There are two easy ways to share Canvas course content across different course sections.
Using the Canvas Commons
The Canvas Commons is the perfect way to share content across varying courses. Content shared to the Canvas Commons can be shared by any Canvas user and depending on the content settings, be imported into any user’s Canvas course.
Chairs and faculty can share a single page or assignment, a full module, or even an entire course using the Commons.
To learn more about Using the Canvas Commons to Share Content see the video below:
Copying a Course
Copying a previous course is a great option for faculty who have already taught the course before and wish to migrate their existing course content over to the next semester.
Course Homepages and Simple Syllabus do not migrate over, and will have to be created after the content migration.
NOTE: Courses cannot be copied by faculty who do not own the course content. If you need a course copy that is not your original content, you must seek permission from the owner first, and then submit an Ed Tech Support Ticket to have the content copied into your course.
To learn more on How to Copy a Course see the video below: