The College for Creative Studies will accept any outside scholarship that students can obtain. Students have a variety of resources to find scholarship opportunities, such as:
- High school guidance counselor
- College aid section of your public library
- Newspapers (local newspapers list a number of private, local scholarships)
- Organizations (Churches, Women’s clubs, Sport groups, Cultural, and national, state, and local arts organizations)
- Parent’s place of employment-large companies might offer scholarships for children of employees
- Student jobs-fast food chains, department stores, and supermarkets often give scholarships
- Networking with any and everyone
- FREE online scholarship search services (you should never have to pay for scholarship information)
Current Scholarship/Grant Award Opportunities
Use the listing below to view currently active external scholarship opportunities. Click in the title of the listing to view more details related to the announcement. You may also find other opportunities listed on the CCS Undergraduate Scholarship Guide page.
Last Mile Education Fund

Start Date: July 19, 2024 End Date: August 1, 2030
The Detroit Area Talent Fund invests in degree and credential completion for Metro Detroit residents of all ages who are currently pursuing industry credentials, associate degrees, and bachelor’s degrees in high-demand STEM fields. The fund aims to close the graduation gaps for under-resourced students, paving the way toward postsecondary degrees and credentials that lead to promising careers in tech and tech-enabled industries.