This course focuses on expanding the basic,techniques and workflows that are taught in Game,Art 1. Students will take a deep dive and,strengthen their understanding of different career,paths one can pursue in game art. Examples of the,different game art paths are environment art,,character art, VFX, tech art, and material artist.,This will be completed through a series of,projects and workshops to better prepare the,students for a specific roll they would like to,pursue.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DMA 246


The intent of this class is to prepare the student,for entry into the next level of work within the,game industry or other relevant industry. Future,scenarios in professional studios, corporations,,exhibitions, research institutions and graduate,education are discussed, general business and,ethics are addressed and portfolios are prepared,according to the student’s personal aims and,objectives. Students will experience scenarios in,current and emerging interview practices in order,to gain confidence and experience in talking about,their work in a clear and professional manner.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DMA 403


Participation in an internship experience allows,students to use classroom-learned skills in a,related employment experience. Students must work,a minimum of 135 hours over the course of the,entire semester. To participate students must be,of junior or senior status with completion of,freshman and sophomore studios. Students must,have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8. Seniors may,not be eligible to participate in an internship,during their final semester. Transfer students,must have attended one semester at CCS in addition,to meeting the other eligibility criteria.

Credits: 3



This course introduces the student to,advertising, the creative process and the roles,of the art director/copywriter creative team in,the creation of an advertising message. Students,practice brainstorming techniques, dissecting a,strategy brief, idea generation, concept,sketching and presentation skills. They examine,multiple approaches to advertising and begin,their understanding of solving a marketing,problem for a unique and/or diverse target of,consumers from strategy to idea to image, headline,and copy.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAD 110


Content creation is the future of digital media,and video. Students create long format commercial,content with extended narratives that focus on,branded storytelling that engages, motivates and,influences diverse audiences and consumers in a,positive and emotional way beyond the traditional,thirty second broadcast format. Students gain more,experience in writing, concepting and pitching,,storyboarding, producing and editing their,commercial concepts.

Credits: 3



DAS-316 follows DAS-315 to form the capstone,experience of the Minor in Creative,Entrepreneurship. Students will focus on,operational and oversight aspect of their venture,,including studying, selecting and integrating,information analysis and business software into a,customized enterprise reporting platform. This,review will include accounting information,,project management and team communication, search,engine optimization, customer acquisition and,retention, digital marketing optimization, and,enterprise resource planning. Interpersonal,skills training will include internal team and,business partner management, customer service and,satisfaction, and business development, sales and,presentation training. Finally students will,secure a mini-internship with an appropriate,entity. Mini-internships must be approved in,advance. As needed, Design Core Detroit will help,through their Design Network.,This course can be used for Liberal Arts or,General Elective credit.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAS 313, DAS 314, DAS 315


This course continues the development of character,animation, further exploring the foundations while,introducing acting theory, film language, scene,structure and technical skills. Students refine,their drawing and animation experience, working on,techniques that include animation clean up, lip,sync, timing to music and sound, moving,layouts/pans, assisting, timing/slugging and,completed production. Comedic and dramatic acting,,including observation of diverse subjects, is,further explored as well as producing completed,sequences, in addition to production skills such,as compiling, presentation and learning to work in,different styles.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DMA 101


This intermediary course will guide students,through focused explorations of game design,principles and technologies through a variety of,hands on projects. The course encourages,experimentation of technique within the medium.,Concept, story, design, technical skill and,originality are emphasized. The technical skills,gained within each project will be applied toward,the effective communication of unique stories and,concepts through the development of working 2D and,3D games. Unity and Unreal Game Engines as well as,pertinent game design software will be explored.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DMA 245