Supervisor Evaluation – Kerri McKay

It is the College’s goal to annually evaluate the performance of each employee. The purpose of the evaluation process is to provide an opportunity for the supervisor and employee to review the prior year’s work performance. This process should include conversations related to the strengths and weaknesses in your employee’s performance, the development of future objectives, and your support and encouragement in assisting them to reach their full potential. The evaluation process helps to promote better communication between you and your employee, allows your employee input, and enables attention to be focused on job performance standards.  As you communicate the performance appraisal, your employee needs to understand performance expectations and your employee should be provided the opportunity to respond and discuss any issues that may arise.  Feedback concerning job satisfaction, career goals, and position responsibility are encouraged during the appraisal and throughout the year.

Begin your Employee Self Evaluation.


The following employees have completed their evaluations. Please review them by clicking on each of their names in the table below.

Below is a list of reviews that your employees have submitted.

Employee Evaluations

Employee: Heather Good Job Title: Assistant Director of Business Services Department: Business Services Supervisor Email: Review Date: July 30, 2019
Score Comment
Quality of WorkLEADING (5)

I believe I do well completing my tasks with little direction and supervision. I also believe I am professional and possess a great work ethic.

DependabilityLEADING (5)

I feel as though I am very trustworthy and reliable. I am able to complete my assignments timely and without much intervention.

Job KnowledgeLEADING (5)

I definitely have a vast knowledge of my job and am always striving to learn more. I can take initiative to learn things on my own if needed.

Interactive/Effective CommunicationSTRENGTH (4)

I have no issue working with others. I do strive daily to always provide great customer service to any customer but know that I need to work on not letting others defensiveness change my reaction.

Emotional IntelligenceSTRENGTH (4)

I am very aware of how my actions can effect others and try and always think through things as professional as I can. I work on being the best person I can be daily.

Management AbilityLEADING (5)

I feel as though my management skills have vastly grown over the years. I have a great relationship with all of my employees and feel as though they are confident in my abilities and know I am a hard worker. I step in and help them whenever they need.

TeamworkSTRENGTH (4)

I have great partnerships with most everyone that I work with daily. I do have a hard time having difficult conversations with people from time to time and need to work on that.

AgilityLEADING (5)

I feel as though I am great at taking on new things and adapting to changes around me.


    1. I hope to continue working on our new Prophix system and gaining additional knowledge to help when we roll it out across campus.
    1. I would like to delegate a few more items on my task list to some individuals in our office so I have more time to focus on the bigger tasks.
    1. I need to get a better schedule down of my tasks and work to getting month end done in a more timely fashion.
    1. I would like to work on the relationships with other employees outside of our department so they feel as though we are a department that is always here to help.


    1. We implemented Prophix and I gained a vast knowledge of the system and how it works.
    1. I have learned more about our Financials at the College and how everything works together throughout the last year.
    1. I assisted in switching the Bookstore over to a new system this year.
    1. I am continuously trying to work on myself and my image around campus. I feel as though every year I grow as an individual and supervisor.


I welcome any and all feedback from you. I also am always willing to help where needed and could assist you in more things when you are feeling overwhelmed.

Created on July 31, 2019 at 8:23 am Updated at July 31, 2019 at 8:23 am

Enter each employee evaluation on the Supervisor Evaluations page. Once you have entered your information, click submit. You may edit your entries by clicking on the Edit links of the employee evaluations you’ve entered below. Please complete the supervisor evaluation process by August 23, 2019.

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