This course will expose students to emerging,technologies across all industries. Students,research and explore emerging technologies, and,develop strategies for implementation into,immersive user experiences focused on the,conceptualization and inclusive design for,targeted and diverse consumers and audiences.,Futurist platform projects ask students to,envision interactive media many years out.,Students also explore the integration and function,of interactive media in full-spectrum,communications from concept and pitch deck to,budget and scope of each project, and presentation,techniques for interactive concepts. It,contributes to an advanced undergraduate’s digital,media portfolio.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAD 321, DAD 365


This course is dedicated to teaching Art Education,candidates the essential components of instruction,for students who are learning to read. Students,study theory and research frameworks for,comprehending the scope and challenges of teaching,for literacy, as well as practical methods for,direct, explicit instruction in reading. The,broader area of Language Arts instruction is,examined in the contexts of arts integration and,children’s literature which is inclusive of global,cultures, identity, and contextually meaningful in,nature. Awareness of appropriate uses for,technology and information age learning in K-12,schools is taught with applications of technology,enhanced learning experiences. For this course,,students assist regularly with experienced,,certified Reading Teachers in K-8 classrooms. Ten,hours Field Experience in K-8 educational settings,required outside of class. Field experiences and,hours are an integral part of each art education,course. Students are expected to participate in,field during the course of the semester in a,professional and timely manner. Students must,complete all required field hours and associated,field experience assignments in the course before,they can register for the next art education,course. Art Education candidates must pass DAE 407,with a grade of ‘C’ (2.00) or higher to qualify,for certification.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAE 315 AND DAE 405


This course surveys the historical and,nonhistorical innovations that have taken place,in graphic design from 1850 to the present.,Students discuss the impact of various,technologies and their influence on the resulting,forms and functions of the objects/images,presented. The social and political climate of,past cultures and their contextual relationship,with design are considered. Thus, students come,to understand design as visual communication that,speaks of its time and place. This course,satisfies the General Elective requirement.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN 102


This course is offered to students who wish to,understand branding, marketing, creative and,integrated marketing communications, and how they,work in industry. The course consists of small,student teams, whose interactions and work efforts,mirror those in an industry marketing firm or,agency. Teams create a new product or service for,their brand, and work to get it ready for a final,presentation to a small group of industry subject,matter experts and practitioners. Over the weeks,,teams conduct secondary research, define a target,audience, develop a strategic brand platform,,brand name and visual ID system, create messaging,content, digital, experiential co-marketing, and,guerilla marketing plans. These are followed by,customer relationship management and customer,loyalty programs, along with personal and team,skill advancement. Teams make weekly presentations,to the instructor, which create an ongoing,feedback loop to enhance team and personal,improvement. This course may count towards liberal,arts or general elective credit.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAS 213 OR DAS 303


The Special Projects class is offered on an,occasional basis, with course content specific,to the area(s) being explored,
,FALL 2023,
,This course will focus on concepts, materials and,techniques regarding the design, construction and,firing of kilns with a specific focus on kilns,fueled by wood, and result in students designing,and building their own kilns and in the building,of a small fast-fire wood-fueled kiln at CCS – an,incredibly efficient, affordable and accessible,type of kiln which is not currently a part of our,facilities.

Credits: 3



The Scriptwriting Workshop offers art and design,students an opportunity to read scripted texts,within the contemporary professional canon,prepared for radio broadcast, theater, television,and film. Scripting mechanics will be emphasized,,including voice and character development,,three-act structure, plot points, sequencing and,stage and shot direction. Students will compose,an original short form work and critique the work,of colleagues. Concepts will be reinforced,through group workshop and discussion. Both,critical reading and artistic sensibility will be,emphasized.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN 102


The Special Project class is offered on an,occasional basis, with course content specific to,the area being explored.,

,FALL 2023,


, COLLAGE: CONTEMPORARY METHODS AND MATERIALS,,This course will investigate and implement the,various materials, techniques, processes, and,concepts of contemporary collage. Students will,work with everything from traditional cut paper,,digital processes, video and audio, installation,,and more. The emphasis will always be on the,making of collages but with a strong consideration,of what this kind of image making does in terms of,meaning, its impact on contemporary art and visual,culture, and its relevance to most cultural forms,operating today.,


,This course is an introduction to exhibition,planning and management within a contemporary art,gallery context. Through readings, presentations,,and hands-on experiences, students will learn,about the exhibition-making process, including,research, curation, exhibition design,,installation, and promotion. By the end of the,course, students will have gained practical,experience in organizing and managing an,exhibition and be equipped with the skills to,become curators and gallery workers within,contemporary art spaces. Open to Non-Majors

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DFA 115, DFA 120


In this advanced class, students will use floor,and dobby looms to further explore more complex,weave structures while expanding the knowledge and,proficiency within the craft of woven textiles.,Special focus is placed on documentation and,presentation of inspiration, creative process. and,finished works are complementary to the,professional practice of this studio course.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DFD 210