Supervisor Evaluation – Tracy Muscat

It is the College’s goal to annually evaluate the performance of each employee. The purpose of the evaluation process is to provide an opportunity for the supervisor and employee to review the prior year’s work performance. This process should include conversations related to the strengths and weaknesses in your employee’s performance, the development of future objectives, and your support and encouragement in assisting them to reach their full potential. The evaluation process helps to promote better communication between you and your employee, allows your employee input, and enables attention to be focused on job performance standards.  As you communicate the performance appraisal, your employee needs to understand performance expectations and your employee should be provided the opportunity to respond and discuss any issues that may arise.  Feedback concerning job satisfaction, career goals, and position responsibility are encouraged during the appraisal and throughout the year.

Begin your Employee Self Evaluation.


The following employees have completed their evaluations. Please review them by clicking on each of their names in the table below.

Below is a list of reviews that your employees have submitted.

Employee Evaluations

Employee: Elizabeth Klos Job Title: Sr. Director Development Operations Department: Institutional Advancement Supervisor Email: Review Date: August 9, 2019
Score Comment
Quality of WorkSTRENGTH (4)

I believe I consistently produce quality work with little direction or supervision. I look forward to learning + adjusting to my new supervisor’s expectations. I believe I possess a strong work ethic, and try to model positive attitude and confidence. I take great pride in my work and team.

DependabilitySTRENGTH (4)

I take pride in being dependable and available whenever needed to both my supervisor and team. I can be trusted with confidential information and believe that the team, colleagues and CCS donors only develop trust when they can depend on your professionalism and follow through with commitments.

Job KnowledgeSTRENGTH (4)

I believe I understand the primary responsibilities of my position as they related to fund raising and non-fundraising event management, team building, donor life cycle, annual giving, scholarship fundraising and administration, and database administration. I remain eager to learn + adjust.

Interactive/Effective CommunicationSTRENGTH (4)

I strive to listen more than speak and implement various methods of questioning to ensure a clear understanding of a topic, project/assignment or conversation. I try to be as transparent as possible with the team + supervisor and remain open to feedback to contribute to my professional development.

Emotional IntelligenceDEMONSTRATING (3)

As interim VP, I tried to lead with confidence and develop a healthy and open framework from which the team could operate successfully. I have refocused attention recently to ensure that my actions and behaviors make positive impressions and inspire exceptional results in others.

Management AbilitySTRENGTH (4)

I include those involved or affected by a common goal/vision/project in the formation stages. I strive for diverse opinions + feedback from across departments, which I believe helps form robust, strategic and balanced goals and each stakeholder agrees on desired outcomes. Delegation is also key.

TeamworkSTRENGTH (4)

I operate with openness and transparency, and feel difficult situations provide an opportunity for personal and professional growth as they are addressed. Finding ways to encourage and keep team members motivated is challenging but I try to discover what each individual on the team needs.

AgilitySTRENGTH (4)

My agility is demonstrated daily by moving between multiple projects simultaneously while responding to needs of IA + CCS colleagues, and donors. I am able to prioritize to ensure projects are completed on time and don’t get distracted by others immediate needs which dictate re-prioritization.


    1. Meet 2019-20 DIWA ($1,697,150/$1,247,150) and SEO ($280,350/$185,000) gross and net budget expectations. Ensure sponsors/donors are stewarded/meet President and VP IA to build relationships. .
    1. Test one variable per direct mailing, implement 1 new renewal strategy biannually, plan strategy to mine new AG donors for upgrade.
    1. Build existing endowments and annual scholarships by stewardship and soliciting additional gifts. Start two new $25,000 endowments .
    1. Work with VP IA to develop professional development plan Support and lead the IA team members on my team with their professional and personal goals. Play a valuable role in upcoming IA assessment.


    1. Successfully led IA team, as Interim VP, which raised a total of $7.2 million.
    1. Continue elevate the status of DIWA in country providing increased visibility for CCS. Exceeded sponsorship goal, expenses were higher than usual and bidder attendance was lower.
    1. Lead team that produced successful Student Exhibition Opening and run of show. Launched new artwork sales procedure using Square which resulted in increased analytical efficiencies + better service.
    1. Retained IA team during a year of college-wide transition.


Support training and educational opportunities and serve as a mentor to develop future career goals of furthering my education related to philanthropy and leadership. Consult with me to assist in developing opportunities for my team pursuant to their strengths and desires.

Created on August 20, 2019 at 11:49 am Updated at September 8, 2019 at 10:03 pm

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