AI Guidelines – Product Design

The below guidelines for Product/Industrial Design outline Artificial Intelligence (AI) usage in the classroom for the 2024/2025 academic year. These guidelines were developed by the Department in consultation with various professionals and companies and should be followed in tandem with the CCS Institutional AI Statement. If faculty or students have questions about the implementation of these guidelines in the classroom, they should contact the Department Chair. The purpose of these guidelines is for the responsible use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the classroom to ensure that students use AI ethically, effectively and efficiently for research and process purposes only.


  • Use of AI for Research and Process Purposes Only:
    This includes utilizing AI to collect, analyze, and interpret data to support student research and enhance certain processes, such as the ideation process. The use of AI in the ideation process is becoming prevalent in the industry, providing quick and efficient options for form, shape, texture, and color, among others. This helps to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of design work and processes.
  • Usage of AI Created Content:
    Students are only allowed to use AI as a reference tool to support their own creativity and understanding. Students are prohibited from using any direct AI output within any final deliverable or claiming ownership of any AI-derived output.

This guideline ensures that students use AI to inform their own understanding and creativity, rather than relying solely on AI output to create their final products. 

  • Avoidance of Direct Names and References:
    To maintain personal and artistic integrity as a designer, students must avoid using direct artist, designer, company or brand names within their prompts when using image creation AI tools. However, students may seek advice and/or permission from their faculty if they feel it is necessary for research purposes.
  • Documentation and Citation:
    Students must clearly state when and where AI was used in the process, giving proper credit to the source of the AI output used. Proper citation is necessary to avoid plagiarism and maintain and show personal and artistic integrity. Reference examples of documentation and citation are on the Product Design Department Canvas portal or seek advice from faculty.
  • Enforcement:
    Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including a failing grade and or suspension from the institution.
  • AI use within the curriculum will abide by the guidelines offered in the CCS Institutional AI Statement.

    Should the faculty member wish to offer an exception to the guidelines, that must be stated in writing and approved by the Department Chair.
  • Pedagogical methodologies in all courses within the Department will place greater emphasis on active learning and process work to ensure students can evidence their efforts within assigned projects.

The CCS Academic Integrity Policy has been revised to include AI-related concerns.

As AI technology is evolving, these, and the institution’s, guidelines will change as context requires.