Change of Graduate Program

This policy is to guide CCS Graduate students seeking to change programs at the graduate level. Graduate students wishing to transition into an undergraduate degree should seek further guidance from the Admissions team and their Academic Advisor.

This policy refers to procedures for changing graduate degree subject disciplines, changing modes of study, and changing from one Graduate degree type to another (i.e. MA to MFA; MFA to MA).

Changing Graduate Degree Subject Discipline

MA / MFA Color and Materials Design

MA / MFA Transportation Design

MA / MFA User Experience Design

A student seeking to change from one of the above listed programs to another must do so by the first day of week 2 of the first semester, and must have been accepted by the receiving program chair.

Those seeking to change programs after this date, will be required to restart the program in the following academic year. Students cannot switch programs midway through the academic year. All in-person graduate degrees start in the Fall Semester. Students are unable to commence their studies in the Winter Semester.

MA / MFA Interdisciplinary Design

Graduate students can transfer into MA / MFA Interdisciplinary Design Studies at any time, with approval of Chairs and the Dean of Graduate Studies.  A student seeking to transfer out of this program must do so by the first day of week 2 of the first semester, and must have been accepted by the receiving program chair. This does not apply to the MA in Art Education (see below).

MA Art Education

Students wishing to transfer into this program, or from it, will need to reapply through the Graduate Admissions Office.

Note: A student who is in the process of completing a CCS graduate degree and wishes to immediately start another in a different discipline, must apply through Graduate Admissions.

Changing Study Modes

MA / MFA Degrees (Design Programs)

All MA and MFA Design degrees are offered in both full- and part-time mode. However, only US citizens and permanent residents can study part-time. Eligible students can transfer from full-time to part-time mode, or vice versa through an approval process, and degree planning negotiation with the Program Chair and Academic Advisor.

MPS User Experience Design (Online)

The MPS in User Experience Design (Online) is structured and sequenced differently to the in-person MA and MFA degree. Transferring between the MPS and the MFA/MA programs is not possible. The MPS program is not eligible to issue student immigration documents for international students to study in the US. International students who wish to enroll must reside outside of the US.

Changing Graduate Degree Program (MA and MFA)


A student may transfer from the MA to the MFA of the same program at any time during the first semester, with the approval of the program chair. Students transferring in the second semester will be required to complete specific courses for the MFA before starting their second year.


A student may transfer from the MFA to the MA version of the same program at any time during the first semester. Students enrolled on the MFA may not transfer to the MA after the first day of week 2 of the Winter semester.

Graduation from the MA or MFA graduate design degrees requires the completion of a capstone project course(s). Capstone project courses cannot be replaced with other classes, including internships.

Two-year MA and three-year MFA in Transportation Design

A two-year MA and three-year MFA is offered in Transportation Design, providing a preliminary year of skills development. Students taking either the one-year MA or the two- and three-year MFA may change to the two-year MA under advice and guidance at any juncture deemed appropriate by the Department Chair. Students on the two-year MA may advance to the final year of the MFA, having met prerequisites with the agreement of the department chair.

Students on the two-year MA may not change to the one year MA. Students on the three-year MFA may not change to the two-year MFA.

Attendance Regulations for Graduation

Students must be enrolled and attending CCS* in the semester in which they plan to graduate (*unless on an online degree)

International Students

International Students are reminded that any change to their program of study, subject matter, degree type or duration needs to be reflected in their SEVIS record and printed on their I20 Form. Please contact the Global Engagement Office within 10 days of any change for an updated I20 Form, and to officially report the change.

Graduate Student Readmission

Graduate students returning to College for Creative Studies (CCS) after an absence of more than two consecutive academic years or students who seek readmission after suspension, must complete the Application for Readmission. Please check the Graduate Student Readmission Policy for further details.

Transfer of credit earned outside of CCS

Please refer to the Graduate Credit Transfer Policy.

December 8, 2023

February 26, 2025

Academic Affairs