How do we see and what are we seeing? What are,the mechanics of the eye, the activities of the,brain, the roles of illusion, and the function of,images in the mind and in communication? This,course uses the neurobiological model of the,brain to explore discoveries in perception and to,explore the complexities of visual imagery.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN 102


The junior-year mobility studio expands on,the interior, exterior and Design Theory II,Mobility courses taken in the sophomore year. ,Students are expected to embrace not only a,diverse set of shared user experiences, but also,the urban planning implications of a fleet of,vehicles for public use. Advanced thinking in the,areas of primary and secondary research, design,theory, sustainable materials and production,methods, inclusive human factors and user-focused,ergonomics are all expected. The presence of,corporate sponsors along the way and the,possibility of field trips to professional design,studios or factories will further ensure the,process has real-world career relevance.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DTR202,DTR231,DTR257,DTR233


The senior vehicle studio places emphasis on the,role research plays in creating vocational and,recreational design ideas. Students will work to,identify vehicle design opportunities with an,emphasis on sustainable materials and processes,,packaging and UX/UI (Interaction Design),considerations for a diverse cross section of,users, as well as emerging cultural and technical,trends. Through advanced presentations to,sponsors, students will show their attention to,user needs, the social impact of their design,solutions, their readiness to transition to the,professional world. Occasionally, course content,may be reinforced through field trips to,professional design studios or factories.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DTR 332, DTR 334, DTR 336, DTR 338


The socio-political aftermath of World War II in,Japan, China and Korea led to an explosion of film,culture in those countries, one inspired by the,commercial and art cinemas of the West, but one,that has rivaled them in terms of innovation. ,While addressing the histories and present-day,climates of their mother countries, East Asian,films since 1945 have developed unique approaches,to narrative and culturally specific imagery, and,furthered a dialogue between the three neighbors,that reflects their centuries old interrelations.,This course will trace the evolution of film,language from the master directors of post-war,Japan (Ozu, Mizoguchi, Ichikawa and Kurosawa) to,the various filmic modes in post-revolutionary,China (Ang Lee, Wong kar-wai, Zhang Yimou and Hou,Hsiao-hsien) to the radical transformations of,contemporary Korean cinema (Park Chan-wook, Bong,Joon-ho and Na Hong-jin).

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: Take one 3.0 credit, 200 level course from one of the,following subjects: DAH (Art History), DEN (English), DAS,(Academic Studies), DVC (Visual Culture).


This course studies the techniques and procedures,for identifying and forecasting fashion trends.,This includes the evaluation and analysis of,current fashion trends and prediction of future,trends. Students learn to recognize and analyze,business trends and how they affect fashion and,retail. During this course you will review how,socioeconomic and cultural factors influence what,we wear and what we ultimately buy.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: FAD 204


This course focuses on the fundamentals of visual,storytelling by engaging students in a series of,individual and collaborative exercises designed to,develop an understanding of the camera, lenses,,and lights, non-linear editing techniques, and a,basic understanding of sound in relation to image.,Students make three short films exploring fiction,,non-fiction and experimental forms. Selected film,and video works are analyzed throughout the,semester with the aim of a critical awareness of,theory and practice.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: FLM 103


This course affords students the time and space to,undertake major independently initiated film,projects, series, and/or other moving image works.,Students may propose narrative, documentary and/or,experimental projects with the goal of producing,them over the course of two semesters alongside,their peers, capitalizing on their pooled skill,sets and goals.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: FLM 364 OR DMA 333