
Office Overview

Visit or contact us to learn more about career paths open to artists and designers, the schedule for on-campus recruitment events,  one on one coaching sessions,  securing an internships or job, workshops to support the development of application materials such as resumes, cover letters and portfolios and much more:

Connect to Future Employers

  • Handshake:
    ALL students and alumni have the opportunity to post their resumes and portfolios for employers to view on Handshake. Additionally, users can search for employment and internships via Handshake. Learn more here:  https://collegeforcreativestudies.joinhandshake.com/
  • CCS Portfolio Site:
    Get included on the CCS student portfolio website, which is shared with over 2,000 potential employers several times during the academic calendar year! Junior, senior and graduate students with approved portfolios can upload their work to the website. 

More information about how to sign up to be included on the portfolio website can be found here

Find An Internship

Opportunities to work alongside professionals, gain confidence in your abilities, and build relationships with key people in your industry. Get paid and save $$ by taking an internship for credit. More information can be found by visiting this website. 

Connect to Industry

The Office of Partnerships Career Development team hosts career events throughout the year, including: on-campus recruiting activities, professional portfolio reviews and company information sessions. To learn more, email Shelly Mcmahon at smcmahon@collegeforcreativestudies.edu to sign up to receive text alerts about events.

Also, Design Core Detroit champions design-driven businesses and their role in strengthening Detroit’s economy. It offers services to strengthen, grow and attract design businesses, increases market demand for design services, and tells Detroit’s design story locally and globally. Design Core is a department within College for Creative Studies.

More information can be found here and includes information about:

  • Basic level membership in the network for senior students and alumni
  • Access to Entrepreneurial Resources
  • Opportunities to showcase work through public platforms

For more information on these opportunities contact Info@designcore.org 

Individual Career Counseling

Your dedicated Career Coach will meet with you for a one-on-one career coaching session. CCS’ Career Coaches advise students to support students to identify personal goals and plan long term career strategies.  Specifically, they help students identify internship and employment opportunities, strategize for successful job interviews and will support the development of employment materials such as cover letters, resumes, portfolios, and more, 

Individual appointments are available to ALL CCS students and alumni for career counseling and guidance. 

To schedule an appointment email partnerships@collegeforcreativestudies.edu or reach out to:

Tom Hicks, Career Coach for Design Majors – thicks@collegeforcreativestudies.edu

Halie Gary, Career Coach for Art Majors – hgary@collegeforcreativestudies.edu

International Student Employment Advising:
Students studying at CCS on an F-1 or J-1 Student Visa are required to have special authorization to work off campus. Please consult with the Global Engagement Office at CCS prior to accepting any employment offers.
Schedule an appointment with an International Student Advisor to understand your responsibilities and your options. Read more here: Training Opportunities in the United States | Study in the States (dhs.gov)

Katherine Campbell

Join our Workshops Series

This professional series covers resume and cover letter preparation, information on securing an internship, interview skills, building a great portfolio and everything in between! Check out Presence to learn more. 

Access a CCS 4 Year Plan

A guide to keep you on track throughout your time here. 

Check it out here: CCS 4 Year Career Plan

Sponsored Projects

Working on a Sponsored Project this semester. Here are some useful resources:

Sponsored Research Project Information for CCS Students 
Sponsored Research Project Policy Manual 

Helpful Resources

Resources include job search sites, grant information, competitions, fellowships, copyright information, gallery listings, professional organizations, self-promotion, freelance jobs, and more. 

Decision Matrices At CCS

What is a Decision Matrix? A decision matrix is a simple, visual chart that outlines key decisions made in each College office, the stakeholders involved, and their roles in the decision-making process. View the Office of Partnerships Decision Matrix.

Faculty Support

As faculty, you play a critical role in supporting students in career exploration and professional development. Below are some ways that faculty can work with the Office of Partnerships, Career Development team to encourage greater dialogue and stronger partnerships to ensure the success of our students.

  • Encourage students to schedule an appointment with the Career Development team for one-on-one counseling sessions, resume reviews, internship/job search techniques, interview skills and much more.
  • Invite a member of the Career Development team to present to your class on a variety of career topics. The Career Development team will visit your classroom to support the development of application materials including resumes, cover letters, etc.  
  • We encourage faculty to create a handshake account to better serve their students’ career development. Email Shelly Mcmahon at smcmahon@collegeforcreativestudies.edu to be added as a student user. 
  • The Career Development team welcomes any information regarding students who have secured an internship or a job. Faculty work very closely with students and you are often the people that students share information with. Please encourage students to report to our team. Email careerdevelopment@collegeforcreativstudies.edu.

The Office of Partnerships launched a campus wide portfolio site last year that is now shared with employers on an ongoing basis throughout the year. The site has now seen over 30,000 hits and is a great way to connect students with prospective employers.

May Graduates will be removed by September 1 of that year (unless they request to stay on as an alumni, request must be sent to Career Coach)

December Graduates, removed by February 1 of the following year (unless they request to stay on as an alumni, request must be sent to Career Coach)

  1. Fill out Portfolio Approval Form
    Already have an approved portfolio or aren’t sure if you do? Reach out to your career coach.
  2. Review Portfolio with Program Chair
  3. Send your approved portfolio form to your Career Coach
    Career Coach will send instructions on how to upload
  4. Upload your work to portfolio site
  5. Career Coach approves upload to make page live

Career Coach for Art Majors:
Halie Gary

Career Coach for Design Majors:
Tom Hicks