The Special Project class is offered on an,occasional basis, with course content specific to,the area being explored.
Credits: 3
The Special Project class is offered on an,occasional basis, with course content specific to,the area being explored.
Credits: 3
This course introduces the technical skills,required for apparel construction. Students learn,essential techniques such as pattern drafting,,draping, and sewing. The course also includes,lectures and readings that highlight designers and,artists that approach garment making with a,distinctive artistic vision.
Credits: 3
One of the main skills for a graduate designer is,the ability to go into a brand and design,collections based on the understanding of the,company’s DNA. In this class, students will,design and develop a collection based on full,brand understanding. This requires designing a,collection based on a company’s creative brief,,offering innovation and new ideas, including,personal views and experiences to give the,brand a competitive edge, including final,prototypes.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: FAD 301 FAD 303
This course introduces students to the conceptual,and technical challenges of sound as they develop,a more complex understanding of the important role,it plays in the cinematic experience. Techniques,of recording, generating, editing, synchronizing,,and manipulating sound are covered in depth as,well as the conceptual issues of sound design,,including noise, voice, and music. The goal is to,create a keen awareness of the evocative,informational and temporal possibilities that,sound offers in connection to the student’s visual,work in other courses.
Credits: 3
The Special Project class is offered on an,occasional basis, with course content specific to,Photo majors.,
,WINTER 2024,
,In this course, students will research and,implement virtual production techniques at an,introductory level. The class will explore,,research, and test the process of merging,realistic film techniques with 3D virtual,backgrounds in service of compelling storytelling.,The processes of syncing real and virtual cameras,for real-time composition, executing real-time,compositing and projection compositing, and,simulating and matching lighting and effects,between the real and virtual worlds will be,explored.
Credits: 3
Students creative teams practice television,advertising process, production and storytelling,techniques to conceptualize and create targeted,and effective commercials and films for diverse,audiences and consumers for traditional broadcast,,online, social and mobile media content. The,course includes developing concepts and keyframes,,writing, storyboarding, shooting and editing their,original commercial concepts. Current industry,trends are reviewed including commercial concepts,,digital content, branded entertainment,,cinematography, graphics, special effects,,post-production techniques, sound design, editing,,and directing trends. Presentations specific to,television ideas are practiced on a regular basis.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DAD 221, DAD 235, DAD 266 – ADVERTISING,DAD 221, DAD 235, DAD 270 – COPYWRITING
Designed to convey the stages of human growth in,depth, this course approaches physical,,psychological, emotional and social development in,a format for teachers to implement in planning,developmentally and culturally appropriate,instruction. The educational needs of neurodiverse,and special needs children, and the resources,available to teachers for best meeting these,needs, are included throughout. Related topics,covered in this course include nurturing,creativity in K-12 students, teaching students,with poverty in mind, and fostering equitable,visual learning in diverse settings. Pre-service,visual arts teachers consider the implications of,the above material in field experiences in diverse,instructional settings with children. Ten hours,Field Experience in K-12 educational settings,required outside of class. All required field,hours and associated field experience assignments,must be completed before registration for the next,art education course. This course is open to,sophomore students and above. Course may count for,general elective credits for those who do not,pursue teacher certification. Students must pass,with a grade of ‘C’ (2.00) or higher.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DAE 200
This course examines the various approaches that,build the foundation for an emerging field of,Visual Culture and emphasizes its parallel,development with discussions about the gaze as a,historical and culturally constructed phenomenon.,This course satisfies the General Education,requirement.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DAH 200, DAH 201
(This is a faculty led study abroad course *,syllabi will differ per destination) ,,On a Global Learning Experience course, students,are brought outside the typical classroom, for a,24/7 learning experience in varying locations,outside the USA. The course will provide students,with tools for analyzing your learning process and,identifying cultural patterns, differences,,similarities and values encountered during the,journey. Students develop a sense of,cross-cultural understanding, and navigate towards,becoming a global citizen. Students develop a,heightened sense of confidence, and leadership as,they plan, and execute this excursion. In,addition students discover the role of becoming an,ambassador for their own culture. Practical issues,about studying abroad (safety, money, packing,,etc.) are delivered via pre-departure sessions,with the International Student Services Office.,
, SUMMER 2024,
,There’s nothing quite like the rain forests of the,”Rich Coast.” At its heart, the,Central American country boasts an epic landscape,that is home to nearly 5 percent of,the world’s biodiversity. Discover how fragile,these endangered ecosystems are as you,travel through different rainforest preserves and,unearth dazzling displays of color and,sound. Explore also the unique art and culture of,some of Costa Rica’s most vibrant,cities and towns.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: SLP 007
This studio introduces the concept of the ceramic,object derived from plaster cast techniques and,the use of high-resolution molds. The emphasis is,on assembled forms and the use of groupings to,present a singular statement.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DCE 112