Supervisor Evaluation – Ryan Harrison

It is the College’s goal to annually evaluate the performance of each employee. The purpose of the evaluation process is to provide an opportunity for the supervisor and employee to review the prior year’s work performance. This process should include conversations related to the strengths and weaknesses in your employee’s performance, the development of future objectives, and your support and encouragement in assisting them to reach their full potential. The evaluation process helps to promote better communication between you and your employee, allows your employee input, and enables attention to be focused on job performance standards.  As you communicate the performance appraisal, your employee needs to understand performance expectations and your employee should be provided the opportunity to respond and discuss any issues that may arise.  Feedback concerning job satisfaction, career goals, and position responsibility are encouraged during the appraisal and throughout the year.

Begin your Employee Self Evaluation.


The following employees have completed their evaluations. Please review them by clicking on each of their names in the table below.

Below is a list of reviews that your employees have submitted.

Employee Evaluations

Employee: Ann Hawkins Job Title: Residence Life Coordinator Department: Student Affairs – Residence Life Supervisor Email: Review Date: August 27, 2019
Score Comment
Quality of WorkSTRENGTH (4)

I am highly self motivated and will always strive to be better. I work hard for the students and my team. I believe this could be a 5 but I recognize that I take on too much and sometimes things are just adequate when I strive for greatness.

DependabilitySTRENGTH (4)

I will get things done well and will ask questions when I need to. It’s important to me that I don’t let you down. Sometimes things slip but I am usually very trustworthy and reliable.

Job KnowledgeSTRENGTH (4)

I am good at what I do. Sometimes it takes me a minute to adjust to change but with the right support and the awesome team we have I can usually get right back into the swing of things. I am a person who needs to ask questions and process and will do that in order to learn.

Interactive/Effective CommunicationSTRENGTH (4)

I feel like I can always improve but in comparison to the average person I believe this is a huge strength of mine. I love talking through things and enjoy hearing what others think. Collaboration is exciting. It’s when I don’t have someone to work with or talk collaboratively with that I struggle.

Emotional IntelligenceSTRENGTH (4)

I am self aware. I do tend to get overemotional when it comes to things I am passionate about and have recognized that I need to take time and talk through it in order to approach situations more rationally. This in an area where I have improved greatly but recognize I need to continue to improve.

Management AbilityLEADING (5)

This is a complex topic full of a lot of layers. In general I believe that supervision is where I excel.

TeamworkLEADING (5)

I create a safe and inclusive environment where my team and excel. I make connections and make people feel important and recognize my teams strengths and how to use that. I am also a team player and am always there to help when anyone needs it.


I am a planner and work well if I have made a back up plan but if I have not I need my team to help me. I am proud of the growth I have made in this area but recognize it takes me a little bit of time to reconfigure my plan. I am adequate in this area but would live to be great.


    1. Have a 1on1 meeting with each of my RAs at least once a month
    1. Conduct RA evaluations once a semester with each of my RAs
    1. Take 20 minutes a week to clean and organize my office
    1. Attend one program a semester that each of mt RAs put on.


    1. Got the ball rolling on strengths at CCS. Part of CCS Leads, RA Training, soon to be FYE and maybe institutionally
    1. Took an active part in the changes to DEI at CCS
    1. Helped to create and facilitate CCS Leads on campus
    1. Successful RA hiring and training and successful pre-college hiring and training


Continue to help me process and work through things. Challenge me when I need it. Continue to encourage me and give recognition. Continue to support the work I do outside of my job description such as CCS Leads, Strengths, and DEI. That has helped me grow a lot.

Created on August 27, 2019 at 9:13 pm Updated at August 27, 2019 at 9:13 pm

Enter each employee evaluation on the Supervisor Evaluations page. Once you have entered your information, click submit. You may edit your entries by clicking on the Edit links of the employee evaluations you’ve entered below. Please complete the supervisor evaluation process by August 23, 2019.

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