Supervisor Evaluation – Frank Ravja

It is the College’s goal to annually evaluate the performance of each employee. The purpose of the evaluation process is to provide an opportunity for the supervisor and employee to review the prior year’s work performance. This process should include conversations related to the strengths and weaknesses in your employee’s performance, the development of future objectives, and your support and encouragement in assisting them to reach their full potential. The evaluation process helps to promote better communication between you and your employee, allows your employee input, and enables attention to be focused on job performance standards.  As you communicate the performance appraisal, your employee needs to understand performance expectations and your employee should be provided the opportunity to respond and discuss any issues that may arise.  Feedback concerning job satisfaction, career goals, and position responsibility are encouraged during the appraisal and throughout the year.

Begin your Employee Self Evaluation.


The following employees have completed their evaluations. Please review them by clicking on each of their names in the table below.

Below is a list of reviews that your employees have submitted.

Employee Evaluations

Employee: Mathew Catanese Job Title: Financial Aid Counselor Department: Financial Aid Office Supervisor Email: Review Date: July 24, 2019
Score Comment
Quality of WorkLEADING (5)

Provides efficient and accurate work well within determined time frames. Established and professional work ethic and always willing to help out when and where needed.

DependabilityLEADING (5)

Very dependable individual and is easily accessible. Works on time and data sensitive reports while exhibiting professionalism and adhering to confidentiality

Job KnowledgeLEADING (5)

Exhibits strong knowledge of job requirements and functions. Learns quickly, retains information and utilizes skill set to best of abilities. Engages in job functions outside of job scope to better understand processes.

Interactive/Effective CommunicationLEADING (5)

Effectively listens to student/staff concerns and helps navigate to solutions. Offers professional opinions and input in problem solving scenarios.

Emotional IntelligenceSTRENGTH (4)

Very passionate individual that enjoys exceeding expectations.

Management AbilityLEADING (5)

Able to articulate vision clearly, provide leadership and directive on special projects.

TeamworkLEADING (5)

Works well with co-workers and invites constructive dialogue within a team. Able to take the lead and also take direction.

AgilityLEADING (5)

Able to multitask and adapt to change quickly. Remains calm and professional in high stress times.


    1. Learn Colleague platform
    1. Learn and take the lead on the work-study process
    1. Learn and take the lead on R2T4 process
    1. Learn the policies and procedures of the CCS F.A. Office


    1. Develop work study policy and procedures and steam line processes
    1. Actively help with recruitment and retention of incoming students
    1. Participate in the A133 internal audit. Providing guidance and feedback to the auditors
    1. Assist with default management


Continue to be transparent and willing to train on job functions outside of my knowledge base. Provide positive and constructive criticism to aide in building my knowledge base and improve my skill set. Continue to be a hands on member of the F.A. team.

Created on July 25, 2019 at 9:38 am Updated at July 25, 2019 at 9:38 am

Enter each employee evaluation on the Supervisor Evaluations page. Once you have entered your information, click submit. You may edit your entries by clicking on the Edit links of the employee evaluations you’ve entered below. Please complete the supervisor evaluation process by August 23, 2019.

Your Evaluation Reviews

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