Learn the ins and outs of working digitally using,Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. Learn to make,images speak your visual language through,composition, framing, and exposure control.
Credits: 0
Learn the ins and outs of working digitally using,Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. Learn to make,images speak your visual language through,composition, framing, and exposure control.
Credits: 0
This hands-on course will guide artists through,the process of creating a web-site showcasing,their work through simple and user-friendly,techniques. Artists of all types will learn how,to promote their work on-line, find ways to link,their sites, and create an interactive CD to use,for promotional purposes.
Credits: 0
A beginning fusing and slumping workshop,exploring basic techniques. The class will,focus on decorative panels and simple slumped,forms. No experience necessary, please bring,safety glasses, a glass cutter, work gloves and,dust mask to first class.
Credits: 0
Credits: 0
Credits: 0
Learn the centuries old technique of transferring,floating paint to fabric, creating one of a kind,textiles.
Credits: 0
Design and create an aesthetically beautiful,chair, stool, or table. Starting with simple,geometric shapes, students will sketch their,ideas, build foam core prototypes, and use a,laser cutter and simple tools to create,functional works of art. No prior experience,necessary. Students will need to purchase,additional materials to create their designs.
Credits: 0
Learn to develop 3D pieces for a portofolio
Credits: 0
It introduces students to the technology of ,photography, from traditional to digital processes
Credits: 0
Work with and learn the benefits of the RAW file ,FORMAT. Create a system to categorize, keyword and,and organize your image files using Lightroom.
Credits: 0