When are computer labs open?
- Taubman Center 24 hour lab: T-630
- open 7 days a week, 24-hours a day
- Ford Campus 24 hour lab: C 201
- open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day
- Students may also access teaching labs when there is no class scheduled in the space:
- Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.
- Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
- Sunday: Noon to 10:00 p.m.
- Building hours will extend prior to midterms and end of semester. Watch for postings for exact times for access.
Which labs are open for outside of class time?
All computer labs are available for students to work in as long as there is no class running. Class schedules are posted outside each lab.
How do I access AV labs/production studio?
Video Editing Suites, Sound Editing Suites, Stages and Photo Studios are available by advanced reservation. Reservations should be made in the Audio Visual Center, Walter B. Ford Building 109 during any open hours, by email at avc@collegeforcreativestudies.edu, or by calling campus extension 7647. To reserve a video or sound suite, a student must have completed the appropriate courses to ensure that they have been trained on the equipment. Information on eligibility is available in the AVC. Students are required to bring their student ID to claim their reservation.
Where do I obtain my CCS login information?
Login information may be obtained from the CCS Help Desk located in the lower level of the Yamasaki Building. You will need your CCS ID and/or your birth date to obtain your login information.
Where do I report computer hardware/software problems?
Report all problems to the Help Desk by submitting a Help Desk ticket through the Quick-Links menu on the CCS Blackboard page. You may also call the Help Desk at (313) 664-7818, Monday–Friday, 8:30am–4:30pm. Please give a detailed account of the problem to ensure proper resolution, noting the lab room and the computer that is having the problem.
Are Information Technology Services (ITS) staff required to help me with software usage?
ITS staff are not required to tutor or teach software applications. Questions regarding how to use software applications should be directed to your instructor or to peer tutors in the Center for Tutoring and Writing.
Where are scanners located?
Scanners are located in every computer lab at CCS. Large Format Scanners can be found in each of the 24-hour labs and in the Mac Labs on the lower level of the Walter B. Ford II building. The CCS Library also has a large-format scanner available.
What is my printing allowance?
Every student is provided with a semester print allowance of $20.00 for basic lab printing. There may also be additional funds allocated for specific majors to help with required course printing. If you have any questions about your print allowance, please contact your Department Chair. If you have any questions about how to access your print account, how to add funds to your account, or how to print using our pay-for-print system, please contact the CCS Help Desk at campus extension 7818 or visit the Information Technology Services Department in room 616, Taubman or W 002 Walter B. Ford.
If printer supplies (i.e. toner, paper) run low, whom do I contact?
If a printer is low on toner or out of paper, please submit a ticket through the Help Desk or by calling (313) 664-7818 between the hours of 8:30am-4:30pm, Monday through Friday. Please indicate the lab room whose printer supplies are low.