Employee Self Evaluation

Employee Instructions:

Please complete and submit the self-evaluation form to your supervisor by August 2, 2019.

Your thorough and timely participation in the appraisal process will help facilitate a meaningful and comprehensive review of your progress and accomplishments. Additionally, providing this information will help your supervisor set goals with you for the upcoming year.

If you have been employed for less than one year, answer questions using “since you were hired” as a reference point.

In the form below, evaluate yourself using the rating scale for each item. Indicate why you have rated yourself at that level in the comment box below found after each item.

Employee Performance Evaluation

Self-Evaluation Instructions

The self-evaluation process is an important starting point for gathering input beyond that of the “Supervisor.” Employees are encouraged to complete a Self-Evaluation Form prior to their performance evaluation meeting with their supervisor. The self-evaluation process allows for increased employee involvement in assessing strengths and areas in need of improvement, to identify discrepancies of performance between the employee and supervisor, and to conduct a more constructive evaluation meeting, thus increasing commitment to performance planning. The process is an opportunity for employees to document their accomplishments, performance concerns and professional development activities for the given review period.

The First, Last, and Email fields should have your information auto-populated. If you do not see these details you may not be logged in correctly.

Personal Details

Leave blank unless otherwise instructed.

Quality of Work

Employee produces deliverables efficiently and with little direction and supervision. Also prides themselves in professionalism, strong work ethic, self-motivation, positive attitude and confidence.
Quality of Work *
Limit 300 characters


Employee is trustworthy and reliable.
Dependability *
Limit 300 characters

Job Knowledge

Employee possess and understanding of the set of responsibilities specific to their job, as well as the ongoing capacity to stay abreast of changes in their job functions.
Job Knowledge *
Limit 300 characters

Interactive/Effective Communication

Employee purposely engages with others and shares relative information that’s accurate and timely. Listens non-defensively to ideas, feedback and invites questions for deeper understanding.
Interactive/Effective Communication
Limit 300 characters

Emotional Intelligence

Employee is aware of the effect their actions, behavior and choices have on others. Handles interpersonal relationships without overreacting or making emotional assumptions knowing healthy conflict can further great work.
Emotional Intelligence *
Limit 300 characters

Management Ability (if applicable)

Employee possess the ability to establish a clear vision and can share that vision with others to that they will follow willingly. Effectively provides relevant information, knowledge and methods to realize that vision while coordinating and balancing the conflicting interests of all stakeholders.
Management Ability
Limit 300 characters


Employee builds trusting and engaging partnerships. Transparent and doesn’t shy away from real conversations. Finds ways to encourage and compliment team members.
Teamwork *
Limit 300 characters


Employee possess the ability to respond rapidly to changes in the internal and external environment without losing momentum or vision.
Agility *
Limit 300 characters


Goals and Objectives should be S.M.A.R.T., which means, goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused, and time-based. Click here to obtain definitions of each of the S.M.A.R.T. goal criteria.
Limit 200 characters
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The accomplishments section is an integral part of the performance appraisal process. It is the written narrative of the employees accomplishments as it relates to job responsibilities, competencies, goals and objectives, and other factors. It is informed by what the employee and supervisor have discussed regularly throughout the entire performance appraisal cycle. An opportunity and invitation:
  • It is an opportunity to facilitate a discussion about employee performance over the last performance appraisal cycle.
  • It is an opportunity for the employee to shine a light on what they have accomplished; be their own advocate.
  • It invites the employee to be an engaged partner in discussion their performance and planning for future performance.
Limit 200 characters
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Limit 300 characters