The Office of Financial Aid assists students with financial aid options, through graduation, to finance your educational investment . Our office offers guidance in finding alternatives to help reduce educational expenses.
Some of the services the Office of Financial Aid provides, Financial Aid Award/Cost Breakdown, Counseling students/parents on loan options, Assisting students with financial aid applications and/or requirements, Providing students with insights on all financial aid options, including grants/scholarships, work study programs, and outside opportunities, loan default prevention as well as offering other assistance as needed.
Helpful Information
The following presentation gives a brief explanation about your Federal Loans and the types of repayment options you have once you graduate, drop below half-time enrollment, or leave school.
Post Graduation PPT
Post Graduation PDF
Connecting With Staff
In an effort to maintain the health and safety of our students and staff, the Office of Financial Aid will meet with students by appointment only. Appointments are available via Zoom or by phone which will allow us to better serve your needs while adhering to the social distancing standards.
To make an appointment with your Financial Aid Counselor, please click on the Calendy link underneath your counselor’s name on the right hand side of the page.
Work Study Info For Staff
Submit your job description online
note: positions are not posted until approved by financial aid. Job postings will remain listed for 6 weeks.
Current Positions
Work Study Authorization Form
Work Study Process
Your Account
Accessing Self Service for the first time
24-25 Asset Form
24-25 Award Adjustment Form
24-25 Budgeting Worksheet Guide
24-25 Degree Intent Form
24-25 Verification Worksheet
24-25 Plus Loan Authorization Form
24-25 Plus Loan Reference Guide
24-25 Provisionally Independent Form
24-25 Special Circumstance Form
Policies & Procedures
Return of Title IV Funds for Complete & Unofficial Withdrawals
Financial Aid Verification Policy
Satisfactory Academic Progress – Undergraduate
Satisfactory Academic Progress – Graduate
The Basic Process for Receiving Financial Aid at CCS
- To apply for need-based federal, state and institutional financial aid, students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA is not required to receive CCS Scholarships, and some other types of institutional awards, and some outside scholarships. Typically, it takes about one week for CCS to receive your FAFSA results, then the financial aid office can determine if additional documentation is required for the federal Verification selection process. If a student is selected for Verification they will be notified via a mailed notification letter specifying requested documentation, then follow-up emails until all documentation is received by the Financial Aid office to complete the verification process.
- After the student has been admitted to CCS and their FAFSA has been received, CCS will calculate what financial aid the student is eligible to receive from the federal and state government, as well as any need-based aid from the school. All award offers are initially based on full-time costs and award amounts. New, incoming students will receive their financial aid award offer in the mail containing a financial aid and cost breakdown, detailing all information and necessary instructions to accept their aid offers. Returning, continuing students receive a notification to their CCS email and are able to view and accept or decline their financial aid award offers online within Self Service. If you are offered a Direct loan as part of your package and wish to accept it, you must complete a Direct Loan Master Promissory Note and loan Entrance Counseling (complete them here!)
- Students considered Dependent for federal student aid purposes will have a Federal Parent PLUS loan offer included in their award offer listed at an estimated, maximum amount available to borrow. This PLUS loan offer is an option, and if the parent wishes to apply for the Parent PLUS loan they must complete and submit the Parent PLUS Authorization Application form back to the Financial Aid Office to be processed.
- Students should have a clear understanding of what their individual costs, financial aid eligibility, and remaining balance, as well as options to cover remaining costs ahead of the semester classes starting! Please schedule an appointment with your financial aid counselor to go over all options or any questions before your semester starts.
- Any remaining balance after all aid awards are posted to a students semester account within Self Service, are due to be paid in full approximately one month prior to classes starting. Main options to pay the remaining amount include one, or a combination of the following: an outside scholarship search; setting up the semester monthly payment plan; applying for a supplemental loan, such as an Alternative or Parent PLUS loan (see below). Supplemental loans are subject to credit approval. Most students require a credit worthy co-signer to qualify for an alternative loan. Please apply early for these loans. They take time to process and you don’t want to be in a position where a balance at the school is keeping you from registering for your next semester.
- Anything you request beyond what you need for tuition, fees and/or on-campus housing and meal plans will be refunded to you by the Business Office and can be used for educational expenses such as books & supplies, food, rent or transportation.
- CCS strongly encourages students to view important dates at the (Academic Calendar). Students who have not secured all necessary funding by the first day of classes should contact the Financial Aid office immediately to discuss any options that may still be available.
- Aid is awarded based on full-time enrollment and adjusted for less than full-time students after the drop/add period (see Part-Time Pro-ration below) ends each semester. Most kinds of aid require at least half-time (6 credits) enrollment.
- Aid is also awarded based on the assumption you will complete the semester. If you do a complete withdrawal or stop attending classes before the end of the semester some kinds of aid may have to be returned (see Return of Title IV Funds for Complete & Unofficial Withdrawals). You will be responsible for repaying any resulting balance.
The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
The FAFSA is the only application required to determine eligibility for federal, state and institutional (CCS) need-based financial aid. Students should complete the FAFSA each year they may need to receive aid. Even if you’re uncertain of your plans, it is still a good idea to get your FAFSA filed so you are prepared either way.
The FAFSA for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year will be available beginning December 1st, 2024. It is recommended you file your FAFSA before May 1st to ensure your maximum eligibility for aid.
Click here to file the FAFSA online
Financial Aid for Part Time Students
Aid is initially awarded based on full-time enrollment (12-18 credit hours). Students who plan to attend part-time must contact the Financial Aid Office once they have officially registered for all classes so financial aid awards can be adjusted accordingly and the students semester billing account is accurate. Each semester at the close of the Drop/Add period the enrollment status of every student is reviewed to determine if awards should be prorated due to less than full-time status. Aid continues to be pro-rated through the date that 100% charges apply each semester (see the Academic Calendar for exact dates). Scholarships from outside entities are not prorated unless required by the donor. Loan amounts do not change unless requested by the student or if adjustments are necessary per federal regulations.
11.5 – 9.0 credits – student receives 75% of original award
8.5 – 6.0 credits – student receives 50% of original award
Less than 6.0 – student receives 0% of original award
Students must be attending at least 6 credits to receive financial aid, including Direct and PLUS loans. Some alternative loans are available for those enrolled less than 6 credits.
If your financial aid funds and/or supplemental loans are in excess tuition and housing charges owed to CCS, the Cashier’s office will issue a refund check to you for the overage. It is important to remember that financial aid is disbursed on a per semester basis, so if you have taken out an additional $5000 for the year, you will receive $2500 during the fall semester, and $2500 during the winter semester. Refund checks are printed in the Cashier’s office every Friday. You may also set up Direct Deposit for your refund through the Business Office.
ALL STUDENTS entitled to a refund should expect it within the first two weeks of the semester.
Scholarship Opportunities
CCS will accept any outside scholarships students obtain. CCS does not reduce institutional aid when additional scholarships are received, unless all tuition and fees are paid by the additional scholarship. In rare cases, a student may lose eligibility if they exceed their Demonstrated Need calculation or may have loan funds reduced if they exceed their Cost of Attendance calculation (contact Financial Aid office for more information).
View a listing of current external scholarship opportunities.
Click here to learn more about doing an outside scholarship search (pdf).
Students wishing to obtain a work-study job on campus should first review the list of postings (see below) to determine if there are any jobs currently available and if they meet the qualifications. Once an appropriate job is located, students should follow the instructions in the job posting for application.
The interview is an important part of the process and should be taken seriously – supervisors will choose the student they feel is most suitable in terms of skills and demeanor.
Once you have secured a job, you will fill out an Authorization to Hire form with your supervisor, which should be returned to the Financial Aid Office. In addition, students need to complete tax forms and provide documentation of their identity and citizenship status, which is completed in the Human Resources Office. Students should not begin working until all these documents are provided to Financial Aid/Human Resources and processed!
International students are eligible for work-study, but will need to go through the additional step of obtaining a Social Security number and card. Call (313) 664-7497 for more information.
Click here to see the current job postings.
Work Study Authorization Form
Graduate Assistantship Positions
Qualified students registered in Masters Programs are eligible to apply for Graduate Assistantship positions where available.
For more information please go to the Graduate Studies Page.
Requirements for CCS Scholarships & Grants
Requirements for all CCS scholarships are based on cumulative GPA.
Student’s cumulative GPA is reviewed after they have attended CCS for at least two full semesters, and each semester thereafter, to determine if they are meeting the requirements for their scholarship. Once reduced, the scholarship funds lost are not reinstated, regardless of the GPA in future semesters. The only exception to this rule is if a grade change is received which increases the GPA high enough to prevent it from going below the requirement.
CCS Scholarships: Require a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher. If a 2.5 is not maintained the award is reduced to a CCS Award. The amount received is dependent on the semester the student first attended (or was formally readmitted to) CCS.
CCS Award: Are not subject to a GPA requirement.
CCS Award: Are not subject to a GPA requirement, outside of the standard Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements.CCS Institutional Grant: Annual FAFSA submission is required in order to receive this type of funding for each subsequent academic year enrolled. A student’s eligibility consideration for and funding amount is solely based on the student FAFSA received during the academic year for which they are admitted to CCS. Also must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements to maintain eligibility.