AI Guidelines – Entertainment Arts

The below guidelines for Entertainment Arts outline Artificial Intelligence (AI) usage in the classroom for the 2024/2025 academic year. These guidelines were developed by David Gazdowicz in consultation with the EA full time faculty and should be followed in tandem with the CCS Institutional AI Statement. If faculty or students have questions about the implementation of these guidelines in the classroom, they should contact David Gazdowicz at 

In Entertainment Arts, AI is currently being utilized on a case-by-case basis. Based on that usage, concerns are being brought forward related to amplifying bias, relying upon free labor, copyright infringement, ethical ramifications, and artistic integrity. It is assumed that in the next five years, AI systems will impact the Entertainment Arts disciplines further and the guidelines offered below allow for applicable student preparation.

  • Traditional skill development will continue to be the focus for Entertainment Arts.
  • AI systems may be used in the classroom at various class levels depending on individual instructors needs or curriculum and in conjunction with institutional guidance on the use of AI. (The full Entertainment Arts AI policy can be found on the EA Canvas page.)
    • Should a faculty wish to include AI system consideration and usage in courses, they must receive permission from the Chair, David Gazdowicz.
  • AI use within the curriculum will abide by the guidelines offered in the CCS Institutional AI Statement.
    • Should the faculty member wish to offer an exception to the guidelines, that must be stated in writing and approved by the Chair, David Gazdowicz.
  • Pedagogical methodologies in all courses within Entertainment Arts will place greater emphasis on active learning and process work to ensure students can evidence their efforts within assigned projects.

    • In progress critiques could be utilized to evidence iterative design processes.
    • Project deliverables may require submission of process work along with final outcome, etc.

The CCS Academic Integrity Policy has been revised to include AI-related concerns.

As AI technology is evolving, these, and the institution’s, guidelines will change as context requires.