Budget Reports
You can access your budget in real time through Webadvisor (go to Business Services>Webadvisor). You will need to be set up to access your budget by the Business Services department.
Always charge items to appropriate account number, even if you go over budget. The important thing to remember is that you must stay within your overall budget.
Budget presentation and requests occur in mid winter – early spring for the next fiscal year. Each budget center will complete the necessary forms needed to request additional money or make changes for their department’s needs. The Director of Business Services will send an email with the appropriate forms, well in advance of the meetings, with an explanation on how to complete the forms and the deadline. The needs and priorities for the college as a whole are considered when preparing the operating budget. CCS’ fiscal year is July 1 – June 30.
Account Number Scheme
A-BBBB-CCCC (example 1-3300-7200)
A = Type of fund
- 1 = Unrestricted (this will be used for most departments)
- 2 = Restricted Accounts (used primarily by External Relations and Sponsored Projects)
- 3 = Endowment
BBBB = Budget Center – Defines the department (ie. 3100 = Business Services, 4XXX all academic departments, 4510 = Art Practice).
CCCC = Line Item Account Number – Defines the type of account or line item (ie.4500 = Corporate gifts, 7200 = Office supplies, 6000 = Administrative salaries). The first digit of the account number determines if the account is an asset (1), a liability (2), a fund balance/equity (3), a revenue account (4) or an expense number (5)(6)(7)(8)(9).
Please see attached list of existing expense account numbers. This is also available on the public directory in the Business Service folder. If you believe an additional account number needs to be set up or you would like a particular line item account number to be included in your budget center, please contact the Director or Assistant Director of Business Services.