This course introduces the student to,advertising, the creative process and the roles,of the art director/copywriter creative team in,the creation of an advertising message. Students,practice brainstorming techniques, dissecting a,strategy brief, idea generation, concept,sketching and presentation skills. They examine,multiple approaches to advertising and begin,their understanding of solving a marketing,problem for a unique and/or diverse target of,consumers from strategy to idea to image, headline,and copy.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAD 110


Content creation is the future of digital media,and video. Students create long format commercial,content with extended narratives that focus on,branded storytelling that engages, motivates and,influences diverse audiences and consumers in a,positive and emotional way beyond the traditional,thirty second broadcast format. Students gain more,experience in writing, concepting and pitching,,storyboarding, producing and editing their,commercial concepts.

Credits: 3



The Professional Seminar provides candidates who,are doing their Directed Teaching with further,professional development and experiences that,develop reflective practice. The seminar conveys,a range of information essential to Visual Arts,educators, including health and safety issues in,Art Education, technology integration,,educational law, effective teaching practices,,research in the field, emerging trends in pedagogy,which examine issues of diversity, equity, and,inclusion.The seminar format is,intended to support student teachers in their,placements and allow for reflection and dialogue,regarding this professional experience.,Application for Directed Teaching and Departmental,permission is required. Art Education candidates,must pass DAE 520 with a grade of ‘C’ (2.00) or,higher to qualify for certification.

Credits: 2

Prerequisites: DAE 405,DAE 510


DAS-316 follows DAS-315 to form the capstone,experience of the Minor in Creative,Entrepreneurship. Students will focus on,operational and oversight aspect of their venture,,including studying, selecting and integrating,information analysis and business software into a,customized enterprise reporting platform. This,review will include accounting information,,project management and team communication, search,engine optimization, customer acquisition and,retention, digital marketing optimization, and,enterprise resource planning. Interpersonal,skills training will include internal team and,business partner management, customer service and,satisfaction, and business development, sales and,presentation training. Finally students will,secure a mini-internship with an appropriate,entity. Mini-internships must be approved in,advance. As needed, Design Core Detroit will help,through their Design Network.,This course can be used for Liberal Arts or,General Elective credit.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAS 313, DAS 314, DAS 315


Through the College’s affiliation with the,Association of Independent Colleges of Art and,Design (AICAD), junior or first-semester senior,students in good academic standing have the,opportunity to spend a semester (fall or winter),or full year of study at another member,institution in the United States or abroad.,Application information is available in the,Academic Advising and Registration Office.

Credits: 12



We orient ourselves, we define ourselves, in,emotional, temporal, physical space. This course,explores important American texts which convey a,strong sense of place, or, in other words,,emotional, political and/or cultural environments,,from the early urbanism and social realism of,Sister Carrie, to the rise of modernism, urban,anonymity, and apocalyptic fantasies in The Day of,the Locust, and ultimately, to post modern,experiments, including the graphic novel, which,test the boundaries of our accepted notions of,time and space and identity.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN 239


Through the College’s affiliation with the,Association of Independent Colleges of Art and,Design, junior or first semester senior students,in good standing have the opportunity to spend a,semester (fall or winter) or full year studying at,another member institution in the United States or,abroad. Application information is available in,the Academic Advising and Registration Office.

Credits: 12
