Course Release


Course releases are a one course reduction in a full-time faculty teaching load. They are provided to faculty members to further the faculty members scholarship, research, and/or creative activity.

These releases are intended to recognize both past accomplishment and future promise. Course releases do not relieve the
faculty member from other responsibilities to the College, including advising, serving on committees, participating in departmental business, etc. In other words, course release does not constitute a sabbatical term. Faculty members are expected to continue to be in residence and carry out their other duties during the term in which they have a course release.

Generally, the chair, or designee of a department will determine if requests for course releases will or should be considered based primarily on:

  • Department needs (curriculum schedule, number of faculty on leave, course enrollments etc.)
  • Individual faculty needs (teaching evaluations, research demands, administrative or service assignments, performance, etc)
  • Availability of suitable teaching replacements


  1. No more than 1 full-time faculty per department may apply for a course release per academic year.
  2. The number of available course releases per year is contingent upon approved sabbatical applications each year. That is, course releases will be funded by whatever funds remain after sabbaticals are approved for a given year. If sufficient funds do not remain, no course release will be given.
  3. Only those full-time faculty members who have received a meets/exceeds rating in instructional quality/college service/professional practice in their annual self–appraisal at least two of the past three years and at least meets/exceeds in the third year are eligible.
  4. Prior accomplishments in instructional quality/college service/ professional practice, as reflected in the faculty’s annual self-appraisal, shall be considered for evaluation. The following should be considered for evaluation:
    1. Professional activities that include but are not limited to journaled articles, book writing, juried art shows, design exhibitions, consulting, research, presentations, etc. For a full list of qualifying department specific activities, please read the “Criteria for Professional Practice Guidelines” found on Blackboard under Faculty Review Committee.
    2. Specific accomplishments in securing contracts and grants (i.e., funded projects).
    3. The full-time faculty member’s scholarly agenda as articulated in his/her annual self–appraisal.
  5. A full-time faculty member who receives a course release does not become eligible for a second course release until they have completed three academic years since the course release was granted.
  6. A full-time faculty member who receives a sabbatical does not become eligible for a course release until they have completed three academic years since the sabbatical was granted.
  7. Receiving a course release does not affect a faculty member’s ability to apply for and receive sabbatical in accordance with the guidelines and schedule set forth in the Faculty Handbook.
  8. Full-time faculty are eligible for a course release after three years of full-time employment at the College.
  9. The full-time faculty member’s annual self–appraisal over the course of two years will explicitly take into consideration the fact that they were granted a course release. Evidence of outcomes must be documented.
  10. Within thirty (30) days of the end of the semester in which the course release was granted, the faculty member shall submit to his/her chair, dean, and the Provost, a concise written appraisal regarding his/her accomplishments. If not provided, faculty will not eligible for future course releases.

Deadlines for Application

Fall Semester

April 30; Course Release Application Deadline
May 15; Faculty and Development Committee Decisions are Announced

Winter Semester

September 15; Course Release Application Deadline
October 1; Faculty and Development Committee Decisions are Announced

January 21, 2022

January 17, 2023