Studio Art and Craft/Art Education

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree Requirements

Catalog Year 2024/2025


First Semester

15-16 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
SLP 007CCS First Year Experience1
DFN 103Drawing I: Materials & Methods3
DFN 1163D Techniques3
DFN 1213D Design Materials and Methods3
SAC 105Survey & Methods I3
DVC 100Introduction to Material Culture3

Second Semester

18 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DFN 104Drawing II: Drawing as Studio Practice3
DFN 120Design Color & Context3
DFN 119Digital Techniques3
SAC 106Survey & Methods II3
DEN 101Composition I3
DAE 200Educ. Foundations: History & Phil of Education3


Third Semester

18 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
SAC 205Sophomore Seminar3
SAC —Sophomore SAC Elective3†
SAC —Sophomore SAC Elective3†
DEN 102Composition II3
DAH 200Western Art History/Visual Culture3*
DAH 201Visual Narration: Africa3*
DAH 202Visual Narration: Asia3*
DAE 250Human Development Creative & Visual Learning3
*Choose one of the indicated courses.
†Choose from selected courses in the Studio Art & Craft Electives table below to satisfy the Sophomore SAC Studio Elective

Fourth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGD 103Rapid Prototyping3*
DGD 253Time & Digital Media3*
SAC —Sophomore SAC Elective3†
SAC —Sophomore SAC Elective3†
DAH 218Contemporary Art and Visual Culture3
DHU —Humanities Course3
*Choose one of the indicated courses.
†Choose from selected courses in the Studio Art & Craft Electives table below to satisfy the Sophomore SAC Studio Elective


Fifth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
SAC 380Junior Studio I3
SAC —SAC Studio Elective3
SAC —SAC Studio Elective3
DVC 200Concepts and Methods/Visual Culture3*
D– 200-400General Education Elective3*
DAE 315Elementary Art Teaching: Meth,Math & Literacy3
*Choose one of the indicated courses.

Sixth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
SAC 381Junior Studio II3
SAC —SAC Studio Elective3
DNS 230Math Skills3
DAS 303Professional Practice for Artists3
DAE 405Secondary Art Teaching: Meth, Math & Literacy3


Seventh Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
SAC 450Senior Studio I3
SAC 400Seminar Seminar3
SAC —SAC Studio Elective3
DAE —Art Education Elective3
DAE 407Reading & Lang Art Methods3
*Choose one of the indicated courses.

Eighth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
SAC 451Senior Studio II3
SAC —SAC Studio Elective3
SAC —SAC Studio Elective3
DAH 200-400Art History Elective3*‡
DVC 200-400Visual Culture Elective3*‡
D– 100-400Open Elective3
*Choose one of the indicated courses.
‡DAH/DVC must be taken at the 200 level or higher

9th Semester

Ninth Semester

12 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DAE 510Directed Teaching10
DAE 520Professional Seminar2

Total Credits


†Sophomore SAC Studio Elective – Choose from the selected Studio Art & Craft courses listed below to satisfy the Sophomore SAC Studio Elective requirements.

Crafts/Art Practice Studio Electives (DCR/DFA…^) – Successfully complete any (non-required) course from Art Practice (DFA course code) or Crafts & Material Studies (including DCR, DCE, DFD, DGL, DME, DAF course codes), to satisfy the requirements.

General Education Electives – Successfully complete any 200-400 level (non-required) Liberal Arts course, from subjects: DAH-Art History, DAS-Academic Studies, DEN-English, DHS-History, DLE-Liberal Elective, DNS-Natural Science DSS-Social Science, DPL-Philosophy, etc), DVC-Visual Culture.

Open Electives – Successfully complete any (3.0 credit) 100-400 level (non-required) course from an Undergraduate subject (Studio or Lecture).

Art Education Elective – Successfully complete an approved 100-400 level studio course from an undergraduate major (outside of the assigned major). Art Ed Department Chair approval required for course selection.

This plan is provided for use as a guide only and is based on full-time status with successful completion of credits outlined per semester. Degree Timelines and requirements may vary based on actual program, credits completed per semester and/or catalog year. Students are responsible for confirming completion of all requirements before graduating (use program/student resources to support degree progression). Minimum Cumulative GPA of 2.0 required.

Art Practice, Crafts & Material Studies Faculty

Ebiyenyefa Baralaye
MFA, Cranbrook Academy of Art BFA, Rhode Island School of Design

Lena Ellis-Boatman
MFA, Michigan State University BFA, Bowling Green State University

Valerie Jenkins
MFA, University of Minnesota BFA, Grand Valley State University

Chido Johnson
MFA, University of Notre Dame BFA, University of Georgia

Thomas Madden
MFA, Bowling Green State University BFA, Kansas State University

Jeremy Noonan
MFA, Cranbrook Academy of Art BFA, College for Creative Studies

Kimberly H. Scott
MFA, School of the Art Institute of Chicago BFA, Rhode Island School of Design

Art Education Faculty

Lee, Jhih-Yin
Ph.D. University of Georgia M.Ed. University of Houston

Amy Ruopp
Ph.D., EDS, University of Missouri
MAT, BFA, Maryland Institute College of Art

Communication Design/Art Education

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree Requirements

First Year

First Semester = 15-16 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
SLP 007CCS First Year Experience1
DFN 119Digital Techniques3
DFN 1372D & 3D Integrated Design Studio3
DFN 139Color & Light Studies3
DGD 151Typography I3
DVC 100Introduction to Material Culture3

Second Semester = 18 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DFN 1384D Design Studio3
DFN 142Performative Spaces3
DGD 152Typography II3
DGD 124Motion Essentials3
DEN 101Composition I3
DAE 200Educ. Foundations: History & Phil of Education3

Second Year

Third Semester = 18 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGD 251Typography III3
DGD 263User Interface Design3
DGD 211Introduction to Communication Design I3
DEN 102Composition II3
DAH 100Western Art History/Visual Culture3*
DAH 201Visual Narration: Africa3*
DAH 202Visual Narration: Asia3*
DAE 250Human Development Creative & Visual Learning3
*Choose one of the indicated courses.

Fourth Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGD 264User Experience Design3
DGD 212Introduction to Communication Design II3
DGD 224Motion Narratives3
DAH 247History of Graphic Design3
DHU —Humanities Course3

Third Year

Fifth Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGD 311Inter Communication Design I3
DGD 317Professional Studio Practice I3
DGD 365Immersive Spaces3
DNS 230Math Skills3
DAE 315Elementary Art Teaching: Meth,Math & Literacy3

Sixth Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGD 312Intermediate Communication Design II3
DGD – – –Communication Design Elective3
DGD – – –Communication Design Elective3
D- 200-400General Education Elective3
DAE 405Secondary Art Teaching: Meth, Math & Literacy3

Fourth Year

Seventh Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGD 411Advanced Communication Design I3
DGD 418Professional Studio Practice II3
DAE —Art Education Elective3
DAH or DVC 200-400 levelArt History Elective (or) Visual Culture Elective3*
DAE 407Reading & Lang Art Methods3
*Choose one of the listed courses in this row.

Eighth Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGD 412Advanced Communication Design II3
DGD – – –Communication Design Elective3
DGD – – –Communication Design Elective3
D– 200-400General Education Elective3
DAEArt Education Elective3

9th Semester

Ninth Semester = 12 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DAE 510Directed Teaching10
DAE 520Professional Seminar2

Total Credits: 138/139

Communication Design Electives – Successfully complete designated DGD courses within the major (not listed as “required”).

General Education Electives – Successfully complete any 200-400 level (non-required) Liberal Arts course, from subjects: DAH-Art History, DAS-Academic Studies, DEN-English, DHS-History, DLE-Liberal Elective, DNS-Natural Science DSS-Social Science, DPL-Philosophy, etc), DVC-Visual Culture.

General Education Electives – Successfully complete any 200-400 level (non-required) Liberal Arts course, from subjects: DAH-Art History, DAS-Academic Studies, DEN-English, DHS-History, DLE-Liberal Elective, DNS-Natural Science DSS-Social Science, DPL-Philosophy, etc), DVC-Visual Culture.

Open Electives – Successfully complete any (3.0 credit) 100-400 level (non-required) course from an Undergraduate subject (Studio or Lecture).

Art Education Elective – Successfully complete an approved 100-400 level studio course from an undergraduate major (outside of the assigned major). Art Ed Department Chair approval required for course selection.

This plan is provided for use as a guide only and is based on full-time status with successful completion of credits outlined per semester. Degree Timelines and requirements may vary based on actual program, credits completed per semester and/or catalog year. Students are responsible for confirming completion of all requirements before graduating (use program/student resources to support degree progression). Minimum Cumulative GPA of 2.0 required.

Communication Design Faculty

Susan LaPorte
MFA, California Institute of the Arts BFA, University of Illinois at Chicago

Matt Raupp
MFA, Eastern Michigan University BFA, Eastern Michigan University

Chad Reichert
MFA, Minneapolis College of Art and Design BSFA, Valparaiso University

Art Education Faculty

Lee, Jhih-Yin
Ph.D. University of Georgia M.Ed. University of Houston

Amy Ruopp
Ph.D., EDS, University of Missouri
MAT, BFA, Maryland Institute College of Art

Advertising Design/Art Education

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree Requirements

First Year

First Semester = 16 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
SLP 007CCS First Year Experience1
DFN 119Digital Techniques3
DFN 1372D & 3D Integrated Design Studio3
DFN 139Color & Light Studies3
DGD 151Typography I3
DVC 100Introduction to Material Culture3

Second Semester = 18 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DFN 1384D Design Studio3
DFN 142Performative Spaces3
DGD 124Motion Essentials3
DGD 152Typography II3
DEN 101Composition I3
DAE 200Educ. Foundations: History & Phil of Education3

Second Year

Third Semester = 18 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DAD 235Concepts and Campaigns3
DGD 211Intro Communication Design I3
DAD 283Marketing & Media3
DAH 261History of Advertising
DEN 102Composition II3
DAE 250Human Development Creative & Visual Learning3

Fourth Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DAD 287Media & Experience3
DAD 266App Happy3
DGD 224Motion Narratives3
DAH 200
Western Art History/Visual Culture3*
DAH 201Visual Narration: Africa3*
DAH 202Visual Narration: Asia3*
DAH 261History of Advertising3
DAS 213Business Practices3
*Choose one of the indicated courses.

Third Year

Fifth Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGD 317Prof Studio Practice I3
DAD 321Commercial Techniques & Production3
DAD 365
Digital Narrative3
DADAdvertising Design Elective3
DAE 315Elementary Art Teaching: Meth,Math & Literacy3

Sixth Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DAD 322Integrated Campaigns3
DAD 366
Experiential Media3
DAD —Advertising Design Elective3
DAE 405Secondary Art Teaching: Meth, Math & Literacy3
DNS 230Math Skills3

Fourth Year

Seventh Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DAD 421Portfolio Lab I3
DAD 434Content Creation3
DAH 200-400Art History Elective (or)
DVC 200-400Visual Culture Elective3*
D 100-400Open Elective3
DAE 407Reading & Lang Art Methods3
*Choose one of the listed courses in this row.

Eighth Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DAD 422Portfolio Lab II3
DAD 460Thesis Studio3
DAD —Advertising Design Elective3
D 200-400General Education Elective3
DAE —Art Education Elective3

9th Semester

Ninth Semester = 12 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DAE 510Directed Teaching10
DAE 520Professional Seminar2

Total Credits: 138/139

Advertising Design Electives – Successfully complete designated courses within the major (not listed as “required”), subject code DAD.

General Education Electives – Successfully complete any 200-400 level (non-required) Liberal Arts course, from subjects: DAH-Art History, DAS-Academic Studies, DEN-English, DHS-History, DLE-Liberal Elective, DNS-Natural Science DSS-Social Science, DPL-Philosophy, etc), DVC-Visual Culture.

Open Electives – Successfully complete any (3.0 credit) 100-400 level (non-required) course from an Undergraduate subject (Studio or Lecture).

This plan is provided for use as a guide only and is based on full-time status with successful completion of credits outlined per semester. Degree Timelines and requirements may vary based on actual program, credits completed per semester and/or catalog year. Students are responsible for confirming completion of all requirements before graduating (use program/student resources to support degree progression). Minimum Cumulative GPA of 2.0 required.

Advertising Design Faculty

Susan LaPorte
MFA, California Institute of the Arts BFA, University of Illinois at Chicago

Philip McAvoy
BA, Michigan State University

Art Education Faculty

Lee, Jhih-Yin
Ph.D. University of Georgia M.Ed. University of Houston

Amy Ruopp
Ph.D., EDS, University of Missouri
MAT, BFA, Maryland Institute College of Art


This course integrates all that the student has,learned and focuses on creating campaigns that,form the foundation for the student’s final,portfolio and transition to the professional,world. Projects include targeted campaigns for a,diverse audience and consumers for a broad range,of products, brands, social causes and equality,issues across diverse media channels to accomplish,the student’s individual career goals. Students,may work on sponsored projects, individualized,assignments or national, international and,inclusive DEI collegiate awards competitions.,Students plan and construct professional displays,and presentations for Portfolio Day and Senior,Walls for the Student Exhibition.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: PREREQUISITES: DAD 421, DAD 434


Independent Study is available to students who are,at Junior or Senior level standing with a,cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or above.,The student may receive approval to work in an,area or on a project that is not otherwise offered,or addressed in the regular curriculum. An,Independent Study should include opportunities for,individual student voice and provide a space for,diverse perspectives. Students may receive credit,toward graduation for no more than 6 credit hours.,The student must submit to the chairperson of the,department in which they wish to study, an,Independent Study Proposal of 150 words (no less),of the student’s plan for study and her/his reason,for choosing to study independently. Once the,department chairperson provides approval and the,instructor for the Independent Study is,determined, the faculty member must write an,Independent Study Syllabus with education goals,,learning outcomes, meeting dates, course,expectations, timelines, and due dates. Art,Education candidates must pass DAE 490 with a,grade of ‘C’ (2.00) or higher to qualify for,certification.

Credits: 3



This course explores the history of fashion from,the earliest periods of human development to,modern industrial, digital society as it,influences the Western style of dress, garment,production, fashion in the wider culture, and the,marketing of fashion. Detailed focus on,individual designers, trends and processes will,illuminate the many ways fashion represents a,profound anthropological study of humanity.,Organized field trips to local artisan studios,for presentations and discussions will be,provided to enhance the understanding of process,and artifact. This course satisfies the General,Elective requirement.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN 102


This course is offered for students enrolled in,the CCS Minor in Creative Entrepreneurship. It is,taught as a cohort and is followed by the final,capstone business class, DAS-316. After,successfully completing these two capstone,courses, students are prepared as entrepreneurial,thought and action leaders and have been trained,to launch their own creative industry venture.,Students are first introduced to different,organizational structures including leadership,,cultural, and behavioral options and select those,most compatible with their mission and values.,Using research, students evaluate their venture’s,competitive landscape, and then create and defend,their strategic brand platform, brand name,,product/service offerings, and core customer base.,This leads to the creation of behaviorally,motivating brand content, applied to an integrated,set of customer attraction, conversion, retention,,and sales programs. Students also learn to refine,their soft skills, including engaging, listening,,and selling. This course culminates with students’,intensive interaction with actual business owners,and creative industry experts in formal,presentations

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAS 313, DAS 314


(This is a faculty led study abroad course *,syllabi will differ per destination) ,,On a Global Learning Experience course, students,are brought outside the typical classroom, for a,24/7 learning experience in varying locations,outside the USA. The course will provide students,with tools for analyzing your learning process and,identifying cultural patterns, differences,,similarities and values encountered during the,journey. Students develop a sense of,cross-cultural understanding, and navigate towards,becoming a global citizen. Students develop a,heightened sense of confidence, and leadership as,they plan, and execute this excursion. In,addition students discover the role of becoming an,ambassador for their own culture. Practical issues,about studying abroad (safety, money, packing,,etc.) are delivered via pre-departure sessions,with the International Student Services Office.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: SLP 007


This course introduces students to major African,American authors of the 20th and 21st centuries,,including Morrison, Ellison, Wright, Hurston,,Mosley, and Gaines. The course surveys an,extensive collection of social and cultural,viewpoints present in American authors of African,descent.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN 239