Advertising Design/Art Education

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree Requirements

First Year

First Semester = 16 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
SLP 007CCS First Year Experience1
DFN 119Digital Techniques3
DFN 1372D & 3D Integrated Design Studio3
DFN 139Color & Light Studies3
DGD 151Typography I3
DVC 100Introduction to Material Culture3

Second Semester = 18 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DFN 1384D Design Studio3
DFN 142Performative Spaces3
DGD 124Motion Essentials3
DGD 152Typography II3
DEN 101Composition I3
DAE 200Educ. Foundations: History & Phil of Education3

Second Year

Third Semester = 18 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DAD 235Concepts and Campaigns3
DGD 211Intro Communication Design I3
DAD 283Marketing & Media3
DAH 261History of Advertising
DEN 102Composition II3
DAE 250Human Development Creative & Visual Learning3

Fourth Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DAD 287Media & Experience3
DAD 266App Happy3
DGD 224Motion Narratives3
DAH 200
Western Art History/Visual Culture3*
DAH 201Visual Narration: Africa3*
DAH 202Visual Narration: Asia3*
DAH 261History of Advertising3
DAS 213Business Practices3
*Choose one of the indicated courses.

Third Year

Fifth Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGD 317Prof Studio Practice I3
DAD 321Commercial Techniques & Production3
DAD 365
Digital Narrative3
DADAdvertising Design Elective3
DAE 315Elementary Art Teaching: Meth,Math & Literacy3

Sixth Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DAD 322Integrated Campaigns3
DAD 366
Experiential Media3
DAD —Advertising Design Elective3
DAE 405Secondary Art Teaching: Meth, Math & Literacy3
DNS 230Math Skills3

Fourth Year

Seventh Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DAD 421Portfolio Lab I3
DAD 434Content Creation3
DAH 200-400Art History Elective (or)
DVC 200-400Visual Culture Elective3*
D 100-400Open Elective3
DAE 407Reading & Lang Art Methods3
*Choose one of the listed courses in this row.

Eighth Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DAD 422Portfolio Lab II3
DAD 460Thesis Studio3
DAD —Advertising Design Elective3
D 200-400General Education Elective3
DAE —Art Education Elective3

9th Semester

Ninth Semester = 12 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DAE 510Directed Teaching10
DAE 520Professional Seminar2

Total Credits: 138/139

Advertising Design Electives – Successfully complete designated courses within the major (not listed as “required”), subject code DAD.

General Education Electives – Successfully complete any 200-400 level (non-required) Liberal Arts course, from subjects: DAH-Art History, DAS-Academic Studies, DEN-English, DHS-History, DLE-Liberal Elective, DNS-Natural Science DSS-Social Science, DPL-Philosophy, etc), DVC-Visual Culture.

Open Electives – Successfully complete any (3.0 credit) 100-400 level (non-required) course from an Undergraduate subject (Studio or Lecture).

This plan is provided for use as a guide only and is based on full-time status with successful completion of credits outlined per semester. Degree Timelines and requirements may vary based on actual program, credits completed per semester and/or catalog year. Students are responsible for confirming completion of all requirements before graduating (use program/student resources to support degree progression). Minimum Cumulative GPA of 2.0 required.

Advertising Design Faculty

Susan LaPorte
MFA, California Institute of the Arts BFA, University of Illinois at Chicago

Philip McAvoy
BA, Michigan State University

Art Education Faculty

Lee, Jhih-Yin
Ph.D. University of Georgia M.Ed. University of Houston

Amy Ruopp
Ph.D., EDS, University of Missouri
MAT, BFA, Maryland Institute College of Art


Building on the conceptual and problem-solving,skills learned, students create advertising for,media ranging from social posts to online,entertainment, emerging to immersive media with,emphasis placed on a targeted and diverse,marketing message. Current industry trends are,reviewed including, graphics, motion, special,effects, production techniques, editing and,directing. Historical context of storytelling and,digital media is put into perspective as well. ,Students learn effective strategy techniques to,identify and solve new media specific advertising,problems for a targeted and diverse consumers and,audiences. Increased focus is placed on futurist,thought while students learn the strategies,,processes, and storytelling techniques used for,developing concepts in this ever-evolving industry,for a broad range of products, brands and social,causes. Presentations specific to digital media,ideas are practiced on a regular basis.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAD 235, DAD 250, DAD 283


During the Directed Teaching semester, the,responsibilities of a professional teacher are,experienced first-hand at extended placements in,school settings.This includes experiences in,urban, suburban, and rural settings providing,diverse perspectives and spaces to negotiate as,student develop professional practice. This,practicum involves a broad,spectrum of experiences, including a combination,of observation, small group work, and eventual,whole class instruction. Because the Visual Arts,(LQ) Endorsement certifies a teacher for K-12,instruction, placements are made for candidates,at two sites, one in an Elementary setting and,one in the Secondary setting. Offered for Pass,(P) or Fail (F) grades only. DAE 510 is required,to be taken in conjunction with DAE 520,,Professional Seminar.

Credits: 5

Prerequisites: DAE 405,DAE 520


This is an Adobe Illustrator based course focused,on creating images and patterns that can be,applied to a variety of surfaces. Students source,a variety of materials and explore planar networks,and modular systems for design applications.,Formatting design files for cnc / laser,manufacturing are explained, and presentation,skills are emphasized using InDesign to create a,final process book along with a variety of,material studies.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DFN 119


Through the College’s affiliation with the,Association of Independent Colleges of Art and,Design, junior or first semester senior students,in good standing have the opportunity to spend a,semester (fall or winter) or full year studying at,another member institution in the United States or,abroad. Application information is available in,the Academic Advising and Registration Office.

Credits: 12



This class offers the student the opportunity to,observe and draw the figure from life, both human,(examining a multitude of varied form) and animal.,We will be drawing in class as well as on,location. The focus will be on quick sketches,,observing a wide range of diverse figure in motion,through gestural poses in class and observing,animals and people on location. In addition, the,instructor will lecture and do demonstrations in,class. Through quick sketches in class and on,location the student will gain confidence in their,drawing skills, and through observation acquire an,internal sense of how the body moves, and skills,that will greatly enhance their artistic goals.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DFN 101, DFN112


This course guides students through a wide variety,of topics related to the game industry. Portfolio,development, professional presentation skills,,technical research into new and emerging,technologies and Industry 4.0 are touched on,within this course. Through student initiated,research projects or, when available,,industry partnerships and interdepartmental,collaborations, students will have an opportunity,to work in a team environment to execute projects,from design to completion.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DMA 340


(This is a faculty led study abroad course *,syllabi will differ per destination) ,,On a Global Learning Experience course, students,are brought outside the typical classroom, for a,24/7 learning experience in varying locations,outside the USA. The course will provide students,with tools for analyzing your learning process and,identifying cultural patterns, differences,,similarities and values encountered during the,journey. Students develop a sense of,cross-cultural understanding, and navigate towards,becoming a global citizen. Students develop a,heightened sense of confidence, and leadership as,they plan, and execute this excursion. In,addition students discover the role of becoming an,ambassador for their own culture. Practical issues,about studying abroad (safety, money, packing,,etc.) are delivered via pre-departure sessions,with the International Student Services Office.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: SLP 007


This advanced course in experimental filmmaking,will challenge students to research and create,forward-thinking film art-short films, video,sculptures, expanded cinema-that consider,emotional, intellectual, physical, and,technological experiences as both maker and,viewer.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: FLM 288 OR DMA 345


Students creative teams practice television,advertising process, production and storytelling,techniques to conceptualize and create targeted,and effective commercials and films for diverse,audiences and consumers for traditional broadcast,,online, social and mobile media content. The,course includes developing concepts and keyframes,,writing, storyboarding, shooting and editing their,original commercial concepts. Current industry,trends are reviewed including commercial concepts,,digital content, branded entertainment,,cinematography, graphics, special effects,,post-production techniques, sound design, editing,,and directing trends. Presentations specific to,television ideas are practiced on a regular basis.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAD 221, DAD 235, DAD 266 – ADVERTISING,DAD 221, DAD 235, DAD 270 – COPYWRITING