This is the first in a series of studio courses on,the MA and MFA User Experience Design programs. ,Studio courses are designed to expose students to,a wide range of real life design problems with,industry and community partners. These courses,challenge students to apply creative thinking,skills in developing technologically mediated,interventions and experiences with objects, spaces,and interfaces. This course focuses on skills in,physical modelling and user-experience mapping. ,It introduces students to the coding of,human-machine interactions with hardware and,software using Arduino prototyping and raspberry,pi. Students will learn to improvise and,prototype with a range of making methods,,including the use of traditional hand guided tools,and CNC fabrication processes.

Credits: 3



This is the second in a series of studio courses,on the MA and MFA User Experience Design programs.,Studio courses are designed to expose students to,a wide range of real life design problems with,industry and community partners. These courses,challenge students to apply creative thinking,skills in developing technologically mediated,interventions and experiences with objects, spaces,and interfaces.,This course focuses on service design mediated,through technology and digital systems. Students,will research and visually map user experiences,for smart services, and provide prototypes for,user-testing.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: IXD 601


This course will introduce the fundamental,concepts, methods and practices of interface,design. Students will put into practice the,processes of interface design development, the,role of design leadership in that process and the,technical aspects of creating an effective,interaction experience. Students will work both,individually and in teams to explore the User,Interface (UI) development process and,communicate their ideas through a narrative. Due,to the complexity and length of the process,,finished interfaces will not be produced.,Instead, students will participate in a series of,design exercises that will orient them to the,process and the resources they will need to,further pursue UI design. Students will,participate in group discussions, critiques and,presentations.

Credits: 3



In this course, students will apply the,fundamental principles, methods and process of,interface design covered in Interface Design I,,to interaction design projects. Students will,work independently with group critique to develop,their skill sets in critical thinking,,information architecture, usability, and dynamic,engagement. They will also learn to use the voice,of the customer to meet consumer needs and to,pursue business objectives. A single project or a,series of short projects will be derived from,real world scenarios and will require strategic,and creative problem solving to accomplish goals,within limited time frames. It is critical that,interface solutions meet usability requirements,and standards. Students will therefore practice,the focus group research method to help them,build and test User Interface (UI) solutions,based on consumer needs.

Credits: 3



Designing excellent user experiences requires an,understanding of the human factors that underlie a,user’s comprehension of the world. This course,looks at the science that formulates the way,humans make sense of the world around them and how,to leverage that innate human experience to design,successful human-compute experiences. Particularly,relevant to designers working on human-centered,interactions with new technologies, this course,helps students to craft experiences compatible,with the strengths and weaknesses of the human’s,embodied mind. Students will learn how to leverage,human perception, ergonomics, and information,systems to generate intuitive interactions with,new technologies.

Credits: 3
