Reporting Criminal and Other Serious Incidents

Should a member of the CCS community observe or suspect criminal or suspicious activity, we ask that this information be promptly reported to Campus Safety office located on the first floor of the Taubman Center or the first floor of the Kresge Ford Building on the Ford Campus. Our officers can accept reports in person or by telephone. Campus Safety’s phone number for routine calls is 313-664-7444 on the Ford Campus and 313-664-1444 at the Taubman Center. Both lines are in operation 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Campus Safety Officers are non-sworn officers and have no powers of arrest. They may investigate incidents and detain individuals until the arrival of police. Victims or witnesses may report crimes on a voluntary, confidential basis for inclusion in the annual disclosure of crime statistics by informing Campus Safety that you wish this information to remain confidential.

CCS encourages all members of the College community to engage in accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes to Campus Security and the appropriate law enforcement agencies, when the victim of the crime elects not to, or is unable to, make such a report. Prompt reporting is important as it facilitates immediate investigation and the preservation of evidence. Reports may form the basis of criminal charges (violations of state or federal law) and/or college discipline cases (violations of the Code of Student Conduct).

Complainants may also file criminal reports directly with the Wayne State Police Department at (313) 577-2222 or the Detroit Police Department at (313) 224-1212. Complainants wishing to file a criminal report with the Wayne State or Detroit Police Departments may request assistance with initial procedures from CCS Campus Safety. Once a criminal report is filed with the Wayne State or Detroit Police, the decision to prosecute is made at the discretion of the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office. The Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office is also responsible for providing follow-up communication with the complainant.

Policy Contact

Campus Security – Taubman
1st floor at the East end of the building


Campus Security – Ford
1st floor of the Kresge building, across from the cafeteria


February 2, 2018

July 1, 2021

Administration and Finance