(This is a faculty led study abroad course *,syllabi will differ per destination) ,,On a Global Learning Experience course, students,are brought outside the typical classroom, for a,24/7 learning experience in varying locations,outside the USA. The course will provide students,with tools for analyzing your learning process and,identifying cultural patterns, differences,,similarities and values encountered during the,journey. Students develop a sense of,cross-cultural understanding, and navigate towards,becoming a global citizen. Students develop a,heightened sense of confidence, and leadership as,they plan, and execute this excursion. In,addition students discover the role of becoming an,ambassador for their own culture. Practical issues,about studying abroad (safety, money, packing,,etc.) are delivered via pre-departure sessions,with the International Student Services Office.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: SLP 007


In this course students will learn basic methods,of designing and construction of small leather,goods. This involves pattern cutting, sewing,,canvas model construction and producing. The,student will learn how to translate ideas from a,two-dimensional sketch to a three-dimensional,product that could be a wallet, tech accessory,,or a makeup kit. The students will also be able,to learn through the use of materials how to use,various types of leather and other materials used,in smaller items. Students will be trained on,various industrial machines, as well as manual,techniques, to make the smaller goods.

Credits: 3



In this course students will learn advanced,methods of luxury footwear construction. This,involves pattern cutting, sewing, high heel,shoes, boots and other advanced shoe,constructions. Students will produce several,pairs of shoes and will also learn how to use,various types of leather, canvas, and hardware.,Students will be trained on various industrial,machines and how to make sole and heel components,with leather, including high heel attachment,techniques.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: FAD 303, DME 245


Students will research and implement the five,acting techniques utilized by performers to create,compelling on-screen characters-Classical,,Chekhov, Method, Meisner, and Practical,Aesthetics-through physicality, voice, and partner,scenes. The class introduces methods for working,with actors to elicit a desired performance.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: FLM 106


(This is a faculty led study abroad course *,syllabi will differ per destination) ,,On a Global Learning Experience course, students,are brought outside the typical classroom, for a,24/7 learning experience in varying locations,outside the USA. The course will provide students,with tools for analyzing your learning process and,identifying cultural patterns, differences,,similarities and values encountered during the,journey. Students develop a sense of,cross-cultural understanding, and navigate towards,becoming a global citizen. Students develop a,heightened sense of confidence, and leadership as,they plan, and execute this excursion. In,addition students discover the role of becoming an,ambassador for their own culture. Practical issues,about studying abroad (safety, money, packing,,etc.) are delivered via pre-departure sessions,with the International Student Services Office.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: SLP 007


Building from the concepts learned in DAD-235:,Concepts and Campaigns and DAD-266: App Happy,,student creative teams study and utilize emerging,digital media to engage consumers by constructing,a complete and fully immersive digital advertising,campaign. Emphasis is placed on the continuous,improvement of conceptual, leadership,,collaborative and management skills needed by the,creative team in addition to creating a,professional digital campaign for their portfolio.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAD 221, DAD 235, DAD 266


In this class, students continue to develop and,learn professional methodologies of art,instruction for youth in middle schools and high,schools, grades 6-12. The course covers secondary,visual arts content, approaches, techniques,,materials and safety precautions appropriate for,secondary level students. Classroom management,,inclusion and accommodation of differently-abled,students, technology integration, assessment, and,student diversity issues are covered. An emphasis,on cultural and contextually reverent pedagogy is,explored through the development of a social,justice lesson plan. Content area literacy,approaches and methods for including the teaching,of reading, writing and public presentations for,secondary level students are integral to the,course. Thirty hours Field Experience in Secondary,educational settings required outside of class. ,Field experiences and hours are an integral part,of each art education course. Students are,expected to participate in field during the course,of the semester in a professional and timely,manner. Students must complete all required field,hours and associated field experience assignments,in the course before they can register for the,next art education course.,Art Education candidates must pass DAE 405 with a,grade of ‘C’ (2.00) or higher to qualify for,certification.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAE 315


This course examines the social, economic,,political, and cultural forces that influence,modern design. Beginning with the Industrial,Revolution and continuing to present day, this,course introduces the prominent designers, their,ideas, their influences, and the historical,context in which they worked. The course covers,a,variety of media and discusses design in the,United States, Europe, and Asia. This course,satisfies the General Elective requirement.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN 102


This course addresses the skills and knowledge,needed to succeed as a contemporary artist while,sustaining a professional studio practice. Topics,include creating and organizing your professional,profile, documentation and marketing, pplications,for field related opportunities, and basic small,business skills. Students will learn how to,develop a resource data base, create valuable,professional networks, and consider marketing,and exhibiting from a broad range of commercial,and alternative contexts. ,Guest lecturers, and visiting-artist presentations,connect course information with real-world,experience.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN-102


The vast majority of the history of pottery and,vessel-making is dominated by hand-building,techniques. For thousands of years prior to the,advent of the powered pottery wheel, early,artisans formed pottery with just their hands, and,later, an assortment of hand-wielded tools. This,class draws direct inspiration from this history,as it is reflected in a range of cultures, while,also focusing on the significance of contemporary,hand-built pottery in the industrial era of today.,Students make functionally and conceptually,oriented pottery using a range of hand-building,techniques including coiling, slab work,,extruding, and hollowing-out.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DCE-175