This elective course develops the will be,presented methods that help students take complex,data sets and transform them into expressive,graphic contexts that are accessible and readable.,Concepts of information logic, hierarch,,semiotics, biases relative to narrative,constructions identified in complex date and how,different audience may read content are concepts,integrated into project briefs. The historical,and contemporary nature and function of date,visualization within design studio practice will,be highlighted. Solutions integrate the breadth,and depth of communication design visual,language(s) to develop static or dynamic,solutions, that can be experienced on screen, in,print, or a performative space.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DGD 311 OR DGD 312


This course covers various mold-making techniques,for glass, including sand casting, slumping,,fusing, pate de verre, hot billet casting, etc.,Students explore the unique characteristics of,cast glass in vessels, sculpture and panels. Glass,elements may be made for inclusion with other,materials.

Credits: 3



This course is designed to meet two broad,objectives: 1) to provide a comprehensive,introduction to the historical narrative of the,city of Detroit and the American urban,experience; and 2) to practice skills of critical,analysis in research, writing and presentation. ,We will accomplish these objectives by,researching primary documents and artifacts;,reading personal narratives; viewing select,documentaries and film clips; listening to guest,speakers representing multiple cultural and racial,viewpoints and visiting a site of historical,significance.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: Take one 3.0 credit, 200 level course from one of the,following subjects: DAH (Art History), DEN (English), DAS,(Academic Studies), DVC (Visual Culture).


“Illusionist Painting” is an atelier style course,focused on contemporary representational,practices, with an emphasis on creating the,illusion of form from the live figure. Students,will have extended class time to accomplish,paintings from a diverse grouping of live figure,models of varied race, gender, sexual,identity/orientation, and,disability/differently-abled backgrounds. The,course will include an observational approach to,painting the human figure and will develop skills,in proportion, perspective, modeling form and,illusion, based on an intermediate level. The,intermediate class will emphasize the completed,image “lay-in” stages of drawing, painting, and,proportions, color concept, and narrative elements,in painting. We will cover contemporary methods,and materials, and traditional methods in panel,painting, canvas and chassis, ground preparation,,pigment preparation, varnishes and mediums, and,mural painting among other methods and practices.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DIL 231, DIL 247


In this course, projects are structured to,respond to particular image communication goals.,Students explore the characteristics of this,vector based digital image making application, and,create visual narrative stories including age,,gender, disability/differently- abled, sexual,orientation, economic class, climate,change/justice, and global cultures. Students,become familiar with the use of Adobe,Illustrator.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DIL 270


Through the College’s affiliation with the,Association of Independent Colleges of Art and,Design, junior or first-semester senior students,in good academic standing have the opportunity to,spend a semester (fall or winter) or full year,studying at another member institution in the,United States or abroad. Application information,is available in the Academic Advising and,Registration Office.

Credits: 12

Prerequisites: DIL 246, DIL 247, DIL 261, DIL 270, DIL 281


In this course, students develop the ability to,package their collective body of work into a,family of marketing tools representing their,abilities as a designer. The course focuses on,the review, analysis, preparation, and/or,improvement of the student’s portfolio. Based on,personal goals and faculty assessment, students,develop mechanisms to market their skills. These,include developing a resume, looking at format and,layout, research for website design, print,,communications, and other appropriate personal,marketing material.

Credits: 1.5

Prerequisites: DIN 232


Biopolitics is one of the most significant,developments in Critical Theory. Using the topics,of waste and violence, this class offers an,introduction to the main concepts, strategies,,and pre-occupations of Biopolitical thinking and,its relevance to understanding the contemporary,world and violence of globalization. A,significant aspect of the course is the use and,role of film as critical theory.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: Take one 3.0 credit, 200 level course from one of the,following subjects: DAH (Art History), DEN (English), DAS,(Academic Studies), DVC (Visual Culture).


The emphasis of this course is on imaginative,pre-production for an evolving world of moving,images. Acknowledging the rapid changes in the way,work is produced and distributed, students will be,introduced to diverse historical, theoretical, and,practical methods of visual communication as they,develop their storytelling skills through creative,writing and pre-visualization exercises for,animation, game, live action, and new media with,an emphasis on inclusion in story and unique,experiences. This is a required course for all,first year Entertainment Arts students.

Credits: 3



This course focuses on expanding the basic,techniques and workflows that are taught in Game,Art 1. Students will take a deep dive and,strengthen their understanding of different career,paths one can pursue in game art. Examples of the,different game art paths are environment art,,character art, VFX, tech art, and material artist.,This will be completed through a series of,projects and workshops to better prepare the,students for a specific roll they would like to,pursue.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DMA 246