Student Domestic Travel

Policy Statement, Purpose, and Scope

The College for Creative Studies encourages student exploration and travel. Off-campus experiences support institutional learning outcomes and expand students’ experience and perspective. The College seeks to ensure the safety of students and mitigate risks associated with off-campus travel. In furtherance of this goal, the College has established this policy and its adjacent procedures  for minimum requirements for student travel. Additional standards may be enacted for specific trips by the Trip Leader or Responsible Administrator.

The Student Domestic Travel Policy establishes guidelines to ensure adequate College oversight of travel programs, maintain quality and consistency among programs, and allow for appropriate response should an emergency arise. The purpose of the policy is to ensure that adequate planning, supervision, and organization is in place for safe student domestic travel and to create an approval and accountability structure.  

This policy applies to domestic travel of any enrolled students to attend activities or events that are:

  • Organized or sponsored by the College for Creative Studies , and
  • Occurring off the CCS campus and/or extending overnight.

This policy does not apply to travel for internships, student teaching, observations, residencies, or research (unless the research is organized by a faculty member). Travel by students who are also College employees traveling in their capacity as employees is not covered by this policy.

Student Domestic Travel Guidelines

Trip Leader

Trip Leader is typically a full-time faculty or staff member(s) responsible for trip planning, student preparation, and supervision of students on the trip. Adjunct Instructors or part-time employees must be approved to be Trip Leaders by the Responsible Administrator prior to the trip being approved.

Prior to Travel Commencing


The Trip Leader and Coordinator will work together to develop a travel proposal, inclusive of budget estimations and a loose trip itinerary, and submit the completed Student Domestic Travel Funding Request Form for student travel.  See information on the Travel Budget below. 

When possible, requests for overnight stays or travel outside of a 50 mile radius should be submitted three months prior to travel. 

For local travel, a funding request should be submitted three weeks in advance.


Upon approval of the travel proposal, the Trip Leader and Trip Coordinator will communicate fundraising/personal contribution expectations and the loose itinerary to student participants. If the travel is not specific to a certain class, the Trip Leader and Trip Coordinator will work together to promote the travel opportunity to students.  The Trip Leader is required to speak with their supervisors regarding coverage for their on-campus responsibilities.

The Trip Coordinator will maintain a list of students who will participate in the travel, limiting capacity in accordance with budget and number of chaperones. A waitlist will also be maintained.

If the travel will take place within a single day, the Trip Leader will provide students direction via email and/or the College’s learning management system the day prior to travel. This communication will include:

  • Travel itinerary
  • Chaperones (if applicable)
  • Transportation details
  • How meals will be handled (if applicable)
  • Expected student expenses – meal, coat check, etc.
  • Behavioral expectations for the trip, i.e. Student Code of Conduct
  • Appropriate attire for the event and/or for safety of participants, as applicable
  • Necessary gear/materials/tools
  • Risks associated with the trip
  • Items needed to keep on person at all times – health insurance information and emergency contact
  • Direction should an emergency arise

For travel involving an overnight stay, the Trip Leader and Trip Coordinator will schedule an orientation for participants to occur at least one week prior to traveling. The orientation will provide the information listed for single day trips, as well as details on the following content:

  • Route
  • Rest and meal stops
  • Lodging
  • Proper identification/health information

Required Forms/Lists

The Trip Leader must have students sign the Field Trip form for all student travel. Completed forms, as well as a Participant List containing student name, student number, cell phone number, and emergency contact information must be submitted by the Trip Coordinator to the Trip Leader, Dean of Students (if overnight travel), and Responsible Administrator at least ten days prior to travel commencing

While Traveling


While traveling, the Trip Leader is responsible for maintaining an accurate accounting of all participating students. The itinerary communicated prior to the trip should be followed as closely as feasible.

If the Trip Leader is the sole chaperone, they must be available to trip participants at all times via phone and be lodged in the same place, though they may not share a room with students. If there is an additional chaperone(s) on the trip, oversight breaks may be scheduled with coverage by the chaperone(s).

Trip Leaders must act in accordance with all restrictions on alcohol and/or cannabis consumption as stated in the College’s  Travel and Entertainment Policy and Alcohol and Other Drug Policy. The Trip Leader must also follow all directions provided in the CCS Chaperone Policy, and all generally mandated directions in the Travel and Entertainment Policy. 

If a student needs to return early from the trip for any reason, the Trip Leader, in consultation with the Trip Coordinator and Responsible Administrator, will determine if that student should be accompanied by a fellow trip participant.


Trip Leaders will carry with them the emergency contact information for all participants at all times. The Trip Leader must report any incident resulting in injury or property loss, criminal activity, violation of trip rules or Student Code of Conduct, or emergencies to the Trip Coordinator and Responsible Administrator as soon as practicable following the incident. In the case of an emergency, the Trip Leader is responsible for calling 911 and/or the local authorities, if the Trip Leader is present when the emergency has arisen. If the Trip Leader is unavailable, any participant or Chaperone may call 911 or the local authorities if the need arises

Upon Return

Receipt Submittal

Within ten business days of the end of the travel period, the Trip Leader must submit all travel receipts and the remaining funds from any advances received to the Trip Coordinator.


Trip Evaluation Form for Faculty/Staff must be submitted by the Trip Leader to their department Program Manager for use in the Academic Affairs Monthly Report within seven days of return. 

Student Trip Evaluation form link should be sent within three days of the return by the Trip Coordinator. Completed evaluation forms will be made available to the department/office and sponsoring departments by Academic Affairs.

Travel sponsors may require additional reporting from the trip.

Trip Coordinator

The Trip Coordinator is the staff member responsible for oversight of trip planning and execution. The Coordinator will work with the Trip Leader to complete Business Services documentation and aid with trip planning and reservations as needed.

Prior to Travel Commencing

The Trip Coordinator works with the Trip Leader, aiding in proposal research and trip planning as needed, in the completion and submission of the Student Domestic Travel Funding Request form, and making reservations for transport, lodging, and access for group participants (i.e. conference fees, museum tickets). The Trip Coordinator also works with the Trip Leader, when applicable, to promote the travel opportunity, conduct an orientation, and manage the travel budget. The Trip Coordinator is also responsible for liaising with Business Services to set up an account for student deposits.

Prior to travel, the Trip Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that the Trip Leader has submitted Field Trip forms for all participants. The Trip Coordinator will create a Participant List for the Trip Leader and internal use. The Trip Coordinator will forward this List to the Trip Leader, Dean of Students (if overnight travel), and Responsible Administrator ten days prior to the trip commencing.

While Travel is Taking Place

Trip Coordinators are on-call for the duration of the trip, as they act as liaison between the Trip Leader and the Responsible Administrator should questions or an emergency arise.

Upon Return

Once the travel is complete, Trip Coordinators are responsible for reconciling the travel expenses. Trip Leaders are to submit all receipts from the travel to the Trip Coordinator within seven business days of return. Trip Leaders will also submit a trip evaluation form on the travel. Additional reporting on the trip, in the form of exhibitions, debriefs, etc. may also be expected from trip sponsors; Trip Coordinators will aid in planning for these events as applicable. Trip Coordinators will also communicate with the Trip Leader and all participants regarding the Student Trip Evaluation form.

Responsible Administrator

The Responsible Administrator is a Dean, Department Chair, Director of an administrative unit, or their delegate who offers approval for the travel and any associated expenditures, as well as authorizing policy exceptions.

Prior to Travel Commencing

The Responsible Administrator for student domestic travel is named on the Student Domestic Travel Funding Request form and offers approval for the trip proposal.

While Travel is Taking Place

Responsible Administrators are on on-call status during the duration of the trip, as they may need to respond to questions or offer direction should an emergency arise.

Upon Return

Dependent on the size of the expenditure, Responsible Administrators may be called upon to approve expenditures/reconciliation reports resulting from the travel. Responsible Administrators have the discretion to require additional travel reporting from Trip Leaders, regardless of whether their office sponsored the travel financially.

Other Chaperones (As Applicable)

Chaperones should refer to the CCS Chaperone Policy for information on their obligations and qualifications. Chaperones are expected to work with the Trip Leader in planning and implementing the travel. Chaperones do not have responsibilities related to reporting or receipt reconciliation

Student Participants

Prior to Travel Commencing

Students who wish to participate in domestic travel opportunities are expected to carefully consider the trip information provided to them and reflect on their own ability to successfully participate before signing up for the trip. Though students are not required to pay for required class field trips, travel that is not required will typically entail a cost to the student. Students participating in travel may need to miss other classes or commitments – students should ensure that trading one experience for the other is the best choice for them before committing to the trip. Where applicable, students participating in travel opportunities are expected to attend pre-trip orientations, fundraise, and meet any obligations (surveys, submission of work, etc.) that follow the trip. 

Student travelers should be aware that the College assumes no responsibility in providing students funds in the case of an emergency. Students should be prepared to assume the costs of their travel, lodging, and food in the case of unanticipated delays or other incidents requiring additional expenditures, as well as any medical costs.

The Students Affairs office will consider student participants for travel as they make their deposits. Students not in good judicial standing may not be permitted to attend overnight trips, as determined by the Student Affairs office.  More information pertaining to student deposits and expenses are detailed in the Travel Budget section below. Students participating in domestic travel will also need to submit a Field Trip form prior to traveling.

While Traveling

All students participating in domestic travel opportunities must adhere to the Student Code of Conduct and all other policies of the College, including the Alcohol and Other Drug Policy, as well as any rules set by the Trip Leader. Failure to comply may hinder future participation in travel opportunities, as well as enrollment with CCS, and may warrant other disciplinary action in accordance with the Code of Conduct.

No student is permitted to leave the group without reporting to the Trip Leader where the student will be, and no student shall be left behind during a trip unless required by circumstances approved by the Responsible Administrator.

Students are advised to report any incident resulting in injury or property loss, criminal activity, violation of trip rules or Student Code of Conduct to the Trip Leader or chaperone(s). Students may also address any concerns with the Trip Leader or chaperone(s).

Upon Return

Students must submit receipts for pre-approved expenses to the Trip Coordinator within seven days of return, in accordance with the Travel and Entertainment Policy.

Students are expected to participate in post-trip events (e.g. a presentation on the travel, an exhibition of work inspired by the travel, debrief meeting, etc.).

Travel Budget

Funding Sources

Student domestic travel is typically funded via student fundraising and individual student contribution. If the travel is required or offered as part of a sponsored research project, the budget for that project will typically cover the associated costs. Funds are also available through the Academic Affairs office, Student Affairs office, Student Government, and individual program budgets, though the allocation is based on strict criteria developed by each group and usually covers only a portion of the full cost. The criterion for funds available from each office is available on the Campus Offices, Academic Affairs site.

CCS ​staff or faculty members who are pursuing a CCS degree are ineligible for student development funds. CCS staff or faculty members who attend classes at CCS already receive tuition benefits. CCS reserves the student development funds for tuition paying undergraduate or graduate students. 

The Trip Leader and Trip Coordinator must develop a budget associated with any student travel with four or more student participants. The cost for chaperone travel is included in this estimate. Once the budget is known, the Trip Leader, in coordination with the Trip Coordinator, may submit a Student Domestic Travel Funding Request form to seek funding from College offices. Requests for funding typically require three weeks for full processing. Once the Student Domestic Travel Funding Request form is returned to the Trip Coordinator with allocations detailed, the Trip Leader and Coordinator will work with the student group to guide fundraising efforts, in collaboration with the Dean of Students and determine individual student commitments. The cost of attendance for each student, both if fundraising goals are met and if they are not, will be clearly indicated on all promotional materials and communication relating to the trip.

If the travel is cancelled, the Trip Coordinator is responsible for communicating the cancellation to the Trip Leader, Responsible Administrator, participating students, and any offices that allocated funding for the travel within three business days of cancellation.

Student Deposits

Students are expected to deposit half the cost of the trip or $50, whichever is less, to the Business Services office at least five weeks prior to overnight trips as a good faith deposit. Three weeks prior to the trip is a final drop date – students wishing to withdraw from the trip after that date may forfeit their deposit in the event costs have been incurred by CCS in anticipation of their travel that cannot be recovered . Waitlisted students are not responsible for submitting deposits until they are confirmed as travelers.

Final student payment for the full expense of the overnight trip is due to Business Services seven business days prior to the trip. If final payment is not made by this date, students will lose their deposit, as well as their ability to participate, and their space will be given to a waitlisted participant.

Student travel that is one day only will require a deposit as previously mentioned. This deposit is refundable until seven days prior to the trip. After this point, the student may lose their deposit in the event costs have been incurred by CCS in anticipation of their travel that cannot be recovered. Final payment for single day travel is due three days prior to the travel. 

Student travel requires clear financial commitment by a known number of participants. If too few students participate, the cost increases for all and the travel may no longer be financially feasible. The Trip Leader and Trip Coordinator will make this determination one week prior to the trip and if cancelled, coordinate the return of all student deposits.

Reservations/Advance Vendor Payments

Trip Coordinators will typically have a College-provided credit card to use for reservations and vendor payments (conference fees, pre-purchase tickets, etc.). As much as possible, charges should be applied to College credit cards prior to trip commencement rather than paid out of pocket at the time of service by the Trip Leader. All arrangements will be made in accordance with the Travel and Entertainment Policy.


Cash advances are available for the Trip Leader to pay for costs associated with group meals, ground transport, etc. It is expected that these advances will be requested and reconciled in accordance with the directives offered in the CCS Travel and Entertainment Policy.


The College’s Travel and Entertainment Policy offers standard guidelines for faculty and staff travel. The guidance in this section is additional and does not supersede or replace the requirements listed in that Policy.


Air Travel

Air travel for student trips presents additional complications and should be used as a mode of transport only when neither vehicle nor train travel would make sense in the given circumstance.

  • All domestic air travelers must have Real-ID compliant Driver’s License or valid passport. Students should be made aware of this requirement as early in the trip planning process as possible so that those without this documentation might have time to apply for and receive these documents prior to the trip.
  • College policy states that airline reservation purchases should be as economical as possible; typically, this means that the tickets will be non-refundable.

 Before making airline reservations, the Trip Leader and Coordinator must ensure participants are committed to the trip and have completed all required documentation. 

The College has a corporate rewards program with Delta Airlines. If purchases are made for this airline, please click that box, choose Delta Air Lines SkyBonus, and use code ESLE7.

The cost of mileage to and from the airport and airport parking for the students, Trip Leader, and Chaperone(s) should be included in the trip budget.


Individually Owned

Personal vehicles are used on a voluntary basis and the owners/drivers must have their own insurance coverage and a valid driver’s license. The College does not insure or accept any liability for damage, loss, or injury resulting from the use of a private vehicle, nor does the College provide insurance for this or a related purpose. 

If personal vehicles are used for student domestic travel, any costs for mileage and parking, should be included when developing the budget for the trip.  Student, Trip Leader and chaperone(s) mileage and parking should be included in the trip budget, and the cost reimbursed in accordance with the Travel and Entertainment policy. 


Students cannot be asked to carpool, but they may choose to do so voluntarily. Faculty and chaperone(s) should not provide rides to students in their personal vehicles.

Rented Vehicles

Rental vehicle use for student domestic travel is rare and must be approved by the Responsible Administrator. The driver of the vehicle must be properly licensed and insured for the rented vehicle and receive College permission from Campus Safety/Facilities to chauffer students.


Where necessary for a large group, charter bus reservations may be arranged by contract. The Responsible Administrator and the Vice President of Administration and Finance must pre-approve this mode of travel. The bus company must provide evidence of adequate insurance coverage for personal injury and property damage.


Train tickets are rarely refundable. Before making train reservations, the Trip Leader and Coordinator must ensure participants are committed to the trip and have completed all required documentation.

Local Transport at Location

Local transport at the travel destination will be planned according to budget and itinerary.

Local transport costs included in the budget will be paid for by the Trip Leader or chaperone. Receipts for reimbursement must be submitted upon return in accordance with the Travel and Entertainment policy.

Participants bear the responsibility of paying for any local transport needs not included in the itinerary. 


Trip Leaders and chaperone(s) and student participants will lodge in the same facility, but never the same room. Any exceptions must be approved by the Responsible Administrator prior to the trip. The cost of lodging for all participants is paid from the trip budget. No member of the College may house students in an apartment, home, or other facility owned by any faculty or staff member.

Typically, travel participants on overnight trips will stay in a hostel or moderately priced hotel/motel. Personal charges to rooms are not allowed. Lodging charges will usually be paid via the College credit card used to reserve the space. The Trip Leader is responsible for canceling unneeded lodging in accordance with the establishment’s requirements. 

On occasion, rental properties may be used to house domestic travel participants. This mode of lodging must be approved by the Responsible Administrator, as well as the Vice President of Finance if a contract is required.


Meals will be planned in accordance with the budget and itinerary and will include meals of the Trip Leader and chaperone(s). 

Group meals that are included as part of the cost of the trip will be paid for by the Trip Leader or a designated chaperone. Itemized receipts for meal reimbursement must be submitted per the Travel and Entertainment policy upon return. The Travel and Entertainment policy is to be strictly adhered to.

Student participants must pay for individual meals or snacks not included in the cost of the trip. The individual snacks of the Trip Leader and chaperone(s)  are purchased at personal cost.

Accommodations For Participants With Disabilities

If a student participant with a disability requires accommodation to participate in the trip, the Trip Leader and Coordinator should contact the Dean of Students for assistance in providing reasonable accommodations. If the Trip Leader or a chaperone require accommodation for a disability to participate, the Director of Human Resources should be contacted.


In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, CCS has established policies and protocols, which must be followed on CCS premises and in student travel. Please refer to these policies and protocols, here, prior to traveling.

Policy Contact

December 21, 2021

December 8, 2023

Academic Affairs