Using the City of Detroit as its inspiration,,students will employ various research,methodologies as a starting point for creating,prints. Projects will be approached through one,of three perspectives: experiential, historical,and political. Techniques introduced will include,relief printing, laser cutting, print from found,objects and silkscreen. Students will print both,with and without a press to create limited,edition prints as well as DIY or on-the cheap,multiples using commercial print processes. ,Those students who have taken Intro to,Printmaking or have prior college level,printmaking experience will be encouraged to,build on techniques they’ve already learned to,develop their own creative voice.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DFN 103 DFN 104 DFN 120


Students continue to develop techniques in,joinery, carving and turning through projects,designed to build their visual and technical,vocabulary. Specified course work increases the,advanced student’s understanding of wood as a,material for making fine art. Special emphasis is,given to finishing processes and additive,construction techniques.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAF 180


This course is an introduction to computer,modeling informed by craft processes. Students,use various 3D software programs to create,digital models and actual prototypes. ,Connections between craft, design, and production,will be emphasized.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DCR 103, FAD 207, DDG 103 (formerly DCR 103)


This critique/research-based seminar provides a,structured and critical forum for students to,explore broader aesthetic, cultural and,theoretical topics relevant to their studio work.,Senior Seminar, together with the Senior Studio,,serve as the capstone courses for seniors.,Individual proposed research, written topical,assignments, and a personal artist statement will,provide the framework for a formal Thesis,presentation. Students culminate Senior Seminar,with the development of a well designed Thesis,research book that integrates both Seminar work,and work samples from Senior Studio. Must be,Senior status.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAH-200, DAH-218 OR DAH 351, SAC-381 (formerly,DFA 381 or DCR 351)


This course focuses on an in-depth examination of,intaglio (copper plate etching) and lithography,processes, while dealing with traditional and,contemporary methods such as; stone and plate,lithography, limited edition versus unique,printing, and photo-transferring digital imaging.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DFN 103 DFN 104 DFN 120 DPM 115 (formerly DFA 115)


In this course students are introduced to sound,,video, and performance as a means to examine,contemporary interdisciplinary studio practice. ,Individual and collaborative assignments explore,a range of themes and ideas that manifest through,an integration of traditional materials and,techniques with time and digital based media. ,Presentation, display, and documentation of work,is critically considered with-in the context of,performative, sight specific, time based, and,ephemeral work. Students will also gain knowledge,of the work of individual and collaborative,conptemporary artists who work between 2-D, 3-D,,and 4-D media.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: SAC 105 (or DFA 105), DFA 120, DSC 130 (or DFA 130) and,DFN 119


This capstone course is the first semester of a,two-semester course in which students engage in,the development of a self-directed body of work.,Students are assigned semi-private individual,studio spaces and are expected to utilize various,studio facilities that contribute to their,individual practice. Individual and formal group,critiques provide a collaborative learning,environment in which students continue to hone,verbal skills to articulate the relationship,between their research and studio practice. Studio,visits with professional artists, writers and,curators will expose students to current creative,practitioners in the field of contemporary art.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: SAC-380 (formerly DFA-380 or DCR 350) and SAC-381 (formerly,DFA-381 or DCR 351)


This course has been structured to develop a range,of creative relationships, and the technical and,conceptual skills, necessary to produce content in,printmaking media. Forms including artist books,,ephemera, and hybrid and collaborative print,ventures will be investigated. Students will be,guided and encouraged to develop strategies to,publish, edition, and disseminate their work into,a range of markets, and for a number of audiences,,beyond the gallery and the museum. Working with,faculty, each student proposes, in writing, a,semester-long program of involvement and creative,activity resulting in a personally directed body,of work and publication. It may cross disciplines,,combine processes, or be focused on more advanced,technical issues. In all cases, it links to the,student’s conceptual investigations in other,disciplines.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DFN 103 DFN 104 DFN 120 DFA 115


This course investigates the interrelationship of,process, creativity and concept through various,casting techniques. Bronze, iron, aluminum,,cement and nontraditional materials are used to,explore casting as a process and as a means to a,product. Open to non-majors with departmental,approval.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DFA 130, DFA 233