Students are given a progressive series of,projects that promote exploration of both,traditional and alternative building techniques,such as coil, mold, slip cast, and slab. Once,these are completed, students choose a project of,particular interest and expand the idea to achieve,a personal contemporary expression.

Credits: 3



This course introduces students to fiction,,poetry, creative nonfiction and drama and,presents an opportunity to produce written work,in those genres for review by the instructor and,peers. DEN 307 offers student writers an,opportunity to improve their writing. The works,of published writers, like the exhibits of,artists, are used as models and resources. This,course is open to the general student population,,but is required for all Creative Writing Minors.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN 102


Painting II is an intensive studio course that,assumes a basic understanding of painting,materials and techniques. Figure/Ground,relationships are challenged both formally and,conceptually through an investigation of painting,as it exists alongside a number of social,,architectural, and technological forces. This,class will engage the vast range of,inter-relational possibilities in the making and,experiencing of painting. Historical and,Contemporary painting strategies will be examined,in contexts of time and place. Individual and,group critiques, homework assignments, I.A.,(ideation archive) and artists statements are,used to assess progress. Demonstrations,,lectures, and field trips will enhance the,engagement.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DFN 103 DFN 104 DFN 120 DFA 105 DFA 120


This course explores piecing, quilting, applique,,embellishment, and stitched collage. Basic,machine and hand sewing will be introduced to,produce pliable, layered, and sculptural,surfaces. Traditional and nontraditional,materials combinations and fabric manipulation,techniques will function as the “skin” of,armature-based sculptural constructions. An,overview of historical and contemporary fiber,works will provide framework for students to,experiment.

Credits: 3



This course is an introduction to the principles,,vocabulary and mechanics of two dimensional,design, including the exploration and application,,of color theory. Students explore Concentration,Specific design concepts, through lectures,,readings, discussions, hands-on, studio,assignments and critiques; translating 2D design,concepts from traditional to digital mediums,(Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator). Students will,design and produce compelling presentation,materials and asset layouts with effective,messaging using proper proportion, composition,,typographical considerations and meaning and,tension.

Credits: 3



This motion design course introduces concepts and,methods used in designing dynamic digital,communications that rely on the typography, image,,video, sound, and message. The language of motion,design and its associated meaning(s) are presented,through a series of dynamic projects, where,students select the narrative content they,explore. Students learn relevant techniques and,concepts, associated with both analog and digital,tools in order to aid in the creation of,well-crafted dynamic sequential solutions. ,Students may elect to take additional courses,,Motion Design II and III, starting in the junior,year.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DGD 151 OR DGD 201


Students will work in the creative process of,original typographic design which will emphasize,exploration, historical research and synthesis of,these variables in typographic design. Students,will consider and explore various design process,methodology related to type design. Students are,encouraged to use technology and media that,reflects the project outline and student’s skill,level. Students will revisit and review,typographic nomenclature relevant to type design,and consider the important role of graphic design,history in the context of type design. An,inclusive historical lens is encouraged.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DGD 311 OR DGD 312


(This is a faculty led study abroad course *,syllabi will differ per destination) ,,On a Global Learning Experience course, students,are brought outside the typical classroom, for a,24/7 learning experience in varying locations,outside the USA. The course will provide students,with tools for analyzing your learning process and,identifying cultural patterns, differences,,similarities and values encountered during the,journey. Students develop a sense of,cross-cultural understanding, and navigate towards,becoming a global citizen. Students develop a,heightened sense of confidence, and leadership as,they plan, and execute this excursion. In,addition students discover the role of becoming an,ambassador for their own culture. Practical issues,about studying abroad (safety, money, packing,,etc.) are delivered via pre-departure sessions,with the International Student Services Office.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: SLP 007


Independent Study is available to students who are,at Junior or Senior level standing with a,cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or above.,The student may receive approval to work in an,area or on a project that is not otherwise offered,or addressed in the regular curriculum. An,Independent Study should include opportunities for,individual student voice and provide a space for,diverse perspectives. Students may receive credit,toward graduation for no more than 6 credit hours.,The student must submit to the chairperson of the,department in which they wish to study, an,Independent Study Proposal of 150 words (no less),of the student’s plan for study and her/his reason,for choosing to study independently. Once the,department chairperson provides approval and the,instructor for the Independent Study is,determined, the faculty member must write an,Independent Study Syllabus with education goals,,learning outcomes, meeting dates, course,expectations, timelines, and due dates. Art,Education candidates must pass DAE 490 with a,grade of ‘C’ (2.00) or higher to qualify for,certification.

Credits: 3
