Learn the basics of Adobe Pro Tools to edit music,, voice and sound effects. Analyze and critique, existing soundtracks for animation and feature, films and create your own sound design to an, existing video clip.
Credits: 0
Learn the basics of Adobe Pro Tools to edit music,, voice and sound effects. Analyze and critique, existing soundtracks for animation and feature, films and create your own sound design to an, existing video clip.
Credits: 0
Credits: 0
This course is designed as an overview of the,illustration business and will explore the many,ways illustration can be used in today?s,commercial field. Projects will include an,editorial illustration, a book cover, a political,cartoon and a children?s book illustration.,Students are encouraged to use their medium of,choice to complete each of these projects. Please,bring a sketchbook and pencil to first class.
Credits: 0
Visting Artist Janet Ballweg will lead this,exciting program in the CCS printmaking studio.,Any level of printmaking experience is welcome.,This workshop will focus on combining 2d digital,imaging with photopolymer plate intaglio printing,techniques. Ballweg?s recent work uses these,techniques and has won her recognition around the,world.
Visit some of Detroit’s most beautiful buildings,and learn about the history of architecture and,interior design. Students will be presented with,an empty room and walk through the interior,design process from conceptualizing, measuring,,space planning, drafting, color theory and,material selection. Students will work toward an,idea board that will demonstrate their vision of,the transformation of the space.
Credits: 0
Credits: 0
Credits: 0
Immerse yourself in the sounds that bring pictures,to life. Students will focus on sound effects, ,dialogues, background sounds and how to create,your own sounds to enhance a viewer’s movie exp.
Credits: 0
Credits: 0
Learn the ins and outs of working digitally using,Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. Learn to make,images speak your visual language through,composition, framing, and exposure control.
Credits: 0