This class will be centered on the potential of,the sewing machine as a tool to build both surface,and form. Students will experiment with,two-dimensional techniques like collage, drawing,,and quilting with non-traditional materials. They,will also learn to build sculptural forms using,basic pattern design, from fashion design and hot,air balloon design, to more complex constructions,that employ rigid materials and internal,frameworks. Students will then create a final,piece that combines both surface and form on the,sewing machine. Students should plan to bring,their own sewing machine if able.

Credits: 0



The Survey and Methods course sequence provides an,introduction to six of the major studios in Art,Practice and Crafts/Material Studies. In this,dynamic course, students rotate in three 5-week,sessions through the areas of Metals, Print, and,Fibers/Textiles. Each five-week session provides,students with an understanding of materials,,processes, and protocols that are specific to the,context of each studio. Hands-on projects will,cultivate basic visual and technical skills as,students examine how material exploration can,drive innovation and shape individual processes of,making. Students will be guided to explore,critique methodologies while building vocabulary,to articulate their own creative intent and,analyze the work of others. Survey and Methods is,a two-part course taken during the Freshman year. ,Survey and Methods I takes place the fall,semester, followed by Survey and Methods ll during,winter semester. The courses can be taken in,either sequence.

Credits: 3



Senior Studio ll continues the development and,completion of studio work initiated during the,fall semester Senior Studio. Students engage in a,rigorous critique schedule in addition to studio,visits with professional artists, writers and/or,critics. Senior Studio ll includes the planning,and implementation of an off campus Senior Thesis,exhibition. Working collaboratively, students are,guided in all aspects of mounting their group,exhibition; from developing the promotional,materials, creating the exhibition design and,planning the opening reception. Students are,responsible for documentation of their final,thesis body of work and are required to submit up,to 10 images upon completion of the course. ,Must be Senior status.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DFA 450