Students continue to develop techniques in,joinery, carving and turning through projects,designed to build their visual and technical,vocabulary. Specified course work increases the,advanced student’s understanding of wood as a,material for making fine art. Special emphasis is,given to finishing processes and additive,construction techniques.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAF 180


In this course, the systematic study of the human,figure is used as the foundation for formal,,conceptual and expressive sculptural explorations.,Students work directly from live models,,instructed in armature building techniques,,modeling from clay and direct body casting. Open,to non-majors with departmental approval.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DFA 130


This course investigates sculpture object making., Students experiment with a wide range of scale,,format, materials and media options, with,emphasis on the creation of meaning in personal,objects. Presentations and readings provide,historical and contemporary context for a deeper,understanding of sculpture as object. Readings,include Queer Phenomenology: Orientations,,Objects, Others by Sara Ahmed,.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DFA 230, DFA 231 OR DFA 332


Through the introduction of the core principles of,time-based media, basic code, prototyping and user,experience, this studio implores students to,explore the concepts of time and interactivity and,its impact on the design and experience of their,work. Students work within an iterative process,to create multiple projects, organizing visual and,other sensory elements in order to understand,perceptual attributes and convey meaningful,messages through objects, spaces and experiences. ,Students research, develop, design and prototype,multiple projects, selecting one to produce and,present as a fully realized piece.

Credits: 3



This course provides students with a comprehensive,overview of the basic fundamentals of,illustration. This course is predominantly,figurative. It is a life drawing class. Students,will study preparatory drawing essentials the,first half of the semester, such as value, light,and shadow (value grouping), controlled drawing,,proportion and composition. The second half of,the semester is devoted to the fundamentals of,painting, such as color theory, color mixing, and,application. The language and understanding of,art terminology will be covered and the creative,process, from ideation to finish will be a crucial,starting point to enable students to create,complex narrative images. This course is,recommended for students who have little,experience with illustration and those who may,need extra time learning the picture-making,process, drawing, painting, illustration concepts,and terminology.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DIL 158, DIL 159