Reason for Policy
Promote fair, equitable, responsible and efficient use of limited College resources.
Address information security/vulnerability concerns with computer systems.
Provide employees with the tools they need for their jobs.
College Roles Affected by Policy
All full-time and part-time employees where non-lab/classroom computer usage is a significant requirement of their job.
Rules for Computer Allocation
In general, all employees whose job duties require significant use of a computer will be provided access to one.
By default, the computer will be a desktop. If the employee’s duties are such that a laptop would be more appropriate, a laptop may be issued instead with supervisor and ITS approval, pending availability. If a laptop is provided, a docking setup will also be provided for the employee’s office. Any such peripherals (dock, monitor, printer, etc.) for home use are the responsibility of the employee and will not be provided by CCS, with the exception of some 100% remote employees based on specific circumstances and subject to approval.
There is a one computer per employee limit. Any exceptions must be approved by the appropriate Dean or Vice-President and either the Director of Information Technology or the Chief Information Officer.
If an employee is issued a laptop, it is their responsibility to safely transport the laptop to and from work, including any necessary power supply.
“Departmental laptops” for shared use will no longer be provided due to security, maintenance, and cost concerns. Instead, laptops may be checked out for a limited time as provided below.
For any employee needing to use a laptop in addition to a primary computer, a limited duration checkout will be allowed pending availability. The duration of such a checkout should be for only the amount of time needed and for no more than three months in any case. Should an employee need to continue a checkout for a longer period, they must return the laptop for security auditing, updating and servicing, and may initiate a new checkout at that time . There is no guarantee that repeat checkouts will be issued the same computer each time, so all files must be stored on appropriate CCS resources that are device independent.