Supervisor Evaluation – Nadine Ashton

It is the College’s goal to annually evaluate the performance of each employee. The purpose of the evaluation process is to provide an opportunity for the supervisor and employee to review the prior year’s work performance. This process should include conversations related to the strengths and weaknesses in your employee’s performance, the development of future objectives, and your support and encouragement in assisting them to reach their full potential. The evaluation process helps to promote better communication between you and your employee, allows your employee input, and enables attention to be focused on job performance standards.  As you communicate the performance appraisal, your employee needs to understand performance expectations and your employee should be provided the opportunity to respond and discuss any issues that may arise.  Feedback concerning job satisfaction, career goals, and position responsibility are encouraged during the appraisal and throughout the year.

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Employee Evaluations

Employee: Nicholas Dauphin
Job Title: Evening Library Supervisor
Department: Library
Supervisor Email:
Review Date: July 24, 2019

Score Comment
Quality of Work STRENGTH (4)

When designing and producing posters, images for student emails, and other projects, I often go above and beyond what was asked and create thoughtful and clever images. In other projects (labelling, covering, organizing) I pride myself in effectively getting the work done as soon as possible.

Dependability STRENGTH (4)

When given a list of tasks, which I often am, I am able to complete most if not all of them in a timely manner. Tasks that aren’t completed quickly and efficiently are

Job Knowledge DEMONSTRATING (3)

Although I pride myself on being effective in my tasks, sometimes I wear so many hats that I forget what some of my tasks are until someone tells me to complete them. Even so, I know when something is outside my job description or capability and when something I’m responsible for must be done.

Interactive/Effective Communication STRENGTH (4)

I get information across clearly and directly with minimal to no confusion or delay. Often I am on the end receiving ideas to fine tune and I clearly work the idea until both I and my colleague are happy with it.

Emotional Intelligence LEADING (5)

Although I do not overlap many hours with my coworkers, I have been friendly and courteous to library patrons. I often exercise patience in understanding students who don’t know how to express what they need or students who’s first language isn’t English. This leads to friendships with some.

Management Ability DEMONSTRATING (3)

Largely NOT APPLICABLE as I am the lowest rung on the ladder, but in my encounters with Work Study Students I am able to direct their priorities and keep a watchful eye to make sure they remain productive.

Teamwork LEADING (5)

Any hours I have that overlap others I use to coordinate and plan the day’s work. Often tasks are exchanged or given between us based on who is more skilled, available, and excited about the project. Frequently I take these odd-jobs to lighten the load for my colleagues.

Agility LEADING (5)

Working on both campuses and having a list of duties for each requires a lot of juggling, but I have never gotten the wires crossed and I am able to separate the goals and changes easily without losing sight of priorities.


    1. I would like to continue to improve the visual elements of the library. I began designing the library placeholder sticks and I would like to finish that project before the end of the fall semester.
    1. As one of the librarians that specializes in comics, I feel I must do personal development on the matter. Speaking to the curator of it, I plan to visit the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum
    1. Since I spend so much time at the C&M Library, I should probably refamiliarize myself with the collection. Often I have to ask for help but I think my goal should be to shelve materials on my own more


    1. I have transformed the library to include posters at the end of the stacks that add a level of color and design previously unseen as well as providing easy direction around the library.
    1. I created maintained a social media profile that highlights graphic novels in the collection. Not only did it gain 1/3 of the C&M’s followers in one semester, but it drew attention from industry pros.
    1. Amongst my other duties, I was able to collaborate with Visual Resources to help them cataloguing the Student Exhibition work archive.


Continuing to give me creative work and helping me build skills that make me more of an asset to the library (ex: How I learned how to catalog books a few years ago). I would also appreciate the continued efforts to try to give me more hours (pushing me into full-time) so I can accomplish more

Created on July 24, 2019 at 12:02 pm
Updated at July 24, 2019 at 12:02 pm

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