classes, faculty from each discipline meet and jury all of the entries in that discipline.
  • Work is then returned to students for “Review Week” if a request is received in advance by the student, for matting/preparing for student show.
  • Works are then returned to the Foundation office, for SEO.
  • Works are hung by the Foundation Faculty. Given limited available space, all accepted works will not be in the show.
  • Final selection/deselection in the SEO rests with the Department Chair.


The Illustration Department judges work according to the merits of the work itself, and we strive to ensure that the work we display meets the learning objectives of the respective course it was created in as well as our program and institutional learning outcomes when we judge the work.

  • We collect the work to be considered for the SEO on Monday through Thursday of review week that occurs at the end of each winter semester at CCS currently. We reserve Friday of review week for a judging panel comprised of a combination of full-time and adjunct faculty members.
  • We emphasize to both our full-time and adjunct faculty members to collect work for non-graduating underclassmen as well as non-graduating seniors as they are reviewing students.
  • We encourage our faculty to be very discriminating in selecting or “flagging” work to be considered so that we don’t have an excess of work to be left behind in case a portion of it isn’t chosen for inclusion during our judging process.
  • Each student who has work “flagged” for consideration deposits this work onto designated tables/areas in our W313A classroom space. Each area/table is marked by the student’s year they just completed- freshman, sophomore, etc.
  • A panel of faculty judges comprised of both full-time and adjunct faculty members assembles on Friday of review to judge student work. This usually begins at 10 a.m. and finishes around 2:30-3:00 p.m.
  • Faculty are judging student work on many different factors, the most prominent of which is whether or not the piece being judged meets the learning outcomes of the respective course that it was created in.
  • We usually have 5 judges on our panel in order to hold a vote and have a majority one way or another for the work.
  • If no clear majority exists for the work in question, a friendly debate ensues, and in some cases the work is reconsidered and included. In some cases we have some work in a designated area. Some of these pieces eventually make their way into the show, but most work in this area isn’t included because better examples exist.
  • Sometimes the work being judged doesn’t meet the outcomes of the course it was created in, but is compelling, and is included by a majority vote of the faculty panel.
  • Once we have finished the judging process of student work, we prepare the work by placing it into labeled boxes for transport to the Taubman Center for hanging.

The Illustration Department’s process goes as follows for December and May graduating seniors-

  • Our December graduating seniors are informed by the Illustration Program Manager via multiple e-mail messages about the deadline for hanging their walls for their exit reviews. Their walls are also for display after the December graduation ceremony for their family, friends, and others to see.
  • Both December and May graduating seniors are in constant contact with their respective Senior Studio instructors on how to best present their work on their walls for both December graduation and the SEO.
  • Our senior studio instructors advise these students on best practices for displaying the work, as well as critique the work that will hang on these walls. These conversations are helpful to the student, and help them see how others might perceive their work, and help them hone in what it is that they are attempting to convey with their work.
  • May graduating seniors also have exit reviews scheduled during review week, usually on Wednesday and Thursday of that week. They give a presentation and are reviewed by a panel of full-time and adjunct faculty members that is comprised of full-time and adjunct faculty members.
  • Our faculty panel for the May graduating seniors presentation is diverse in age, ethnicity, gender, and religion, and we have had guest reviewers from other CCS departments from time to time on this exit review panel. We are working towards making a guest reviewer a regular thing on this panel going forward.
  • Our December and May graduating seniors are also in contact with other faculty concerning their walls for the SEO. The Department Chair and full-time faculty must approve their wall before the student spends money of framing, etc. In some instances the student revises his or her plans for their wall, and in most instances what the student presents is approved due to our Department’s use of numerous contact points with them throughout the academic year.

Interior Design

  • Student work is juried by Interior Design faculty during review week. The learning outcomes for the course that are established at the beginning of the semester serve as the criteria for reviewing student work. Faculty must come to an agreement on the student work in order for it to be selected.

Liberal Arts

The Department Chair primarily selects the SEO work to be presented in consultation with appropriate faculty, as needed. Liberal Arts makes an attempt to feature Concentrations and Minors. We also feature the contest winners for the Brewer Smallenberg Nonfiction Writing Contest and the Goldwasser Writing Contest. Finally, we feature the work created in new, promising classes, for example, the Graphic Novel Writing Workshop.


The faculty discuss the student’s work, and then several pieces are selected for further submission for the SEO department jurying. Potential SEO pieces are collected in the department, unframed, by the Thursday of review week (usually around 350 pieces). That afternoon the faculty curates the collected pieces to arrive at the final group of work that will be accepted by the department for the SEO (usually around 200 pieces). Students then pick up the juried work and prepare it for installation (appropriate framing or means of display) over the weekend. Student volunteers along with the faculty and the DA install the student work for the SEO during the SEO set up week.

  • Freshman level: 1 or 2 pieces of each freshman’s classwork are selected at the “end of the year” review by the reviewing faculty in consultation with the student. Efforts are made by the faculty to include at least one piece from each freshman in the show.
  • Sophomore and Junior level: 3 to 4 pieces of work are selected at each student’s “end of the year” review by the reviewing faculty in consultation with the student.
  • Senior level: Seniors will install their completed series of work (usually 6-8 pieces) from the senior project classes. They develop their SEO installation throughout the fall and winter semesters. They have numerous critiques each semester as their work progresses; during peer group reviews, “one on one” consultations with the instructor, faculty group critiques and through individual faculty mentoring. The senior Mid-Year show has the senior students experience designing an installation, preparing work for a show, installation lighting, and with developing effective artist statements. This show also allows the CCS student community and interested people from outside the department to give valuable feed back to the students on how well their concept is being communicated. Senior SEO installations are reviewed with each senior the day before the SEO opening by a group composed of all the full time photo faculty and interested adjuncts.

Product Design

  • The Product Design Department Chair and Full Time Faculty jury work for SEO during end of year reviews. The work is evaluated according to criteria/categories listed in the attached review form. Should any material be considered offensive, students will be asked to remove the inappropriate content.

Transportation Design BFA and MFA

  • Graduates in MFA and BFA are entitled to show their work upon graduation.
  • The work is screened for quality, content, and professionalism and the students are advised accordingly.
  • Currently graduating MFA students must show their graduate thesis.
  • Non-graduating BFA/MFA student work is screened and curated for quality, content, and professionalism. The department reserves the right to not show work from non-graduating students.

June 24, 2019

March 4, 2025