Removing “Editor Only Instructions” in Content Blocks

As you add/edit content blocks in content pages of your course, you may remove the instructions contained within the area outlined in green shown below. (In the DesignPLUS Sidebar, this is called an “Action Item”.) Removing the Action Item is completely optional, as students will never see any of the information within it.

In the below example, the “Assignment Context” Content Block includes a set of instructions only viewable to the instructor (shown within area outlined in green). You have the option to remove these instructions from your content page if you so choose. The end result keeps the heading, “Assignment Context”, and whatever content you choose to replace the “Assignment_context_description” with.

This screenshot show an example of what a Content Block with an "Editor Only Instructions" Action Item looks like inside of Canvas.

Save Your Page

When adding a Content Block on a content page for the first time, be sure to Save & Publish or Save your page so that Canvas/DesignPLUS recognizes you have an “Action Item” on the page that you may want to remove later on.

Removing the Action Item

  1. While editing your content page in Canvas, click on the green Open Action Items icon at the bottom right corner of the screen.
The green "Open Action Items" button appears at the bottom right corner of the screen when editing a page that utilizes Action Items from the DesignPLUS Sidebar.
  • If you do not see the green Open Action Items icon, you may need to temporarily close the DesignPLUS sidebar.
The "Close Sidebar" X icon appears at the top right corner of the DesignPLUS sidebar.
  1. Select the 🗑️ Remove button.
After clicking on the "Open Action Items" icon, click the "Remove" button.