CCS has free access to set up a portfolio site on Cargo. To make your site public, you will require a promo code obtained by reaching out to the PM or Chair of your department.… Read the rest “How Do I Set Up My CCS Cargo Account?”
Category: Students
How do I update my CCS Google Profile?
First, log in to your CCS account at

Once you are logged in, visit your CCS email account.… Read the rest “How do I update my CCS Google Profile?”
How Do I Change My Name On Canvas?
Currently, name changes will update the day after the appropriate office makes the change.
Students need to fill out the chosen name form and submit to AARO.… Read the rest “How Do I Change My Name On Canvas?”
How Do I Request Remote Control Using Zoom
he remote control feature allows you to take control of another participant’s screen in a meeting.… Read the rest “How Do I Request Remote Control Using Zoom”