The Scriptwriting Workshop offers art and design,students an opportunity to read scripted texts,within the contemporary professional canon,prepared for radio broadcast, theater, television,and film. Scripting mechanics will be emphasized,,including voice and character development,,three-act structure, plot points, sequencing and,stage and shot direction. Students will compose,an original short form work and critique the work,of colleagues. Concepts will be reinforced,through group workshop and discussion. Both,critical reading and artistic sensibility will be,emphasized.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN 102


The Special Project class is offered on an,occasional basis, with course content specific to,the area being explored.,

,FALL 2023,


, COLLAGE: CONTEMPORARY METHODS AND MATERIALS,,This course will investigate and implement the,various materials, techniques, processes, and,concepts of contemporary collage. Students will,work with everything from traditional cut paper,,digital processes, video and audio, installation,,and more. The emphasis will always be on the,making of collages but with a strong consideration,of what this kind of image making does in terms of,meaning, its impact on contemporary art and visual,culture, and its relevance to most cultural forms,operating today.,


,This course is an introduction to exhibition,planning and management within a contemporary art,gallery context. Through readings, presentations,,and hands-on experiences, students will learn,about the exhibition-making process, including,research, curation, exhibition design,,installation, and promotion. By the end of the,course, students will have gained practical,experience in organizing and managing an,exhibition and be equipped with the skills to,become curators and gallery workers within,contemporary art spaces. Open to Non-Majors

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DFA 115, DFA 120


In this advanced class, students will use floor,and dobby looms to further explore more complex,weave structures while expanding the knowledge and,proficiency within the craft of woven textiles.,Special focus is placed on documentation and,presentation of inspiration, creative process. and,finished works are complementary to the,professional practice of this studio course.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DFD 210


This required course, is the second in a sequence,of sophomore courses, that develops an,understanding of theories, processes, and methods,associate with Communication Design practices. ,Through assigned projects, students develop the,ability to research content that translates into,concept, that consider audience, and utilize,creative problem-solving methodologies in order to,create a system of visual communication solutions.,Design Writing, research, and presentation are,included in this studio course, which centers,inquiry around concepts of Communication Design,History in the creation of well-crafted narratives,applied to informed design solutions (print or,digital) that provides a greater understanding of,the rich lexicon of design language(s) past and,present.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DGD 259, DGD 251, DGD 276 OR DGD 211


This required course, is the second in a sequence,of senior year courses, that develops an,understanding of theories, processes, and methods,associate with Communication Design practices. ,Design writing, advanced research methods, and,critical thinking are skills reinforced in this,studio course in order to fully develop the,student’s knowledge of advanced narrative,concepts. Projects expand on the student’s,lexicon of design language(s) and delves into the,role of personal voice in the creation of projects,centered around a personal thesis. Students,create a research log, write a thesis statement,,present, and manage timelines with the support and,guidance of faculty.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DGD 317, DGD 311 OR DGD 312


This beginning class teaches students how to,transform the glass objects that they make into,functional lighting devices. Fabrication,,assembly, and finishing techniques will be,introduced. Students will learn how to safely make,electrical connections and select the appropriate,components for their designs. The skills learned,will be applied to creative projects.,Craftsmanship, problem-solving, and design will be,emphasized.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DGL 142


This course is designed to teach students methods,for mechanical and freehand perspective drawing.,Topics covered are volumetric drawing, equal and,unequal spacing in perspective, one point,(parallel perspective), two point perspective,,three point perspective, inclined perspective,,ellipses (as well as the difference between,ellipses, circles in perspective and ovals), and,tonal values as they relate to atmospheric,perspective and the rendering formula of,highlight, light, shadow, shadow core, reflected,light, and reflected shadow. Also taught are the,understanding of light refraction and rendering of,cast shadows and the use of hard, intermediate and,soft edges to achieve a sense of dimension.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DFN 101, DIL 147


In this course, students explore and develop craft,and principles for the creation of art for,greeting cards, novelties and other retail and,merchandising markets. Students research and,develop products which can potentially be,mass-produced and marketed to diverse audiences.,Students are encouraged and guided towards,researching global cultures, and creating,illustration that reflects diverse individuals,from a variety of race, gender, sexual,identity/orientation,,disability/differently-abled, and economic class.,Students will also develop a list of potential,clients and contacts for the products they,produce. Production methods and procedure for,creation of finished work is open to individual,exploration. Students have the option of using,traditional or digital tools, or three dimensional,mediums.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DIL 231, DIL 261


“Illusionist Painting” is an atelier style course,focused on contemporary representational,practices, with an emphasis on creating the,illusion of form from the live figure. Students,will have extended class time to accomplish,paintings from a diverse grouping of live figure,models of varied race, gender, sexual,identity/orientation, and,disability/differently-abled backgrounds. The,course will,include an observational approach to painting the,human figure and will develop skills in,proportion, perspective, modeling form and,illusion, based on an advanced level. The,advanced class will emphasize the completed image,”lay-in” stages, rendering of complex realistic,and representational form, surface quality, and,personal outlook or “voice.” We will cover,contemporary methods and materials, and,traditional methods in panel painting, canvas and,chassis, ground preparation, pigment preparation,,varnishes and mediums, and mural painting among,other methods and practices.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DIL 231, DIL 247